
Aug 26, 2018
I really don't understand how this game works. Playing 0.28 and my character always suicide before the end of week 2.
I can do whaterver i want nothing change. My bars are all full except happiness that drops again and again. I only found "dancing in a club" option that could make you happier, but each time i do, i fail and the character is even less happy after that.

This is ridiculous to this point, according to how the game work and my real life, i guess every one should simply suicide cause apparently doing sport, working, doing some reading and watching Tv is something that depress people so much they want to end their life! >.<

Also my clothes are constantly wet, even when the weather is sunny ... Did she know how to dry her clothes ..? This is ridiculous.
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Jul 12, 2019
I really don't understand how this game works. Playing 0.28 and my character always suicide before the end of week 2.
I can do whaterver i want nothing change. My bars are all full except happiness that drops again and again. I only found "dancing in a club" option that could make you happier, but each time i do, i fail and the character is even less happy after that.

This is ridiculous to this point, according to how the game work and my real life, i guess every one should simply suicide cause apparently doing sport, working, doing some reading and watching Tv is something that depress people so much they want to end their life! >.<

Also my clothes are constantly wet, even when the weather is sunny ... Did she know how to dry her clothes ..? This is ridiculous.
Dating, sex app and hanging out seem to slow it down or remove it. But yes if you dont do them its very easy to find your character wanting to die.


Aug 26, 2018
Well i'm sorry but this game is stupid and bugged like hell. I do fuck almost every day, i picked the trait "Easy to please" so she could reach climax before the partner, what was impossible with my other character and the "happiness bar" is moving up and down like a roller coaster with no reason.

I don't know why either but i can't save anymore, i get an error each time i try. And for another stupid reason my character is now a bimbo replacing all the "to" words by "2" and saying dumb things all the time. Why? seriously? This is ridiculous and pretty annoying, making me want to stop the game each time i read those non sense. If she becomes a bimbo cause fucking too much in a game that makes you suicide if you do not have sex 3 days in a row this is even more stupid!

All feels broken i got error messages almost every two pages telling me a macro is missing or something around those lines and it looks like it's getting worst every hour i'm playing. What is going on, do they overwrite stuff on their own code during play to miss like that? I have never seen a Hgame so much bugged and with such non sense in term of mechanics. Is it to push people on patreon to have cheats? So the game is only playable if modifying heavily the data? Come on ...


May 26, 2017
Been a while since I tested this but been keeping up with the updates/changelogs and I think its important to understand that almost all of the development has been put into the backbone for the game and that any type of 'content' is imo mostly just a proof of concept to test that its working as intended.

Would not surprise me at all if its still a year or so off from actually being a game worth playing.


Apr 28, 2018
I just started playing this two days ago as well and there are a couple things I've figured out:
1. The constantly wet clothes is actually talking about your underwear. If you are aroused, your panties get drenched. This is a bigger issue the higher your libido is.
2. Reading and watching TV does nothing for your stats
3. You can reduce stress by doing meditation. Sitting around does so as well, but by much smaller amounts.
4. There is a mechanic that can slowly change your character into a bimbo. I think it depends on how revealing your clothes are.
5. Coffee is bugged. Only the first three cups you drink in the game has any effect.
6. Sex will always you leave aroused because you never end up at 0% on the cum meter even if you both cum at the same time. Must always masturbate after sex.

So I have a question... How do I "unequip" a diaphragm?
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Dec 12, 2019
Yep, in the character menu, there's an "Actions" tab, which also includes a "Milk" action in case one wanted to empty the milkbags before the button appears in the quick action menu.

As for the character going suicidal, it hasn't happened for me, yet, but I also noticed that the PC's health dropped from 100% to 80% after my first sex encounter. I just had her grind through it. Due to one of the recent blog posts, which is previewing the status records, I assume that happened because "Pain from pussy abuse" added 9 stress in the screenshot. I think one third of a workday's stress load is a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if that was also the reason why the PC's health dropped like a rock. Since then, I start off each sex encounter with the PC licking head until reaching a wetness level I'm satisfied with. Then, I switch to having the PC getting eaten out, because there's no way she'd catch up fast enough to orgasm and only after all that I switch to a position involving penetration.

Also, in terms of (sexual) satisfaction, I think masturbation is enough to keep the stat high enough to not suffer negative effects from it. Companionship can be a bit more tricky instead. It seems simply attending a hangout or date raises it a lot, but the different talk/interaction options seem to do little, if anything. Because of that, if you want to maximize your gains on the weekend (or whenever your off days are) it looks like it's the most efficient if you schedule dates with multiple contacts spaced 2~3 hours apart. It has to be different friends because if you schedule an appointment with the same contact on the same day*, that contact will get upset with you because they expect you to show up for the appointment which you've already gone through.
* Contacts will refuse to schedule an appointment if there's already one scheduled ahead, but that doesn't stop you from giving them a booty call at 18:27 to come get some in the park at 18:00. You'll be able to get on that date as soon as 18:28, provided you're already waiting in the park.
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Aug 26, 2018
Personnaly i play with the version on this site now and guess what no more issues, except my character still becoming a bimbo pretty fast for wearing sexy outfit. Yeah of course you can't be sexy without having your brain melt to nothing.
But then i go into cheat and remove the bimbo points and it's fine.
I also can remove a few annoying things like being forced to clean the ground yourself as it seem that she do not do it on her own even if you configure it in the dedicated menu.

So in the end, thank you for people giving clues of how it works (Meditating is nice against stress) but in the end as i suspected it, most of the issues simply comes from bugs. I read patchnote from 0.29 en it looks like they solved at least one of the bugs i have. But as there is currently not really much content in the game and it remains a lot of things to patch, i'll wait on this site for the next "cheat version" to play, as for now it looks like a waste of time in the current state of the game.
I even saved the money of my character to buy "the machine gun" a sex toy that cost a lot and when trying it in my house got a message "You should use a dildo with it" and since you can't buy any cause it's "not implemented" ... Seriously.


Jul 12, 2017
I have been excited a long time for Accidental Woman to turn into a functional game that is pleasant to play. So much potential and supposed content but that is so hard to enjoy playing. Especially with the lackluster navigation in the game.
Now there's an excellent game out that has reached much of what I feel AW wants to become:

Obviously Disco Elysium is not an erotic game. But the game architecture would be perfect for an adult version. Especially the Character Sheet & Thoughts Catalog. Such a good system to model how a protagonist is slowly transformed. Also ties together such as who you become affects your interactions in the world & dialogues. The writing is pretty excellent as well.

Ofc AW contains many (aspirational) systems for modeling things not present in Disco Elysium. But my thinking is, when the existing elements are so excellent, would be much easier to just add more features.

This post in no way is intended to denigrate the huge effort ThaumX and Besty have put into developing AW. Clearly making a complex game from scratch is a gargantuan endeavor, all the more so with just a team of 2 people. Just wanted to comment here since I see these 2 games very related to each other. And I believe many AW fans would be interested to see what are the possibilities. And perhaps delighted if someone made an erotic variant of Disco Elysium.
I certainly would be :)

Disco Elysium is a fantastic game and my GOTY, but I don't think that DE's systems would be a good fit for AW. They're abstracted and stylish, whereas AW ought to do the opposite. The key difference to keep in mind is that AW is a life simulation that relies a lot on procedural generation and the variables that come with it, while DE has none of that and is a purely narrative experience rather than a simulation.

As for the part of your post I bolded; surely that's an understatement? :D The only game I've ever played with writing on par with Disco Elysium is Planescape: Torment. The prose is brilliant.
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Jan 3, 2018
Disco Elysium is a fantastic game and my GOTY, but I don't think that DE's systems would be a good fit for AW. They're abstracted and stylish, whereas AW ought to do the opposite. The key difference to keep in mind is that AW is a life simulation that relies a lot on procedural generation and the variables that come with it, while DE has none of that and is a purely narrative experience rather than a simulation.

As for the part of your post I bolded; surely that's an understatement? :D The only game I've ever played with writing on par with Disco Elysium is Planescape: Torment. The prose is brilliant.
Yeah you are right about the key differences between DE & AW. We'll see if the framework pays off and whether / how long it takes for Accidental Woman to become a game that is actually enjoyable to play. Whereas Disco Elysium is just a blast & with the prose I just can't wait for someone to make an erotic game in that mold :D


Jun 21, 2019
I really don't understand how this game works. Playing 0.28 and my character always suicide before the end of week 2.
I can do whaterver i want nothing change. My bars are all full except happiness that drops again and again. I only found "dancing in a club" option that could make you happier, but each time i do, i fail and the character is even less happy after that.

This is ridiculous to this point, according to how the game work and my real life, i guess every one should simply suicide cause apparently doing sport, working, doing some reading and watching Tv is something that depress people so much they want to end their life! >.<

If you are close to suicide drive to the Clinics area ... in the Private Practice-Region there is a Psychologists who can help you getting your char out of her suicidal mood.
It costs a little bit, but not too much, at least if you started with a Health Insurance


New Member
Feb 16, 2018
im not sure if ive done something wrong or what but i have downloaded the game and go to open it, it opens in chrome and then just sits there loading and nothing happends?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
How I open AWR files ?
From a quick peek at a couple of them, they appear to be just another "text file with a fancy extension", so any good text editor will do. Likewise, most of the actual data storage in there is just JS functions listing endless base64 strings. There's plenty of online converters for those tho not every one of them may be able to correctly interpret any given string so just try several.


Apr 30, 2018
I wrote something that partially unpacks AWR files, but can't create them, nor does it handle them in a particularly robust way. Why do you ask?


Aug 13, 2019
At least another version will be out in a few days, even if nobody is here to give the patreon version.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
I tried, I tried I tried I triiiiiied but the more I read through this thread, the more my mind started blanking and I just decided, "screw it", and came to the latest page here and ultimately, just give it to me straight, BUT FROM EXPERIENCE ACTUALLY PLAYING ONLYPLEASE, how is the game right now?

I liked what I learned of it, and understand and even believe that patience is key but.. yikes, reading this thread fucked with my head, and I just need to know what it's like in the NOW rather than the THEN, so I have a better idea of what I should do, like how long before trying to play it seriously, etc.
Aug 13, 2018
I tried, I tried I tried I triiiiiied but the more I read through this thread, the more my mind started blanking and I just decided, "screw it", and came to the latest page here and ultimately, just give it to me straight, BUT FROM EXPERIENCE ACTUALLY PLAYING ONLYPLEASE, how is the game right now?

I liked what I learned of it, and understand and even believe that patience is key but.. yikes, reading this thread fucked with my head, and I just need to know what it's like in the NOW rather than the THEN, so I have a better idea of what I should do, like how long before trying to play it seriously, etc.
Very empty of content, the updates are piecemeal and the "words/code" per update feels more like an e-peen boost than anything else. The story content is fucking abysmal for several years of work, the game is so overloaded with code and scripting that starting a new day was taking upwards of five minutes, a hundred days or so in, the jobs you can take have *at most* 15 events, many of which aren't sexual in nature and you can only have one job at a time and switching jobs removes your advancement.

Aside from that, there's so much fucking busywork, like lessons for various things having specific times on specific days, that overlap with each other and jobs, period tracking that's accurate to the point of extreme tedium, addiction for stupid shit like cum that isn't able to be turned off (unless that's been changed), which means you have to micro-manage your interaction with sex in a porn game, and a bunch of other shit that I can't remember off the top of my head.

Like shit, I'm aware it's a life-sim game, but there's such a thing as too much.

The TF content is also weak as shit atm, largely focused on breast expansion, lactation (both of which are weakly supported with content aside from the TF themselves), pregnancy-focussed stuff (which is there just to avoid the punishments for engaging in the hyper-preg content like belly-bursting, lmao).

I swear, this is the star citizen of wank-material, so much shit that's been promised, but the devs never seem to be working on stuff that actually matters, like the game being fun. I'm actually pretty steamed that such a good concept has received such fucking awful support with this much blatant mismanagement.


Jan 14, 2018
I tried, I tried I tried I triiiiiied but the more I read through this thread, the more my mind started blanking and I just decided, "screw it", and came to the latest page here and ultimately, just give it to me straight, BUT FROM EXPERIENCE ACTUALLY PLAYING ONLYPLEASE, how is the game right now?

I liked what I learned of it, and understand and even believe that patience is key but.. yikes, reading this thread fucked with my head, and I just need to know what it's like in the NOW rather than the THEN, so I have a better idea of what I should do, like how long before trying to play it seriously, etc.
I'm going to be a bit pessimistic and say that it's not worth playing now and may not become something worth playing, depending on what you're looking for.

I don't think it's worth playing now because the balance is fucky, the actual content is pretty minimal, systems aren't well explained and there's a ton of empty content which isn't gated off, making it a chore to find what is there. This is all fixable with time and some clamping off of empty areas.

I don't think it will be worth playing in future because the game is already so bulky with the systems it already includes that it's just not wieldy. It tries to simulate or track a lot of things, and I give it credit for that, but I don't think it'll ever be able to wrangle all of those systems in a way which is friendly to players. This is alright if you're looking to play, like, the EVE of life sims, but if you're not, I can see players butting heads with all the different systems regularly. I'm not sure this is fixable because the devs seem far more interested in granularity than ease of use, and it feels like they're hitting the limit of what can be achieved in a browser-based game anyway.

I'd say give it two years or so and see how it is then. If there's a bunch more content - Great, may be worth slogging through. If they've made a bunch of QoL and system changes - Great, may not be a slog anymore. If they're still spinning their wheels on hyper-specific mechanic and fetish changes - eeeeeh.
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Jun 20, 2019
That's probably also the reason why this thread stopped having updates. The people that were providing releases stopped supporting the game I'm guessing.

Completely understandable but still gives me sadface.
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