The thing with that is this !!
During the party you ask Liam who HE likes !! And his answers are "Megan is for you, probably Missy too by the wya you two been acting" he goes on to say "Rena is a smurf, not interested, Hedwig might be your sloppy seconds but she's ok, and (girl whose name I cant remember and find ugly) is JUST MY TYPE"...
Me giving him two of the girls he found attractive isnt good enough ? I'm only a bro if I give him the girl he wanted to playfully punch for being too jokey ? Hell I'm even open to give him Leah who I find attractive as heck, and has done nothing wrong for MC to ditch her since she came before Megan and Missy anyway...
The only reason tons of people support the RenaxLiam pairing is because they are too greedy and want to keep Megan and Missy for themselves, but since Rena is the 3rd most popular girl, they want to pair her with the best "bro" ever in Erog VNs.
I really like Megan, I mean, as an actual romantic partner she's ideal for the fact that she's kind, loving, caring, utterly selfless, she's honest and open, all of which are qualities that I value greatly, but at the same times she comes off a little bland, at least when compared to Missy and Rena, those two are such firecrackers and love that they have this feisty side to them, adventurous side, wild side, and now Melissa on top of being wild and feisty and all, she's also learning to become more open about her feelings, she's coming in touch with her romantic and sensitive side, which makes her all the more ideal to me, despite the fact that I fell for her the moment I saw her in the coffee shop the first time, haha.
And what really solidified that, was when Megan introduced you and Melissa and you offered your hand to shake hers, instead she was like "No way baby, move the hand out of the way, I'm coming straight in for the kiss instead, 'cause I really like you boy!", that to me was like "Oh shit, I REALLY like HER!"