Loving it - been playing for a few months now. Finally found a good reason to make a bit of a "mod", but having some trouble.
Even after re-downloading 1.3.3, I'm can't seem to find any of the Venus girls' third sex picture. Searching caves/girl1sex3.gif finds nothing, even though it picks up the **sex2.gif and the mountains/girl1sex3.gif and for all other "species" of girl. I see the .gifs in the folder, but not called in the game file.
I created a set of 12 new girls to put in place of Venus's daughters with 6 gifs and a profile picture for each, and I'm dying to try it out.
Love the updates. Love the game.
I found the problem and it should be fix by next update. So thanks for reporting.
However, I have to be honest with you... next update is expected to be so filled with bugs that you might not even be able to see the fix... sorry on advance...
Venus 1.3.3:
I like Venus update and I do have one or two complaints.
- Sometimes when you breed Venus, her children doesn't have pictures of their face except their boobs size, butt size and body. The pictures do sometimes load when I reopen the html file. I did in fact download the file and extract these files correctly under the same folder name so, probably it has to do with formatting png./gif./jpg. or file location from coding.
Download Links:
- Adding more links to the 1st Page of this forum just confuses me sometimes. But I can manage.
Leveling/Items/Gears/Starting the game:
- Need more than just virility, man of wood, man of stones and man of food.
- Skills: maybe each 5 levels you reach gets 1 perk points or probably 2 type of skills (eg. you hit enemy -5 armor to each blow you hit)
- Introduce newer better weapons, add pictures to our equipment (maybe)
- Add slots, make it look more legit like armor, shoes, helm and make them a tad realistic like this armor gives you +10 strength but -5 in speed or such. This will make the game more challenging.
- Where to find these items are at random (in % chance of finding rare gear(s))
- Add more classes such as Warriors, Archers, Gladiator or etc and add their Bios.
- Gender of choice: Male/Female
- Add male monsters to fill in that gap with breeding mechanics
- change "Experience" to "Level" in States and Perks menu and actual add how much experience gain after defeating a monster; eg. Defeated a manticore gain 100 exp or etc...
I agree with
RHEV with the crystal heal doesn't work well I died like 10 times in the game or more. I get it its not like you want to one hit KO the girls, where's the fun in that right?
If I was sincere, the fight mechanics could do more of a touch-up since we all like Corruption Of Champions right? right....? :coldsweat: I find games like this turn me on. Especially COC with mods of course

. But this isn't COC. But that is up to the developer of the game and anyone who is glad to share their personal mods with the world. Cheers~
I think we all can admit COC is a heavy inspiration, and though DragonRB made a new fight mechanic, I'm currently failing at implementing it.
More perks is planed, but not in the near future.
Same goes for weapons, well, at least the awaited inclusion for Gaia's weapons.
Gender choice will never be an option as it doesn't fit with the story and world. COC get's to keep this dynamic to it's well made self.
Male monsters also conflict with the plot and lore.
I will add a collected download link by next update - by then it will actually be a straight out necessity due to various changes.
Venus bugs should also be fix by next update, but due to it's complexity and scope I don't know. Might even add more bugs than it will fix...
Noticed there seems to be a lack of anything if i choose to kill Tiamat. it just throws a blank page :/
Yes i could let her live n all that but i'm trying to do a kill all monsters playthrough
I am really sorry for the bug you found. I should have discovered and fixed this long ago.
By next update you should be able to finish the dragon girl of by the initial meeting.
Until then, you can achieve her demise by progressing the story and choosing: "But now you do" after:
"I... I am so sorry..." Her smiles washes away in an instant. Her face drowning in a mix of sorrow and guilt. "I did not know..."
nice game! i have long time fun with it thx
You're very welcome, matey! <3
I'm sorry, I was too excited... :FeelsBadMan:
Please don't give up !
But ever onward! The new preg code seems to work btw - not sure how...::|: