Fair enough, technically all men are accidentally men, you see, the male penis, and testicles are just an inside out version of the female ovaries, the testicles on the inside are a perfect example of that, not only that, that is the reason as to why men have nipples, as in the womb, we all start off as females, and it's not decided till around, I'd say, 5, 6 months in the womb, if I remember properly, that the sex of the child is decided, meaning technically speaking, for all we know, this entire time we could of all been born incorrectly, due to us not having enough genes to properly be born intersex [or hermaphrodites if you want to use that definition, however most intersex folk prefer being referred to as intersex from what I've seen.]
However, as a trans woman, I do like your story, makes me feel valid.
Side note, this game worth playing at all yet? I don't have too much interest in it, due to the fact that it's extremely graphic for some reason, and is just, really gross in a lot of places, however, I'm always interested in text based games I can play in my free time.