
Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
As someone has said a little back, "The game at least made you feel something, love it or hate it... until it stopped making you feel anything".

That is precisely the problem. With this amount of random shit that comes out of left field you stop giving a shit about characters you once liked.

I did indeed keep playing the game for the story, since the sex scenes are unfappable trash except for Hedwig's and Rena's if anything. Now I just want to see the ending to see what is the next clusterfuck we are put through.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
I still think the game got ruined in last update 0.6 no matter what comes next, its ruined!! someone else should have "left the building", so we all could have gotten what we wanted!! kinda makes all choices pointless, since it only went one way... was a great game to start with, but now it's just pffft...


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
I still think the game got ruined in last update 0.6 no matter what comes next, its ruined!! someone else should have "left the building", so we all could have gotten what we wanted!! kinda makes all choices pointless, since it only went one way... was a great game to start with, but now it's just pffft...
Yeah it took the most well done polygamous relationship ever and just shit on the whole thing. I mean I'm gonna see it through but damn.


New Member
Sep 22, 2018
this game kinda shit after the update. Like are you kidding me? One of them are dead? Atleast you put one of them(after the other one got saved) into coma or anything like that and not just end it right away. Ffs it used to be a great game(fucking great) in eps1-5. And now? Ugh. This is my fcking opinion on this latest update.
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Active Member
Aug 14, 2017
So, here is what I have learned thus far:

1. People need to learn the notion and usage of spoiler coverage to their posts. I mean, c'mon man.
2. This is the least erotic game I have encountered, and that is one of it's strengths. Sure, there is sex in this, but because the writing and characters were so awesome I was more concerned with the relationships than I was the banging. So well done.
3. There is a valid complaint about determinism in this story. I kinda hope there might be a retcon in the future of some sort.
4. I also hope the author knows that, while many of us have these issues, we all really respect and thank him for such a great experience overall.


Sep 15, 2016
Yeah basically this game took a wrong turn with the EP 6 ending. People dont play these VNs to feel like shit. They want a happy ending - or at least the ability to PICK a happy ending.

The story telling had been great intil the ending of EP6.

I wonder if it will be salvageable for the conclusion of this game...


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
Yeah ... This is not going to be a well-received update. For one thing it took minutes to go through it, so it felt brief. Heavy, sure, but very brief. But mainly because he committed the cardinal sin of stories - he switched genre on us.

Anyone that plays through the first few episodes is buying into a gentle-paced game about tender relationships and trust. Seriously, the kind of players who like the high-violence, gritty, NTR (in the sense that we the audience are robbed of a beloved character by a third-party) games won't be attracted to the early game, and would find it quite a grind to get through the first 4 and a half episodes. No, the kind of players who reach episode 5 and beyond were those buying into a romance genre story.

It's like if the film Reservoir Dogs had spent the first 50 minutes of screentime being a delightful tale about actual stray dogs down by the old reservoir, all family movie style, and then suddenly when the movie is nearing the final third, one of the main character dogs gets run over by a getaway car of armed robbers, and we get the rest of the movie being the Reservoir Dogs movie we know.

Or if in the last third of a Bridget Jones movie, out of the blue suddenly Bridget turns out to be a bunny-boiler that puts Glen Close's version totally to shame, kills the guy, and it suddenly becomes a horror thriller about this crazy killer getting revenge on all men because she's sexually frustrated...

There are movies like that ... you just don't usually see them or ever hear of them again much past release because they suck and people hate them.


Jun 18, 2017
Really didn't like the end of episode 6. Also not a fan of the direction this episode took.
This game started out with a lot of options and choices, after which you get forced into a very specific direction in episode 6 and you "have to make a choice". On one hand the game tells me I have the freedom to choose, but the next moment it smacks me in my face, by completely taking it all away, and forcing me down a very narrow and specific path. This chapter also perfectly illustrated this point: there are effectively no choices anymore. Moreover, the choices I made in the past don't really seem to matter at all. There are just one or two choices that seems to matter.

I really hope the developer can turn it around, though I highly doubt it at this point. Really disappointing.


Jun 3, 2017
Maybe this is the true path and how the story should go.. In the future updates, the dev will make the "what if" story and finally give the polygamous relationship a proper ending. The game always tells us to save when a new chapter enters; probably to segment the story line and allow him to add more to the previous chapters. Just a thought. I'm devastated with the story line..
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