4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Oct 16, 2016
After starting a new game in the last resized version and playing indeep from start to end.(just focused on building all the monster girls lairs , no outposts or anything like that, i will try to play a second run when i have more time to play) i can say there are no game breaking bugs that can stop you to arriving to the end of the current content.
Things i noticed while playing.

- some daughters dont have main pictures, it would probably be solved with a new main image folder.

-if you breed wild monstergirls outside of the captured ones they are counted as tamed in domain page and it even counts the resources that would provide a real tamed one but in reality it does not give you the extra resources, i mean if it was the for the information on the domain page i would receive around 800 wood every week but i receive only the wood provided by the ones i tamed and are loyal to me reducing the cuantity a lot.(example: Your 56 tamed mermaids produces 280 stone every week. i never kicked any mermaid from the lair but i impregnated plenty of wild mermaids in reality i only have around 11 mermaids tamed and sumbmited to me in my mermaid cove)

-this one could be only me being really unlucky or maybe theres some hiding mechanic im unaware of like if theres a lot of wild monstergirls in the area theres no space to build a village, so take it with a grain of salt, i usually first build all monster girl lairs and then the village, the problem is that i find exremely dificult to find some village structures to build in certain areas, in this run i was able to find the fields village, the desert village and the jungle village, but no traces of the villages of the plains and mountains, the rare thing is i was able to find the plains village when i didnt had enought resources and never found it again and for the mountain one i never found it, and believe me i tryed for about 6 hours exploring 3 hours the plains and 3 hours the mountains.

-some grammar errors, im no native english speaker so i cant help with that sorry but some ppl pointed a few ones in earlier posts so they probably will be more helpfull than me in that area.

all those things are tested by me in a single run ,probably i even passed some other things so im willing to give a second run to build outpost and make alternative choices to test more things properly, everything i mentioned are just small bugs that has no real impact to the game so just take note of them and categorize them with low priority to fix cause none is game breaking and they can wait to be fixed when you have some spare time with no pressure at all Beornwahl.


Nov 16, 2017
How do you play this?, I have this error with chrome, I even tried edge.
When I checked through a folder with 58 html games I found:
All 58 worked without issue on Firefox and Waterfox
57 worked on Internet Explorer, QT WEB and Seamonkey(Not sure why one wouldn't work on seamonkey its derived from firefox)
53 worked on Chrome and Comodo Dragon
49 worked on Maxthon
42 worked on Edge

I would recommend loading HTML games in Firefox (or a browser based on it) or Internet Explorer
  • Like
Reactions: Paprika


Jun 23, 2017
Hi there

I can't stop playing this game. I love it !

I still have 404 images issues in the latest release 1.1.1 :
- I had to do a search and replace for :
- %s/Creature\/bee/Creature\/Bee/g
- %s/Creature\/bunny/Creature\/Bunny/g
- %s/Creature\/cat/Creature\/Cat/g
- %s/Creature\/cow/Creature\/Cow/g
- %s/Creature\/dog/Creature\/Dog/g
- %s/Creature\/fairy/Creature\/Fairy/g
- %s/Creature\/giant/Creature\/Giant/g
- %s/Creature\/harpy/Creature\/Harpy/g
- %s/Creature\/horse/Creature\/Horse/g
- %s/Creature\/manticore/Creature\/Manticore/g
- %s/Creature\/mermaid/Creature\/Mermaid/g
- %s/Creature\/mummy/Creature\/Mummy/g
- %s/Creature\/nymph/Creature\/Nymph/g
- %s/Creature\/oni/Creature\/Oni/g
- %s/Creature\/pig/Creature\/Pig/g
- %s/Creature\/insect/Creature\/Insect/g
- %s/Creature\/spider/Creature\/Spider/g
- %s/Creature\/slime/Creature\/Slime/g
- %s/Creature\/snake/Creature\/Snake/g
- %s/Creature\/succubus/Creature\/Succubus/g
- %s/Lilithbody/LilithBody/g
- %s/Creature\/valkyrja/Creature\/Valkyrja/g
- %s/Girls\/deserts/Girls\/Deserts/g
- %s/Girls\/plains/Girls\/Plains/g
- %s/Girls\/jungles/Girls\/Jungles/g
- %s/Rheia\/Rheia\./Rheia\/rheia\./g
- %s/Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Houses/g
- %s/Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Society/g
- %s/Freia\/SexCum/Freia\/EveCum/g

- I had to rename some files trying to respect the existing case of each folder
- rename -v H h img/People/Human/Characters/Izanami/HouseSex1.gif
- rename -v jpeg jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl22.jpeg img/People/Human/Girls/Plains/girl1.jpeg
- rename -v JPG jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Fields/girl1.JPG
- rename -v OutpostFood.jpg OutpostFood1.jpg img/Background/Plains/OutpostFood.jpg

- Other
- I thing img/People/Human/Girls/Deserts/girl16blow1.gif and girl16blow3.gif should swap
- img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl7blow1.gif and girl7blow2.gif are exactly the same
- img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl7sex1.gif and img/People/Human/Characters/Izanami/houseSex7.gif are exactly the same ( you did it on propose ;) )
- img/People/Creature/Horse/32sex1.jpg is not the same character as img/People/Creature/Horse/32sex.jpg

Personally I like to play it fullscreen (F11) with the "passages" at the center.
So I change the body margin with : %s/22%/7%/g
I would recommend you add a "max-width" on "img" tags so they stay inside the container : img { max-width: 100% }

This is not exhaustive I guess but I hope it will help.

PS: I would gladly help doing some CSS and JS too.
PPS: I'm using Linux. The "search and replace" I listed come from VIM and could be optimize like "%s/Creature\/\([a-z]\)/Creature\/\U\1\E/g"
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Reactions: klang


Jun 8, 2017
Thank You. Then how i could change it?
You type the value you want. Example :

SugarCube.State.active.variables.Stone = 1000

The number change when the page updated. That means go to other place, visit tent, go see a world, check your inventory or other activity. Any would do.


Futa Church of Holy Cock Rings
Mar 3, 2017
@Beornwahl ummmmm
are sucubi supose to be pregnant this long? this is using my original save so there could be some things that have fucked with it

also spiders

and the cats

Last edited:

lil boom toob

Sep 12, 2017
Bunnies and mice do the same thing with a new save:

So it's something that seems to affect all default monster matriarchs.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
for now it works fine, all you said its fixed works properly, i builded some structures and didnt losed extra resources, explored the jungles and found the building structures properly too, the domain return button works like a charm, and plus that the resized version works excellent , now i can even play without the need of using the browser zoom, i will need to play a little more indeep to test if i find something wrong but as it is now you did a amazing job repairing the last version :)
Thanks a lot, ezpot! Was one hell of a week I can tell you...

What a great game!! Enjoyed a play-through with 1.1 version. Its one of those games that have nice repeat playability.
I know its a little thing.....but
The armours, and bows...Can we have a spec for them? Which one is better and why? in your own time :)
Thanks again!
Good point! I'll add a base stat to the different items right away!

Will come out in next update, 1.1.2.

Beornwahl, thank you very much for your constant contact and tireless work over the past few days. You've been taking bug reports in stride and working hard to update your game. It's obvious that you've got a lot invested in Adam and Gaia.

If anything though, I'd like to caution you against burnout. I'd advise you to schedule some time aside each week or month to compile a bug list and then go through them one at a time.

Again, good game. Thank you very much.
Thanks, man! And don't you worry, after these first release fixes I'm taking some peaceful moments filled with, well, most likely a beer and a good game.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
In version 1.1.0 (I know I'm 0.0.1 behind, if any of these have been fixed since then, disregard),

- When your daughters have children, they all default to the greek girls
- One of Freia's sex images is named wrong. Iirc, the html calls for SexCum, when the gif is named EvaCum
- Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I can never get the valkyrja home. I always choose "peace" in Freia's quest chain. Intentional?
- Domain screen can't be left, the "return" buttons can't be clicked on.
- Jungle homes were flagged as all completed before anything was built (after a quick skim it looks like this was fixed already)
Grandchildren were meant to be all Caucasian, since the main protagonist is assumed to be so. I admit it undermines the thought that one guy continued different races with, so I've tried to add some code that might continue the race of the mother to the grandchild. We'll see if it works.
I've fixed the Eve sex scene picture.
I can't currently find any source of the valkyrja problem. Might in the future though.
Domain should be fixed a few updates ago - hope it hasn't risen once again!

Will release edits in version 1.1.2

In between all the bugreports, I would like to say that I've really come to appreciate the dichotomy of real human girls and drawn monster girls. They are distinct mechanically (you don't beat your human girls to have fun with them), and the difference in art punctuates that quite firmly.
I'm going to be honest and admit it: Yes, I just googled 'dichotomy'.

I like the difference too.

That is a problem with the return function taking you back to the previous page instead of taking you back to the "game".
If you open the inventory, you have to hit the Return to go back to the main page before opening anything else.

If you open inventory and then, say, open the skills. When you press return it will take you back to the inventory, and if you press it again it takes you back to the skills. You get stuck in a loop.

The only way out of this is loading a save. So remember to never navigate between the links, always use the return.
That's not quite true, you could always use the back button on the top left to go back to when you were originally in the inventory. That worked fine for me as of earlier today.
Since the 'back button' is now removed I went ahead and made a check that removed the possiblity from opening anything else. So the 'Return' in inventory should hopefully work a bit better now.

The nut weighs an insanity for it's size and the aroma it gives off is indeed that of tender autumn apples. The valkyrjas must have turned it into this for some reason, most likely to make them able to fly the apples from the tree to this there nest.

(You) Suppose this was to be expected: they are not intend to give up the only male they have encountered since the Curse.

This being rather problematic for your descend seems to leave with with only one option should you wish to get back to the world, your quest, and Freia: you must climb.

While observing the ever-growing suffice draw closer you remember the cloak from Freia. Still wrapped around you it was supposed to help your descend.

It doesn't seem to slow you down by much, but (it) does allow you to control where you're falling with style. Not exactly what Freia had explained.

She places it just in time for dozen(s) of golden apples to spring forth, all covering the ground.

Freia picks up an apple (and) raises it towards you, saying, "Skål!", whereafter she takes one hearty bite after the other.

She stands (still) for a while, trying to really get into the power of strength, which she believes the apples apply.

The sensation of her lips tightly wrapped around your cock and her tongue caressing it as she continues to you him brings you to the brink of an orgasm.

And when you finally are about to leave, she almost clings to you, begging you to stay - so she can make you fell just as special.

You being getting hits at her preferences in passion.

You try to become better closer with your daughter Ukubutu.
Thanks bunches for this, writtingnewpaper! I've corrected all the mistakes you've found.
Should be out in 1.1.2.

ahh need more wood it should show you the options and how much is needed in future updates(been reading the replies and the maker seams good at listening)
I'm uncertain. Do you wish for an easier method for obtaining wood. Or are there buildings that do not show how mush wood is needed for construction?

How do you play this?, I have this error with chrome, I even tried edge.
Can you send a screenshot of the error message? Or did Cl909 cover the needed solution?

I don't know if you're looking for bug reports or not, but upon constructing House 5 and assigning a girl to live there, this error message occurred: Error: <<goto>>: passage "house5" does not exist
Cl909 found the problem, and I have it fixed in version 1.1.2, which should be out soon.

So, there I am. I have my tent where five gorgeous women lie abed, waiting for my touch. Outside some thirty beautiful girls are all potentially sexually available to me. Yesterday they woke me up with a fertility dance, this morning they woke me by sucking on my cock and balls. I'm the only male any of them has ever seen. They are not sending mixed signals.

So what's my response? "I'm going down to the forest to cut some more wood!"

The realism of this game astounds me! ;)
Well, it's mainly a historical and educational piece after all.

downloaded the latest html, can't add buildings to any location after getting all of them in the Fields. bug?
This is interesting and merits further investigation, since unchecked changes were recently added in these specific lines of code.

Is the reason you can't add buildings to other location than the filled fields region, that you don't get the encounter where you discover usable sites in other regions anymore?

The "natural" Brood Mothers not displaying informational text is still persisting in 1.1.1
They can't display that particular information since they are not the same entities really. But I've spent some time adding some info of their own.

Should be there in next version 1.1.2.

After starting a new game in the last resized version and playing indeep from start to end.(just focused on building all the monster girls lairs , no outposts or anything like that, i will try to play a second run when i have more time to play) i can say there are no game breaking bugs that can stop you to arriving to the end of the current content.
Things i noticed while playing.

- some daughters dont have main pictures, it would probably be solved with a new main image folder.

-if you breed wild monstergirls outside of the captured ones they are counted as tamed in domain page and it even counts the resources that would provide a real tamed one but in reality it does not give you the extra resources, i mean if it was the for the information on the domain page i would receive around 800 wood every week but i receive only the wood provided by the ones i tamed and are loyal to me reducing the cuantity a lot.(example: Your 56 tamed mermaids produces 280 stone every week. i never kicked any mermaid from the lair but i impregnated plenty of wild mermaids in reality i only have around 11 mermaids tamed and sumbmited to me in my mermaid cove)

-this one could be only me being really unlucky or maybe theres some hiding mechanic im unaware of like if theres a lot of wild monstergirls in the area theres no space to build a village, so take it with a grain of salt, i usually first build all monster girl lairs and then the village, the problem is that i find exremely dificult to find some village structures to build in certain areas, in this run i was able to find the fields village, the desert village and the jungle village, but no traces of the villages of the plains and mountains, the rare thing is i was able to find the plains village when i didnt had enought resources and never found it again and for the mountain one i never found it, and believe me i tryed for about 6 hours exploring 3 hours the plains and 3 hours the mountains.

-some grammar errors, im no native english speaker so i cant help with that sorry but some ppl pointed a few ones in earlier posts so they probably will be more helpfull than me in that area.

all those things are tested by me in a single run ,probably i even passed some other things so im willing to give a second run to build outpost and make alternative choices to test more things properly, everything i mentioned are just small bugs that has no real impact to the game so just take note of them and categorize them with low priority to fix cause none is game breaking and they can wait to be fixed when you have some spare time with no pressure at all Beornwahl.
I have attempted to fix a lot of the missing main pictures during the week, so hopefully a new main download might help - can't promise though.

I found the Domain bug you mentioned, but since I can't send out a fix immediately I'll instead cut Domain down or practically away, until I can get a better version put together.

The chances for discovering the settlements are indeed quite low. I've tried to raise them, but it's still very much on the low end. I'll start considering some sort of mechanic, which ensures you can re-find a settlement location if found once. Will take some time though.

Three grammar fixes have been introduced in the latest updates... but still tons of mistakes left.

Though a second run with focus on 'not so often played' choices like outpost would be welcome, there isn't any rush, since I already have a lot to work on and wouldn't be able to give the bug reports such a run would surely produce my immediate attention. But, seriously, thanks a lot for offering, ezpot!

My apologies. I was in the village established in the fields, and I was using the latest update - version 1.1.1
I have sort of lost track here. So sorry if I double reply.

The bug was fixed by CI909 and I implemented it in the next 1.1.2 version.

Hi there

I can't stop playing this game. I love it !

I still have 404 images issues in the latest release 1.1.1 :
- I had to do a search and replace for :
- %s/Creature\/bee/Creature\/Bee/g
- %s/Creature\/bunny/Creature\/Bunny/g
- %s/Creature\/cat/Creature\/Cat/g
- %s/Creature\/cow/Creature\/Cow/g
- %s/Creature\/dog/Creature\/Dog/g
- %s/Creature\/fairy/Creature\/Fairy/g
- %s/Creature\/giant/Creature\/Giant/g
- %s/Creature\/harpy/Creature\/Harpy/g
- %s/Creature\/horse/Creature\/Horse/g
- %s/Creature\/manticore/Creature\/Manticore/g
- %s/Creature\/mermaid/Creature\/Mermaid/g
- %s/Creature\/mummy/Creature\/Mummy/g
- %s/Creature\/nymph/Creature\/Nymph/g
- %s/Creature\/oni/Creature\/Oni/g
- %s/Creature\/pig/Creature\/Pig/g
- %s/Creature\/insect/Creature\/Insect/g
- %s/Creature\/spider/Creature\/Spider/g
- %s/Creature\/slime/Creature\/Slime/g
- %s/Creature\/snake/Creature\/Snake/g
- %s/Creature\/succubus/Creature\/Succubus/g
- %s/Lilithbody/LilithBody/g
- %s/Creature\/valkyrja/Creature\/Valkyrja/g
- %s/Girls\/deserts/Girls\/Deserts/g
- %s/Girls\/plains/Girls\/Plains/g
- %s/Girls\/jungles/Girls\/Jungles/g
- %s/Rheia\/Rheia\./Rheia\/rheia\./g
- %s/Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Houses/g
- %s/Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Society/g
- %s/Freia\/SexCum/Freia\/EveCum/g

- I had to rename some files trying to respect the existing case of each folder
- rename -v H h img/People/Human/Characters/Izanami/HouseSex1.gif
- rename -v jpeg jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl22.jpeg img/People/Human/Girls/Plains/girl1.jpeg
- rename -v JPG jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Fields/girl1.JPG
- rename -v OutpostFood.jpg OutpostFood1.jpg img/Background/Plains/OutpostFood.jpg

- Other
- I thing img/People/Human/Girls/Deserts/girl16blow1.gif and girl16blow3.gif should swap
- img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl7blow1.gif and girl7blow2.gif are exactly the same
- img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl7sex1.gif and img/People/Human/Characters/Izanami/houseSex7.gif are exactly the same ( you did it on propose ;) )
- img/People/Creature/Horse/32sex1.jpg is not the same character as img/People/Creature/Horse/32sex.jpg

Personally I like to play it fullscreen (F11) with the "passages" at the center.
So I change the body margin with : %s/22%/7%/g
I would recommend you add a "max-width" on "img" tags so they stay inside the container : img { max-width: 100% }

This is not exhaustive I guess but I hope it will help.

PS: I would gladly help doing some CSS and JS too.
PPS: I'm using Linux. The "search and replace" I listed come from VIM and could be optimize like "%s/Creature\/\([a-z]\)/Creature\/\U\1\E/g"
Okay, here's what I've done so far:

- Lilithbody/LilithBody/g
- Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Houses/g
- Rheia\/Houses/Freia\/Society/g
- Freia\/SexCum/Freia\/EveCum/g
- H h img/People/Human/Characters/Izanami/HouseSex1.gif
- jpeg jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Jungles/girl22.jpeg
- img/People/Human/Girls/Plains/girl1.jpeg
- rename -v JPG jpg img/People/Human/Girls/Fields/girl1.JPG
Lets just leave the girl7 duplication - it's her daughter after all!
The different horse characters used for same sex scene does not stand alone in this - reason being a shortage in material. I'll add if you find some preferable pictures though.

Is a "max-width" on "img" 100%, necessary? Do they still exceed the container in 1.1.1?

And seriously thanks for the help! Would gladly accept more, though as CI 909 and DragonRB can confirm - I know next to nothing of code (and definitely nothing of Linux!). All the changes you've done and that I haven't listed here is something I'm slating for next week, hoping the replace function won't mess too much up with spelling and who knows...

@Beornwahl So I no longer get that error for Rheia

However it seems like you still have some extra HTML headers.
Glad the Rheia thing works now. I've fixed the headers, and they should be ready from next 1.1.2 update.

@Beornwahl ummmmm
are sucubi supose to be pregnant this long? this is using my original save so there could be some things that have fucked with it

also spiders

and the cats

Bunnies and mice do the same thing with a new save:

So it's something that seems to affect all default monster matriarchs.
WaT tHe FuK...

The code for those creatures is outright missing! What the Dickens!

I'm fixing this right now - I should be able to keep it save game compatible!

Finished and uploaded in version 1.1.2!


May 2, 2017
I'm having problems with the hybrid in the forest/jungle after the deed is done it appears an error "goto jungle doesn't exist"


Jun 8, 2017
I'm having problems with the hybrid in the forest/jungle after the deed is done it appears an error "goto jungle doesn't exist"
It would be really help if you specify. Is the deed done in battle or is it at their house/base ? Which monster girl does that happened ? Are you using latest update ?


May 2, 2017
It would be really help if you specify. Is the deed done in battle or is it at their house/base ? Which monster girl does that happened ? Are you using latest update ?
i meet the pink hydrid troll + something for the first time and i decide not to kill, after having sex and she walking away bc she cant have kids i try to click on the only option but it appears the error, if it isnt enough i ll take the printscreen of it.
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes