Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Adam and Gaia : THXE [R4 C] [Doomed City]

4.70 star(s) 3 Votes

How much should the current game systems be revised?

  • Combat - Lots, need combat to be so fun I would play it even without porn.

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Combat - Some, need a few encounters to be balanced to be great.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Combat - Little, don't let the RPG mechanic get in the way of my fapping.

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • Towns - Lots, need towns to be so complex that it's almost it's own game.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Towns - Some, there should be some complexity, but not too much.

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • Towns - Little, just make a few small improvments here and there.

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • Bases - Lots, need bases to have much more complexity and things to manage.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Bases - Some, need a few more things to have to manage.

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Bases - Little, just add a few small improvements.

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • General - Only make the improvments you think need to be made.

    Votes: 32 56.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@Acez Zeus - yep that's exactly what I'm doing :D. I really wanted consistency between the human and monster side of things visually so I thought it best to go full hand-drawn.

GIFs are hell on hard-drive space, so because these are all non-animated WEBP images I could save a lot of space. I mean converting the original game over to WEBM also reduced the size to 3.4 GBs or so. :LOL:

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
@Epadder As someone who has a daily download limit I fully approve. Also in my honest opinion 2D drawn art is better than most 3D these days everything is usually more detailed and much more clearer as compared to 3D art in 2D or even some real pictures. I was sad that I wouldn't get to play the game when I originally found it on here the other day, I liked the concept but couldn't download it merely because of it's size. Also Renpy is one of the smoothest running game platforms I have seen.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hey everyone out there in TV land just dropping in here to give a quick update :D

Generation System:
  • I have finished the selection process and expanded the pool of daughters in the random generation system.
  • All Human Matrons except for Nut, Nephthys, and Venus will now have 20 daughters in their pool.
  • Nut and Nephthys have 16 and Venus has 8 twins (still 16 girls but they are a paired set).
  • When daughters are pulled from the available pool they will not be repeats until you have seen each once.
  • The amount of available scenes per daughter has also been expanded, so even when you start getting repeats it is very likely that they will still not be identical.
  • It is possible to add your own files into the pool (If you want more details about the exact process I can post them here or I will just leave the instructions in the game folder for those who dare.)
  • Scenes will be based on 3 possible personalities and sexual experience, so your Timid girl won't stay timid after she has enough sexual encounters.

Additional UI Tweaks:
  • A pregnancy indicator has been added to the frames for the Matrons and your daughters.
  • An indicator for new scenes being unlocked and then watched has been added to your daughters to help you keep track of your progress with them quickly.
  • Human Home Screen and Monster-girl Home Screen have been changed to be 3 rows of 4 Matrons (fills as you acquire them) and the back button has been moved to the bottom right corner.
  • The flash effect now has an option to tone it down, for those who have epilepsy concerns or just those who find it annoying.
  • All Matrons that used 4:3 aspect ratio images are now composited on screen instead of cropped to fit 16:9.
  • Pregnancy checks will no longer fire when in memory-mode.
Well that's it at the moment for this update, thanks for playing and reading if you made it this far in the wall of text :D:whistle:


Mar 23, 2018
I'm a little confused about how to find people to live in my towns. Is there some kind of guide available?


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@ZugBub9000 - The human towns you can found are populated with the women you encounter and defeat in battle by the location of the encounter. The hub monster-girl town is populated with the monster-girls you encountered in battle regardless of location.

Here's an example:

If you are on the coast and encounter a human woman in battle after fending her off you will be presented with choices, which you will be presented with again if you choose to have sex aka 'fun', the last two choices are the two different ways to recruit her.

The first one has a chance to fail and the virtuous way to recruit, it currently requires your Charisma to just be higher than a statically defined persuasion threshold or that you successfully impregnated the woman before you tried to convince her. In the next update I have upgraded that system a little bit and the persuasion threshold is calculated instead based on the level and type of creature you are trying to convince.
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The second one is always successful at the cost of gaining Corruption and damaging your relationship with Fee if she is currently your Muse.

As a side note:
If your level is double the level of the creature you encounter, you will not have to face them in battle and will get an automatic 'win' and be presented with the same choices as if you won a battle.

I hope that answered your question. :D
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I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Saw that Beornwhal updated his version and remembered this version exists. Liked the OP so that I won't forget next time. Side note, tag me next update to be safe so I can promote the thread.

@Eoin Mind giving Epadder some Modder tags or even Dev tags cause personally thing this "mod" has gone beyond being a mod. It's more of a Ren'py remake.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I editted it out but now that you have the Modder tag you should have the option to do so yourself. On the 1st page of this thread you should see this new drop down option: How to Promote.png Basically with this you choose Promote Thread option then change the date and time to what ever the correct date and time then promote the thread and it'll appear in the Update feed. But if it's not then I can still do it.
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Reactions: Epadder


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
Hello Everyone out there here's a progress report and status of what the next updates will bring.

Next Update (Generations):

  • Level cap increased to 100.
  • UI Visual and Functional Updates.
  • Option to change the orgasm fast double flash to a slower fade to white and then fades away.
  • Hanu will be recruitable as a Matron, short encounter to recruit (basically if you went through the Sita quest I feel you've already had a grand adventure with her already).
  • The Generation System for Human Daughters (more below).
  • The Encounter System for world exploration (more below).
  • Updated Persuasion system for town recruitment, including the crystal persuastion correctly adding corruption.
  • Added ability to reassign castle workforce from the crafting area to any town you have founded, only send to towns from the castle and not from towns to castle at the moment.
  • Disabling the cow-girl (she will return in a different way) scene and the single random human girl (gone for good) encounter.
  • Some updated Victory Sequences (Replaced a few plant girls, undead, slime-girls, and humans. Also brought the total amount of variety for humans to 50 from 36.)
  • Reduced image/sound size while still keeping a good quality, images are now being composited to save size (size comparisons below).
  • Freia (F2), Izanami, Inanna, Nut, and Morrigan have specific scenes when called to the bedroom when pregnant that have been added.

The Generation System for Human Daughters:
  • 240 Characters split between 12 Matrons, which is 20 daughters each. (I filled out Venus, Nut, and Nephthys so they weren't the only ones without 20)
  • A daughter will have 1 foreplay scene and 2 sex scenes to unlock by interacting with them.
  • There are icons to indicate different states for matrons and daughters, an open lock means there is a scene that is available but not yet viewed, a red heart on the left means that the available scene has been viewed, a gold heart on the right means that character is pregnant, and a hot pink heart on the right means the character is pregnant and has a sex scene for when they are pregnant.
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  • The daughters will spawn with 3 different personalities, as they become more sexually experienced they will 'ascend the scale' so to speak and transition up one level, meaning there are 4 different personalities effectively.
  • Venus and her daughters will always spawn a pair of twins, these twins always have a threesome scene that can be unlocked when both are at their maximum relationship.
  • Almost Every daughter in the system has 6 available scenes to choose from when they are born, it should be very unlikely that you will have many repeats until you have over 40 daughters)
  • Maximum of 100 generated daughters per Matron (started to lag too much, if I can figure out a good way to paginate them maybe I'll increase the limit)
  • The ability to add your own image sets to the pool to use as daughters (I'll include more detailed instructions in the folder)
The Human Encounter System for World Exploration:
  • 20 Characters you can encounter in the wild who will drag you away to have sex.
  • The encounter will consist of foreplay and then sex.
  • After your encounter you will have a chance to recruit them to go live in one of the various towns you have founded (is not limited by current location like Victory Scenes).
  • These characters are removed from the available pool as you encounter them, meaning you will not get repeats until you have encountered them all.
  • Once you have encountered them all, the pool will be regenerated with a new version of that character.
  • These characters have 3-5 scenes that they can draw from to generate the encounter.
  • You also can add your own image sets like the Generation system.
File size comparison (Format of: What Files/Foundation Size/Generations Size):
  • Music and Vocals / 397 MB / 233 MB
  • Victory Scenes / 173 MB / 50 MB
  • Character Folder / 497 MB / 337 MB
  • Generation and Encounter Folder / 0 MB / 712 MB
  • Entire Game Extracted / 1.48 GB / 1.72 GB

Next Update (Exploration):

  • Sybil added as a Matron, (more involved will take multiple visits).
  • 80 more girls added to the Human Encounter Pool.
  • 50 more girls added to the Human Victory Scene Pool.
  • The Monster-girl Resident System, residents are like mini matrons that can go live in the monster-town you found.
  • The Monster-girl Encounter System, non-repeating encounters that once viewed just get added to player memories.
  • Monster-girl victory scenes rewritten for virtuous players and edited for corrupt players.
  • The crafting area of the castle will be upgradable at level 10 into it's own village, it will contain it's own upgrade system that will have facilities like in the original games (not the same).
  • All monster-girl matrons and Venus will have bedroom scenes added.
  • The previous updates will be more closely scrutinized for spelling/grammar mistakes, sentence structure, scene special effects, gameplay balance, and any concerns that have been brought up since the Generations Update.

Update After Exploration (Sanctuary):
  • Level Cap expanded to 150.
  • Two new areas on the main map 'Deep Forest' and 'Far Coast' will be added.
  • Adding the Elven content from the main game to the mod, in my own way of course.
  • Three additional non-human Matrons will be added to the game... their names are Pazanza, Sarina, and Jewel.
  • Sanctuary will have it's own upgrade system like the original encampment and Sphynx's Tower.

There's an update with my future plans, I know I split out some stuff I intended to push into Generations, but I felt that what is included is significant enough to release and let you experience instead of adding even more time until it's release.

The past few weeks were spent finishing up the selection and editing of the characters going into the Generation Pool, converting files into composite-able images, and then updating the code to accept and use those composites. Along with various small tweaks along the way in new and old system to make them run smoother.

I don't want to put an exact date on it, because I still have a good amount of work to do to finish up Generations, but I'm in the home stretch of this update. :whistle::sleep:
Added preview of Rheia's daughter screen with 16 daughter's at various states with various icons to illustrate how it will look. :D


Feb 19, 2018
Well...where do I start? This game is radically different from what I was expecting. Unfortunately I'm not quite sure whats going on in this game.

Going to different zones is time consuming since u have to wait for the background to fade to a different picture. Can't just click and go.

The zones have almost no uniqueness to them. I encounter the same girls in all the zones and there doesn't seem to be much variety to the scenes if at all. Not sure if I prefer the real porn version or not.

At least so far I've yet to run into any unique character that your can bring home. Not sure if the plot is going to be similar, but I really do miss the mom and the fat girl (i like fat chicks). I'm not usually big on mom-son stuff but under the circumstances it was pretty fuckin hot.

As far as I can tell, there's not much interaction with the monster town other than assigning people to stuff. I can't see who I have like before and interact. While the vanilla A&G's sort system was horrendous, needing a filter system, it was their and the best resource you have.

I'm not shitting on the game, and I understand that works in progress can be a little bear sometimes, it just seems like there's almost nothing here. The hentai instead of porn is a nice idea, but its really gotta cater to a variety of fetishes. And having a harum of breeding girls needs options. Personally I'd like to see much more focus on the breeding part with all kinds of "females".

I could go on about what I'd like to see in the game, but I'm aware the developer isn't a Merlin and can't just poof the game into existence. And of course it's possible I just haven't encountered the content that's their just yet. Unfortunately I get bored to fast with it. But, we'll see where it goes. Hopefully it doesn't get to vanilla.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
@fdiscodude - If you go to Config > Text > Skip and select "Transitions", you can disable the dissolving effect that is making the buttons less responsive.

I have also given up on the hover effect completely in the next update and am changing it around so that there is a brief dissolve when you change screens, but this does not render the buttons unresponsive like the current system does. :(

All the original Matrons (Matriarchs/Broodmothers) are in the game currently, surprised you didn't hit at least one quest thread while playing.. :unsure:

If the one human girl and one monster-girl encounter are becoming too repetitive you can disable them in Config > Gamplay > "Random Human Encounters" and "Random Monster-girl Encounters".

Otherwise it'll just be time for me to add more content, I didn't want to do the content completely the same way as the original version.

Thanks for the feedback on the current version, there is a new version on the way detailed in the post above. :D


Aug 15, 2017
If anyone fancies playing this on a Mac, here's a Mac version. Tested and working, but let me know if you encounter any issues.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
If anyone fancies playing this on a Mac, here's a Mac version. Tested and working, but let me know if you encounter any issues.
Thanks @Hoostevall, I didn't release a Mac or Linux version because I have no way to test them and wasn't sure how much demand their would be for them. :unsure:

If people would like them and wouldn't mind being guinea pigs and reporting issues back to me I will happily upload and link those builds after someone verifies there aren't any issues. :D

For anyone reading this, just give me a PM ("Start a Conversation") with me and let me know if you would be interested in testing a Mac/Linux version of the next update before release. ;)


Aug 15, 2017
Thanks @Hoostevall, I didn't release a Mac or Linux version because I have no way to test them and wasn't sure how much demand their would be for them. :unsure:

If people would like them and wouldn't mind being guinea pigs and reporting issues back to me I will happily upload and link those builds after someone verifies there aren't any issues. :D

For anyone reading this, just give me a PM ("Start a Conversation") with me and let me know if you would be interested in testing a Mac/Linux version of the next update before release. ;)
I hope you didn't think I was taking your job haha. It's just I have a Mac so I prefer playing the game natively, and since I made one for myself didn't really see an issue if I shared it. Let me know if you want me to remove my link once you get an official version up!


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
I hope you didn't think I was taking your job haha. It's just I have a Mac so I prefer playing the game natively, and since I made one for myself didn't really see an issue if I shared it. Let me know if you want me to remove my link once you get an official version up!
No not at all :D.

I just wanted to get more feedback on having the Mac/Linux versions and if there are others out there who could help with those, I only have a Windows PC and an Android Fire to test the game on. :)


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2016
In the spirit of new feedback, I've added a new poll to the thread to get responses now that it's been quite awhile since the one that was there closed. :D
4.70 star(s) 3 Votes