Just a quick update to everyone out there as to what is going on...
I'm still working on the next update, just been a lot slower going than I hoped... I'm so sick of being sick and tired

Right now I'm going back over the initial image sets I originally chose for the Daughter Generation System, because of course as you do something you get better at the process and make wiser choices.
With this system coming in the next update I was curious on what people think about how this will effect their current saves, my current thought is to offer a choice when you load your old save to either:
- Generate Daughters for all the ones you've already had.
- Only new daughters to use the new system.
The old ones will just remain in your crafting area/are able to be sent to founded villages.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or questions please don't hesitate to speak up. I'll reply as soon as I can
