4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
You don't. It's only for mods and uploaders but I can do it for you
That would really be great! Thank you, Ace!

Rhea is still broken on sex, and after sex with kids, "return" takes you to the plains burrow/village/wasp hole whatever.
You need the latest version 1.1.0 download and a fresh save for the bug fixes to take effect. That should work, hopefully...

Beornwahl, I found tiny bug when you open Domain. You can't go back. Somehow command <<back "Return">> on Domain passage don't work. Its easy to fix, you just change it with <<return "Return">> and it work fine again.

For others, if you using 1.1.0 avoid go to Domain page. You can't escape from there unless you reaload save files.
Thanks, CI909! Should be fixed now, but foolish it was there in the first place!

can i chop the elf trees or should i not?
Sure you can, the text simply adds some of the old myths about the subject. It poses no negative gameplay effect... yet...
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Oct 16, 2016
lets be a little civilizated, i mean everyone is mentioning bugs and some are repeated in a lot of posts, i restarted the game not much time ago and im using the lastest version of the game and i started the game from zero without using old save games, im gonna try to regroup all bugs i confirmed for now in a single post to make things easy for the developer and i will edit the post till i finish the game, for now i think these are the bugs i confirmed so far.

-as Cl909 mentioned in post #473 when you open Domain the return button does not work, he even mentioned how to fix it in the said post. (confirmed bug)

- as schaapjes mentioned in post #489 sometimes when building certain constructions it takes more resources than the needed resources even can go to negative number too.(confirmed bug)

- as georgetakei mentioned in post #500 its impossible to find any buildable structures on the jungles area (confirmed bug afer exploring the area for about 48 consecutive weeks)

- as lodadsaq mentioned in post #487 the same post provides a screenshot and all. (confirmed after looking the same text ingame for me)

- as lodadsaq mentioned in post #492 pictures of daugthers sometimes doesnt display correctly.(partially confirmed, im using firefox and restarting the browser and loading the save game they display sometimes correclty again but overtime the same problem happens again)

thats all for now more to come after i play some more.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Have you considered converting your .gif files to the webm or MP4 formats? I'm not sure how much work it would be, but it would make a huge difference in file sizes with little to no quality loss.

I used to convert.

How to embed video into Twine:

5.3MB (GIF) vs 154KB (Webm) vs 508KB (MP4)
View attachment 40128
Oh yeah, I remember a similar change that happened to Escort Dreams a far while back.

I really wouldn't mind to trim those awful bits down a bit, but by the tests I've run this morning it seems to take a rather rough change in an insane amount of code and pictures, even with the lovely converter you uploaded.

Maybe I can upload a torrent instead?


New Member
Aug 8, 2017
Just wanted to say I spent like an entire day playing your game and didn't even notice the time passing. Can't wait for more of it. Great job.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Beornwahl love the game. Was wondering if you could make the tent upgradeable and have the ability to end week while in tent, because it seems as if MC sleeps out on ground and not in tent.
Uh! That's a grand idea! They both are actually. The last one easy to implement too.

I've added the End Week option in the tent.

Upgradeable camp must be added latter. The camp description already changes a bit on how many girls your have and the matriarchs, but some upgrades is definitely where it should go. It take some time, but should get there!

Is anyone else having trouble finding Tiamat's home after befriending her and Bastet's home or am i just unlucky?
I can't find Emelie's home. Maybe is a bug?

EDIT: Use the 1.0.9a again, it's works fine. Then load the save with the new version and continue. Probably not the best but it's work for me.
It might be solved by CI909 solution:

If you using older version and can't seem to find any home, like ANY at all, unfortunately it might be because your save files missing something after the update. Try to start a new game. See if you can found any. If not, update the HTML file.
some races take way to long to make kids.

i have a mouse going on 41 weeks
2 bunny's going on 40 and 43
dragon 30, Succubus 30 and a Goblin on 30
Should be fixed in latest version. Download the 1.1.0 update and, sadly, restart from a new save. Sorry, oftentimes necessary in these early stages..

prepare to face palm : Pedo Mellon a Minno in lotr, translates to :Speak, friend, and enter.
mellon translates to friend, so the password is "mellon"

A thing there is whose voice is one;
Whose feet are four and two and three.
So mutable a thing is none
That moves in earth or sky or sea.
When on most feet this thing doth go,
Its strength is weakest and its pace most slow.

its a copy of "Oedipus the King, by Sophocles"
that the Spinx ask's the hero and the answer is man but you need to spell it "Man"

This all things devours:
Beasts, and trees, and flowers;
Gnaws iron, and bites at steel;
Grinds the hardest stones to meal;
Slays king, and ruins town,
Beats the highest mountain down.
" Second one "Time"

The riddle is one of twenty-five known Sumerian riddles etched on a clay tablet discovered from Sumer. The riddles were translated by E.I. Gordon in 1960. The answer to the above puzzle was provided immediately after the question. It is ‘A School.’ third one is "School"
Impressive! Doors of Durin, sure. Oedipus and the sphinx, pretty good. Knowing of the 25 ancient Sumerian riddles, impressive!

the return button in Domain is broken in 1.1.0 and i've been getting a lot of girls taking 2 or even 3 spaces. Also not sure if its a bug but it looks like monster girls you kick from the lairs still count in domain for resource gathering
Yes, sorry, my bad. Sending out a fix in a moment!

@Beornwahl here another little thing for you to fix

using 1.1.0
Thanks man, especially for the pic as always! Fixed and will be shipped in next update.

Hey mate, love the game. But I found a bug. While building the dog house it says it costs 300 wood and 100 stone but it takes 400 wood instead. Same with building the village in the plains, it costed me 900 wood (iirc).

Edit: When you build something when you have enough wood, according to what it says, but it asks more for it (it says 500, you have 500 but it takes away 600) you get a negative number of wood in your list on the left
Yes I found the bug, and fixed it. Coming in next update. Thanks, schaapjes!

Found another bug: You can build an outpost in the mountains on the spot where you found the fairy. Afterwards, when clicking on the outpost, you go to the goblin lair.
Found and fixed, thanks again, schaapjes! Should be out soon... maybe...

here is another one @Beornwahl
Thanks as always, man! I'll get a new main folder download up soon. Sadly necessary at this point...

I see a new update. I'll wipe my stuff and download that. Hopefully that'll clear things up.
I still can't find anything that might explain.

There are some smart people that have joined the conversation though, they might know?

i downloaded everything, the game and the html
How is the html and img folder placed in relation to each other?

Need to look like this in the same folder:


Mouse 27 doesnt exist
Sex Mermaid 32 doesnt exist
Sex1 Mermaid 32 doesnt exist
And many more

TLDR: Look over all images and look which are missing.
Fixed now. For mermaids you need only the latest html 1.1.1.
For mouse, you need the next main folder upload.

1.1.0 Return link is non-functional from the Domain section.
Fixed, will upload in a moment. Sorry!

I'm not sure if someone else has mentioned it, but i haven't been able to get certain scenes anymore.
Ie the building something ones in particular, so i get to the end of an event chain and then can't go any further.
That event chains? Characters from all around or the Jungle specifically?

Why cant' i find any structures in the jungle? Am i doing something wrong or is it a known issue?
Fixed in the next upload, or with a restart and a new save. Sorry, for it was a foolish mistake!

lets be a little civilizated, i mean everyone is mentioning bugs and some are repeated in a lot of posts, i restarted the game not much time ago and im using the lastest version of the game and i started the game from zero without using old save games, im gonna try to regroup all bugs i confirmed for now in a single post to make things easy for the developer and i will edit the post till i finish the game, for now i think these are the bugs i confirmed so far.

-as Cl909 mentioned in post #473 when you open Domain the return button does not work, he even mentioned how to fix it in the said post. (confirmed bug)

- as schaapjes mentioned in post #489 sometimes when building certain constructions it takes more resources than the needed resources even can go to negative number too.(confirmed bug)

- as georgetakei mentioned in post #500 its impossible to find any buildable structures on the jungles area (confirmed bug afer exploring the area for about 48 consecutive weeks)

- as lodadsaq mentioned in post #487 the same post provides a screenshot and all. (confirmed after looking the same text ingame for me)

- as lodadsaq mentioned in post #492 pictures of daugthers sometimes doesnt display correctly.(partially confirmed, im using firefox and restarting the browser and loading the save game they display sometimes correclty again but overtime the same problem happens again)

thats all for now more to come after i play some more.
Thanks for the overview!

Domain, fixed. Resource fixed. Jungle buildings fixed (was a foolish mistake).

I believe everything should be fixed in 1.1.1, but a new main download is needed for some of the pictures. Will take a while to upload.

Just wanted to say I spent like an entire day playing your game and didn't even notice the time passing. Can't wait for more of it. Great job.
Ah, thanks, you charmer! Wish I had a whole day to add to it!

You guys sure deserve it <3
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Reactions: Cl909 and ezpot008


Oct 16, 2016
Thanks for the overview!

Domain, fixed. Resource fixed. Jungle buildings fixed (was a foolish mistake).

I believe everything should be fixed in 1.1.1, but a new main download is needed for some of the pictures. Will take a while to upload.
i think i wasted some of my time, after all youre really atentive and readed all the pages and every post fixing the bugs on the way , anyway thank you for the new version and the future bug fixes to come and all your hard work :)
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Game Developer
May 7, 2017
i think i wasted some of my time, after all youre really atentive and readed all the pages and every post fixing the bugs on the way , anyway thank you for the new version and the future bug fixes to come and all your hard work :)
I really appreciate the effort, though! I'll upload the fix now, hopefully it'll help out a bit.
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Reactions: Cl909 and ezpot008


Oct 16, 2016
I really appreciate the effort, though! I'll upload the fix now, hopefully it'll help out a bit.
No problem take your time, you know real life first, games second, i just wrote a a review of the game i hope you like it, altought dont know what happened, i wanted to rate the game the highest possible but it only let me put 3 stars at maximun sorry.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
No problem take your time, you know real life first, games second, i just wrote a a review of the game i hope you like it, altought dont know what happened, i wanted to rate the game the highest possible but it only let me put 3 stars at maximun sorry.
That's hilarious! The cards are stacked against this game apparently! I'm sure it's fine.

And enjoy the new version, ezpot008! Try the new size version to see if it fits your tastes.
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Oct 16, 2016
for now it works fine, all you said its fixed works properly, i builded some structures and didnt losed extra resources, explored the jungles and found the building structures properly too, the domain return button works like a charm, and plus that the resized version works excellent , now i can even play without the need of using the browser zoom, i will need to play a little more indeep to test if i find something wrong but as it is now you did a amazing job repairing the last version :)


Mar 17, 2017
What a great game!! Enjoyed a play-through with 1.1 version. Its one of those games that have nice repeat playability.
I know its a little thing.....but
The armours, and bows...Can we have a spec for them? Which one is better and why? in your own time :)
Thanks again!
Oct 20, 2017
Beornwahl, thank you very much for your constant contact and tireless work over the past few days. You've been taking bug reports in stride and working hard to update your game. It's obvious that you've got a lot invested in Adam and Gaia.

If anything though, I'd like to caution you against burnout. I'd advise you to schedule some time aside each week or month to compile a bug list and then go through them one at a time.

Again, good game. Thank you very much.
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Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Oh yeah, I remember a similar change that happened to Escort Dreams a far while back.

I really wouldn't mind to trim those awful bits down a bit, but by the tests I've run this morning it seems to take a rather rough change in an insane amount of code and pictures, even with the lovely converter you uploaded.

Maybe I can upload a torrent instead?
Ah. I was hoping it would be a minor/global change in the code. Never mind! It's only a one-time download anyways. Good luck and thanks for all the hard work!


Jul 27, 2017
Three issues.

1. If I'm talking to any of the daughters at the camp and press return it takes me to the whichever home I visited last (succubus, bovine, village) instead of the camp.
2. Can't find pig event in jungle.
3. Wood and stone drops a ton every winter without explanation.

I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but wood and stone can be gathered when you have 0 or negative energy.

And I'm also confused about how humans can be sent to the village. I haven't seen an option to send a daughter there. Whenever I send them away, it seems like they're just gone forever.

Really enjoying it so far, keep up the good work.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 24, 2017
OK, I tried many things but...
I can see Background img, but every character img (Woman/gilr/creature) is missing. I checked and there is differece in capital/small first leter in every character file that game is searching for. Anyone had simillar situation?
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes