Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Adam and Gaia : THXE [R4 C] [Doomed City]

4.70 star(s) 3 Votes

How much should the current game systems be revised?

  • Combat - Lots, need combat to be so fun I would play it even without porn.

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Combat - Some, need a few encounters to be balanced to be great.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Combat - Little, don't let the RPG mechanic get in the way of my fapping.

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • Towns - Lots, need towns to be so complex that it's almost it's own game.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Towns - Some, there should be some complexity, but not too much.

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • Towns - Little, just make a few small improvments here and there.

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Bases - Lots, need bases to have much more complexity and things to manage.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Bases - Some, need a few more things to have to manage.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Bases - Little, just add a few small improvements.

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • General - Only make the improvments you think need to be made.

    Votes: 32 56.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hey everyone, just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how things are coming.

I'm still working on it just been a bit busy working on some other projects, but I'm still working on it.

Before I got busy I did manage to do a couple of things. ;)

1.) Daughter Limit Raised to 960 per Matron. I got paging working well and now you can have 40 pages of 24 daughters each.
2.) I overhauled and expanded the RPG system of the game.
  • There is now a functional if basic inventory system that allows you to switch weapons and armor that you have obtained in your travels.
  • Ranged Weapons are now a separate category once again, they are useful even when you have stronger melee weapons because they will apply a bleed debuff to enemies.
  • The late game weapons/armors now have special properties that affect combat.
  • The battle system now supports fighting up to 3 enemies at once.
  • Their is an on-screen combat log to let you keep track of what has happened.

Sorry I can't give an exact estimate about how much time it will take to get things ready, but hopefully you will enjoy it once you get your hands on it.

For now go and play any of the many fine games available on the site... or maybe one of the ones I've worked on. ;)

Adventures of a Changed Boy: Prologue Chapter 1 - Lead programmer
Amity Park - Character Portraiting (Placing characters on screen and choosing expressions) on Episode 5 Star/Paulina routes.
Last edited:


Jul 21, 2019
I'm want to play the game but I'm COMPLETELY out of my depth when it comes to downloading the game and I can't find anyone to ask. I have tried to download similar games before but I couldn't get them to work properly. Can someone either write up a "for dummies" instruction manual on how to do that or point me at somewhere that already has one posted? Just to be clear it's not so much downloading it as how to open it up, in what format to properly play it and anything else needed if there are patches later on.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
I'm want to play the game but I'm COMPLETELY out of my depth when it comes to downloading the game and I can't find anyone to ask. I have tried to download similar games before but I couldn't get them to work properly. Can someone either write up a "for dummies" instruction manual on how to do that or point me at somewhere that already has one posted? Just to be clear it's not so much downloading it as how to open it up, in what format to properly play it and anything else needed if there are patches later on.
Easiest way to download this (and similar) would be to use a program, for example the free JDownloader or better "JDownloader2". It takes the links, downloads them and even unrar most stuff.

Besides it would be wise to have an actual program to unrar stuff. Like 7zip or "WinRAR".

Last step is just to find the starting file (mostly some .exe).

Just copy the words JDownloader2 and WinRAR into google to get them.
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Reactions: Epadder and Poisonh


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the long silence, I ended up working on A Town Uncovered back in June and with my other commitments I ended up getting swamped in work and didn't have a lot of time to work on this project. As I am now no longer working on A Town Uncovered and once again have the time, I'm going to be able to commit more of my time to working on this project.

Right now there is still quite a bit to do, I'm hoping I will be able to give you an update within a few months. I still have a lot of writing to do for the Generation System, which is an agonizingly slow process for me at times. I bit off quite a lot by implementing the system at the level of complexity I decided on. :eek:

During June I did manage to finish all the writing for the 5 variations of the 4 foreplay scenes... and since I see people like to tout word count... I'll flaunt mine too... 10,000+ for those sections. :LOL:

The pains of doing things for the first time... it all takes much longer than you thought it would. *sigh*

Hope everyone still watching this thread has a good day. I'll try not to be as much of a stranger and keep you guys posted on how things are going.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hey everyone so here's what's been going on,

I'm about 50% done with the writing for the random encounter scenes.

I also have implemented every zone has a unique random encounter pool of girls to pull from (If you generate an encounter on the world map entering a zone, it randomize what pool you use and then randomize which encounter you pull).

Also so that you don't get repeat encounters too often, when you encounter a girl from a pool, she is removed from the available encounters until their are no encounters left and then the pool is regenerated. This is also the time at which if more files are added to the folder that new scenes/girls will be added as possibilities.

When I wasn't up to doing the writing, I ended doing some more UI tweaks beyond what I did many months ago.

I did remove the rotating background feature totally, as it never preformed the way I wanted it to... so now the background will only change when you visit a particular location. It's a little less dynamic, but will run much smoother.

Also tried to adjust the clutter on the navigation screens and also help differentiate sub-buttons under a header.

That's mainly what I've been up to for the project, will give you an update in a week or so on my progress... for now enjoy the screenshots below illustrating a few shots of a random encounter and the UI overhauls (Early Game to Late Game).

Hope you all have a good day. :) (y)


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 3:

100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
40% - Timid Personality Sex Scenes
0% - Serene Personality Sex Scenes
0% - Adventurous Personality Sex Scenes
0% - Sultry Personality Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

Tweaks to the internal system are ongoing to balance encounters for Normal/Hard (Super Easy/Easy are imbalanced in your favor as they are supposed to be).
Scrolling Combat Text on Enemies Implemented - Instead of just relying on the combat log, this gives a more immediate visual for damage dealt to your opponents.
Defeated Enemies Stay on Screen instead of just vanishing.
The end of the battle has a slight delay so that you can tell more easily how you won, was just instantly throwing you to the after battle decisions before.

Item discovery tweaks, so you won't end up back where you picked up an item before.
Now if all equipment to discover is gone from a zone you will instead find a resource 'cache' containing a significant amount of resources to help you build things.

Updated the background for 'sexy' times are soon to follow.

So that's how things are going, will include some screenshots below. It will take me some more time, been busy with the other projects I work on, but hopefully I can get this into everyone's hands before too much longer.

Hope everything is going well for everyone and that you have a good day. :D


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 4:


100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
85% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
40% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
0% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
0% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

(Repeatable meaning will be selected from the 'bedroom' interaction)

Mostly just a focus on writing since the last update, Timid should be finished very soon with Serene right after.

I have determined I need an extra scene though, originally a daughter's first time was going to be more a variation on one of the repeatable scenes. The imagery would not include the traditional 'defloweration' indication of blood though, I also avoided using those scenes for your daughter's repeatable scenes... because I felt it clashed too much with the idea of it being a similar encounter after you unlocked the position after a date at the appropriate relationship level.

But the more I thought about it the more it felt like it would be a disservice to the update to not include a scene more specifically for the 'first time' which would be the 2nd unlockable scene.

So now each daughter will have a 'foreplay' scene drawn from the pool a 'first time' scene that will have to be the same (very rarely is there imagery for an alternate defloweration also a bit hard to implement in my current methodology), and then 2 additional scenes that will be unlocked.

One other change to progression that I haven't implemented yet, but will before release is instead of this type of personality shift...

Timid > Serene
Serene > Adventurous
Adventurous > Sultry

I will instead make it less static and give a chance for things to change in more dynamic way...

Timid > Serene or Adventurous or Sultry
Serene > Adventurous or Sultry
Adventurous > Serene or Sultry

I feel that it would be better if the personality change was a bit less predictable... :D

Anywho that's the current state of affairs, I hope everyone has a good day and will update the progress I've been making more in a couple of weeks.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 5:


100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
0% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
0% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

(Repeatable meaning will be selected from the 'bedroom' interaction)

More writing mostly, got Timid and Serene personalities wrapped up and finished.

I did implement the system I talked about in the last update for the personality shift to not be static, but be more dynamic and will now occur after 5 non-foreplay only sexual encounters and maxed relationship.

I am also going to shift the ability to use the 'bedroom' interaction to having max relationship with them, as I feel that makes more sense... having it like that makes the unlocked scenes make more sense... especially with the extra scene of their first time now being integrated.

Which I have been going back through and picking out the most appropriate scene (clear defloweration) or at least a scene that I didn't use before (duplicate scenes of a certain sexual position)...

I have had to change a few of my original choices though because I could not come up with either, but oh well those characters are moving into the random encounter pools for each location so that work will not go to waste and you can still find them out in the wild and have lots of 'fun' together. ;)


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 6:

The same

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Just a short update this time, unfortunately haven't gotten much done these past two weeks... been busy with the other projects I'm working on and haven't had the time to really write and finish up the scenes.

I've sorted through more images looking for the first time scenes and replacing the characters who don't have anything I can use.


Hopefully report 7 I will at least have finished the adventurous scenes up.

Till next time, have a good day.
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Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 7:


100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
60% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
50% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 3 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
0% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
0% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

(Repeatable meaning will be selected from the 'bedroom' interaction)

Okay got some writing done finally, not as much as I wanted but now I can hopefully at least finish Adventurous and Sultry up within the next two weeks.

I also finished looking over the remaining image choices for the daughters of the various matrons and have found replacements for most... still need to find about 13 more, but hopefully I can get that sorted out by next time too.

The random encounter pool grows larger... ;)

After some more consideration I have also altered things slightly again with the personality advancement, it will now happen at max relationship with 4 scenes unlocked. That is all the scenes except the 3p (threesome) scene of Venus' daughter's, what this means is now that those scenes will no longer require the 'Timid' personality to be accounted for, because by that point personality advancement will need to have taken place. So that should make writing those scenes a little easier... also makes more sense to me as I don't feel like a Timid girl is going to go into that situation... I mean it can happen rarely, but making it a 'normal' possibility seems weird.


Anyway everyone have a good day and see you in two weeks with another update on my progress.


Jul 21, 2019
Generations Update Progress Report 7:


100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
60% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
50% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 3 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
0% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
0% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

(Repeatable meaning will be selected from the 'bedroom' interaction)

Okay got some writing done finally, not as much as I wanted but now I can hopefully at least finish Adventurous and Sultry up within the next two weeks.

I also finished looking over the remaining image choices for the daughters of the various matrons and have found replacements for most... still need to find about 13 more, but hopefully I can get that sorted out by next time too.

The random encounter pool grows larger... ;)

After some more consideration I have also altered things slightly again with the personality advancement, it will now happen at max relationship with 4 scenes unlocked. That is all the scenes except the 3p (threesome) scene of Venus' daughter's, what this means is now that those scenes will no longer require the 'Timid' personality to be accounted for, because by that point personality advancement will need to have taken place. So that should make writing those scenes a little easier... also makes more sense to me as I don't feel like a Timid girl is going to go into that situation... I mean it can happen rarely, but making it a 'normal' possibility seems weird.


Anyway everyone have a good day and see you in two weeks with another update on my progress.

Hi, I'm an utter noob when it comes to downloading things like this.
Is there a way for me to download the full game with all the updates in one go or do I need to download the original file, then the updates, and put them together myself. Also I was going to use JDownload2 to do it and was wondering if that was what you'd recommend.
Please advise!!


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hi, I'm an utter noob when it comes to downloading things like this.
Is there a way for me to download the full game with all the updates in one go or do I need to download the original file, then the updates, and put them together myself. Also I was going to use JDownload2 to do it and was wondering if that was what you'd recommend.
Please advise!!
If you download the link from the first post that has is the current version and has all the patches and fixes that I made after the release of the 'Foundation' update version.

The 'Generations' update version doesn't have a released build yet, which I'm currently working on atm.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 8:


100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 3 personality variants.
0% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available)
0% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
0% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
0% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

(Repeatable meaning will be selected from the 'bedroom' interaction)

Alright managed to finish up the Adventurous and Sultry Personalities sex scene writing, despite a fairly busy two weeks.

I'll also got through picking the replacement characters for Sita's daughters that did not have an appropriate first time scene.

I hope to at least by the next progress update have finished the Timid/Serene/Adventurous Personalities First Time Scenes, and have the replacement character's for Venus' daughters picked.

If I can beat my expectations that would be great, but with the holidays approaching and work for the other paying projects needing to be prioritized I won't make any promises of getting further than that. :whistle:

I'll be back on the 20th to let everyone know how things have come along, until then everyone have a good couple of weeks and take care.

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Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Generations Update Progress Report 9:

100% - Random Encounter Foreplay Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Foreplay Scenes
100% - Random Encounter Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Serene Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Adventurous Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Sultry Personality Repeatable Sex Scenes
100% - Timid Personality First Time Scene
100% - Serene Personality First Time Scene
100% - Adventurous Personality First Time Scene
66% - Pregnant sex scenes with generated daughter's (for those who have it available) (3 personality variants.)
0% - 3p scenes for the children of Venus, all 4 3 personality variants.
0% - Monster Matrons and Venus 'Bedroom' Scene that were cut from foundation.

Alright I got the first time scenes, 2/3rds of the personality variants done for the pregnant sex scenes written, and the after victory encounters for the Human battles has been expanded to 120 variants (20 per zone).

I didn't get to finding the replacements for Venus yet... so you win some and lose some. :whistle:

So getting closer, but with the holidays coming up and the other projects I'm working on needing more attention... I'm going to go ahead and say the next progress report won't be until Jan 10th. I hope that I will have finished up the Pregnant scenes and started on the 3p scenes by that point.

I will also try and get those images sorted out during the next 3 weeks.

Everyone have a good holiday / next 3 weeks, I will be back on the 10th to let you know how things have gone. sticker (61).png


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I am actually really excited try this further. I enjoy the original, and some of the changes you stated sound amazing, more emphasis on management, more rpg elements, rad, and the change from real porn, and hentai to pure hentai? Even more rad, the blend in the original always seemed corny, like the non human charecters were completely pointless and the game expected you to just kill them all off.

However, I have started to play it and something Ive noticed off the bat. Maybe its just my pc, but the image transitions while navigating the UI seems to make it lag. It has to load the image before youre able to actually move locations. Since it takes a few miliseconds to load, I found myself having to click the UI, two sometimes 3 times depending on rather or not I moused over any other locations before hand or not.

The design looks cool, but the delay will likely get old really fast. So is it possible to have the game prioritize the click over the image loads? If so than the issue should take care of itself and not cause you to change it, or rob the people who dont have the issue of the cool image changes.

I tried messing with the graphics options, honestly some tooltips telling you what shit does would be cool. I saw no difference in my UI issue.
4.70 star(s) 3 Votes