
Aug 10, 2017
My initial goal was to release monthly, before I realized I couldn't pull it off with my hardware. The "sane" and healthy schedule would be 2 months between updates, but I don't like having people paying me monthly and not giving them new content.
Can't you switch the payment model to "per release"? But then again, that would be a two edged sword, knowing that you can take extra time with no immediate consequences. Then the consequences only come later when people unsub if they think you aren't being active enough.

Personally, I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer for releases of the size you produce them.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
Can't you switch the payment model to "per release"?
That's how works, but Patreon and Subscribestar are monthly payment services, unless Hanako actively pauses payments in months no update was put out.


Oct 12, 2021

It's Friday, it's almost Midnight, I've just finished my work for the day and am now eating a sandwich: let's do this!

There isn't really much to talk about in terms of progress. I got a bit sick on Monday so I was forced to take a couple of days off, but then I just worked normally for the rest of the week. I'll need to pick up the pace next week to make up for the lost time, but otherwise I'm proceeding about as good as I could go.

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Last Sunday the poll ended and Stella won. By a landslide. Like, it wasn't even close.
I was honestly shocked. In AVNs the "long lost girlfriend" is always a bit of touchy topic and those characters are usually not the most beloved, so seeing Stella winning in such a convincing fashion means that either I managed to make a character that people like or it's just "new toy syndrome".


Either way, her and MC are going to the mall! This scene is coming along as quite playful, rather horny and with a "teenager in love" vibes., which is quite fitting.
I'm modeling her relationship with MC on my personal experience with my high-school GF (minus the harem part) because that's where those two left it off when they got separated. And I like that, even in the clusterfuck that is MC's life in this moment, she still has someone that makes her feel like a teenager again, free from worries and able to just live in the moment.

I still don't know WHERE I'm gonna place this scene in the chapter, I'm not working "linearly" right now 'cause I got bored of people talking on a couch and needed to do something different.

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Anyway, I'm gonna go back to my sandwich and then to sleep! See y'all next week!



Jan 27, 2022

It's Friday, it's almost Midnight, I've just finished my work for the day and am now eating a sandwich: let's do this!

There isn't really much to talk about in terms of progress. I got a bit sick on Monday so I was forced to take a couple of days off, but then I just worked normally for the rest of the week. I'll need to pick up the pace next week to make up for the lost time, but otherwise I'm proceeding about as good as I could go.

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Last Sunday the poll ended and Stella won. By a landslide. Like, it wasn't even close.
I was honestly shocked. In AVNs the "long lost girlfriend" is always a bit of touchy topic and those characters are usually not the most beloved, so seeing Stella winning in such a convincing fashion means that either I managed to make a character that people like or it's just "new toy syndrome".

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Either way, her and MC are going to the mall! This scene is coming along as quite playful, rather horny and with a "teenager in love" vibes., which is quite fitting.
I'm modeling her relationship with MC on my personal experience with my high-school GF (minus the harem part) because that's where those two left it off when they got separated. And I like that, even in the clusterfuck that is MC's life in this moment, she still has someone that makes her feel like a teenager again, free from worries and able to just live in the moment.

I still don't know WHERE I'm gonna place this scene in the chapter, I'm not working "linearly" right now 'cause I got bored of people talking on a couch and needed to do something different.

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Anyway, I'm gonna go back to my sandwich and then to sleep! See y'all next week!

I think (and in my case for sure) she is accepted well because you dodged a few bullets:
- no past cheating
- no other relationships from her side (that I know of)
- no unnecessary drama
- no either/or decisions between LIs

And to me she seemed just like a nice, likable person, so I was more than willing to give her present self a chance.
Furthermore it is quite unique that the ex is the vanilla-option in a harem game.
Lastly I think she'll fit very well in the WG, that's neat.
Oh and she's beautiful.


Active Member
Dec 26, 2018
I find a bug. If I just choose Alex, after the conversation with Arisu I get this and the game ends. Képernyőkép 2024-07-10 190427.png


Oct 12, 2021

Hi! This is HanakoX broadcasting from my phone in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Since I don't trust my luck working at my PC with this weather, I'll do this a bit earlier then hit the bed.

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So, since the last time we talked I picked up the pace, managing to reach the insane numbers of renders per day that I did towards the end of Chapter 4 (30+ per day is a miracle with my rig). The problem is that this level of productivity is being spent on something that I did not plan to have in this chapter (more on that later).

Everything that follows is mild spoilers for Chapter 5, so if you want to go in without knowing anything: thanks for reading, I'll see ya next week!

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For the others, here's a brief overview of what is going to happen in Chapter 5:
- Right away we pick up where we left off with the Chapter 4 cliffhanger with an action scene.
- Our heroes(?) regroup and plan their next moves.
- MC and Stella dicking around at the mall.
- A threesome. This was not planned, it's straight up "porn logic" and I love it. (<-- I'm currently here)
- Short heart-to-heart scene with the chosen Fujikawa sister.
- Going at a dive bar with Jessica (I don't even know if what I want to do here is possible, I'll keep you updated).
- Training with Janice pt.2.
- Longer scene with the chosen Fujilawa sister.
- Final scene of the chapter.


As you can see there's still quite a bit that needs to be done. Right now I got a number of renders done equivalent to that of Chapter 2, so I might end up breaking the 1000 renders wall.

Storm seems to have subsided, I'll try to sneak in some late night work.
Have a good one and I'll see you next week!


"from my phone in the middle of a thunderstorm"

i can relate to that, damn hailstrom killed two of my outdoor cani plants, damn you Zeus ! :mad:


Jan 27, 2022
I won't spoil me the new chapter, but thanks so much for your work! Can't wait for some more Sarah love :love:


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2021
Thanks but when we will be able to romance rikanno please
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2021

There's 32°C, over 60% humidity and I'm downing iced coffee while working on renders. It must be Friday!

The rendering process is proceeding quite well. I'm currently sitting at over 600 renders, with the goal of reaching 700 during the weekend. If you're on Discord you might've seen that I lost a day of work due to having completely botched the render parameters of an entire scene, forcing me to re-render it completely. There's 32°C, over 60% humidity and I'm downing iced coffee while working on renders. It must be Friday!
The rendering process is proceeding quite well. I'm currently sitting at over 600 renders, with the goal of reaching 700 during the weekend. If you're on Discord you might've seen that I lost a day of work due to having completely botched the render parameters of an entire scene, forcing me to re-render it completely.

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If I can keep up this rhythm and not mess up too much I should be able to finish rendering by the end of July/beginning of August.
My current goal is to release Chapter 5 within the first half of August, for a few reasons:
- I'd like to go on vacation without having to think about the game.
- My proofreader is also going on vacation in late August and won't be available for a couple of weeks.
- I'd like to have the chapter out before we hit the 6 months since the game's first release.


So, I have another week of hardcore grinding in front of me, but I'm excited for what's gonna come after that. I don't wanna talk about it yet (mainly to not jinx it), but good things are supposed to happen this August and I can't wait to share some good news with y'all.
I'll leave you with something completely unrelated that I did while eating breakfast (yes, I do random renders FOR FUN, I have problems.).
See y'all next week!

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Oct 12, 2021
( I guess it should actually be #19 but whatev)

Aight, we got a lot to go through, so no funny preamble.

First: those of you on Discord already know this, but I got a new rig. photo_2024-07-25_12-07-34.jpg
A big unit with a Ryzen 5 4500, 32 GB or RAM and an RTX 3060 with 12 GB of VRAM. This thing is a rendering beast, pumping out renders in a handful of minutes. And it was only possible thanks to you people!
I can't stress enough how much of a boon this new rig is. In the first day of having it operational I've been able to yeet out 66 renders, when normally I could only do between 20 and 30.
Not only is it faster at rendering, but it also lets me more reliably check the preview without wasting ages, leading to better posed renders with less mistakes and more "interesting" lighting.
So, thank you again! This is a small dream that came true all thanks to you lovely people!

Second: Release dates.
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I've been speaking with Luna, my right hand woman, and we penciled down a possible release schedule. This is a bit of an awkward month, with both of us going on vacation at different times, so we'll try our best.
Our goal is to release in the weekend of the 10th-11th of August. In order to do so I'll need to have everything wrapped up and coded by the 9th and she'll have to do her magic as soon as she gets back home. It's not impossible, it's the best case scenario, but it'll be tight. So stay tuned, hopefully next week I'll be able to confirm or deny the previous statement.

Third: Jessica
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I had to do a bit of a rewrite and change my plans for the blondie for this chapter.
She's the character me and Luna went back and forth the most as to when it felt right to "pull the trigger" and have her sex scene with MC.
We really wanted to approach the topic of "straight girl turns gay" without falling into the pitfalls of making her turn too quickly or making it feel cheap.
I'm aware that one of the "recurring" criticism about the game is that the girls jump into bed "too quickly", but it's one that I generally disregard because it is so by design. But Jess is different.
I've slowly sowing the seeds of her romance throughout the game and Chapter 5 was supposed to be the one where it happened, but it didn't feel right.

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Without spoiling too much, her "date" ended with her quite inhebriated and it really felt shitty to have her first time with her being tipsy taking a spur-of-the-moment decision to jump in MC's arms. I went through various rewrites until finally I landed on a version that I liked. You'll get a "compensation" sex scene with another character, but Jess will have to wait until Chapter 6.


Also there's the fact that SOMEONE ELSE wink wink nudge nudge gets their first sex scene and having both happen in the same chapter felt weird pacing-wise. Also I'm at 900 renders right now and still got a shitton to do (and by shitton I mean 2 scenes and a half).

Oh yeah, we are breaking the 1000 renders for this chapter. Hurray?
I'll see you next week!

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