4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Is there a trigger I can input into console to force pregnancy on a matriarch? Inanna won't get pregnant for me.
Try a new save file on latest version. I would, however, recommend waiting a few days until the new Egyptian update comes out, a new matriarch always requires a fresh save file - so do many of the other bug-fixes and changes.

So, I finally got around to playing this (Cause my last version I downloaded got lost in my 400gb folder XD ) and I have to say, it's really good. You have down the important writing and all that, but you also write around the pictures you have access to, which is a huge plus. Turns the pictures from just some flashy extras into actual parts of the story. Keep up the good work :D
Ahhhhhhhhh, Thanks! The pictures always was the center point of the game - glad its appreciated :FeelsGoodMan:

So far, even with the high fertility I'm unable to get Lepo pregnant. Inanna and Rheia are able to get pregnant.

Also, I get errors when building a outpost.
Try a new save file on latest version. I would, however, recommend waiting a few days until the new Egyptian update comes out. Can specify which outpost?

Heyo Beo -
One suggestion I haven't seen here. When you get 1.5 up and update the torrent, you may want to do the Torrent as a NON zip file.
If, then, you add a whole matriarch to 1.6 (for instance, or elves), you can upload a whole new Torrent, but if people point it at their folder, it will only need to download the pieces that are new or have changed.
The file itself (ie: 1.4.6 .html) can stay separate like you have it.
For Mega I know there's a huge benefit to using Zips.

4Gb is a lot though, especially if someone *cough* *cough* wanted it on all of their devices. And it's avoidable!

Thanks :)
Wow, interesting! So with a non-zip file I can added changes to the whole without requireing a full new upload to mega? That would sure be a huge plus. I'll give it a try on the new Egyptian update. Thanks, Sp1key!

Playing 1.4.6 an error in the mountains picking up a sword Cortain

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.swordCortana is undefined.​
Was fixed earlier, but first scheduled for release in the Egyptian update. Sorry for the delay :oops:

Seems like an interesting game. I haven't played it long but I just set up my first village in the mountains. I haven't read through the other pages so I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but I went into the house and am receiving an error saying I can't leave. Luckily I have a save just before I found the village but this still seems like a pretty bad bug.

The error code I'm getting is "Error: <<goto>>: passage "house11" does not exist."
Yeah, I checked your report and the problem consisted in every single house in every single... I would call that a pretty seriously bad bug :closedeyesmile: I've fixed it now - was a minor edit - not sure how it even became implemented in such a foolish fashion to begin with.

So, I've been checking why Venus doesn't seem to be able to appear, and in the StoryInit passage, all the human matriarchs have their relevant variables set to 0, except Venus. Maybe that's the problem?
Holy shit! Right you are, my good man! And here I just thought it was the bad random generation. I've added all the variables now, but since it's an Init change - it will require a new start. I recommend waiting for such until the new Egyptian update hits the fan. And thanks for the good report Katzies!

i got this error to when i click back to village
Should be fixed now - see above.

I tried to open it with twine 2.2.1. Did not work. Any suggestions?
I think you figured it out below, but for others - it is indeed made in ye ol' 1.4.2. Why? who knows. Some of us are not good at getting with the times :biggrin:

Okay so the game seems to have an error regarding "audio Calm Music not being found" which is preventing any audio functionality and I also noticed sex and blowjob .mp3's showing up as errors too. Something regarding a snd/ path issue from what I gather. Bit odd considering there isn't a snd file anywhere that I know of.

Edit: Found another. The sword found in the Mountains "Cortain?" has an error when you try and "take it" because of "bad evaluation: Cannot set property of undefined".

Edit: Question, is it normal that we no longer see how many preservatives we have?

Edit: When I go to "search the land" the initial click does not produce any food where as continuing to search does. As is this means you waste energy if you click once and decide to stop. Not sure if it's a bug or not but if it is then now you know. *Shrugs*

Edit: Found this while I was in the Deserts. "Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<elseif>> clause (#13): Unexpected number"
All audio had been revised in the new Egyptian update, and will only be released then, though old sound folder must be deleted. That it shows up now is because some of the fixes were built on the next updates code.

Curtain sword should be fixed, but first released in next version.

The "Unexpected number" bug continues to elude me, mainly because I can't replicate it at will. Sorry. :'(

DesertsEncounters: there is an "is" missing: "elseif $EncounterNumber is 9 and $HumanChildren gte 2 and $nambiDone 1"
Should be "elseif $EncounterNumber is 9 and $HumanChildren gte 2 and $nambiDone is 1",
open the .html with a text editor and replace that.
Nambi factor was changed later on, and the encounter shouldn't be out until the Egyptian Update. But thanks for the good reports - those details are a life-saver!


  1. Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<elseif>> clause (#13): Unexpected number
  2. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND snd/GreyGaia.mp3
  3. You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
So found this... but I don't know if this was solve. It just pops up after a few clicks. Can't reproduce it because it was by accident. (from version 1.4.5.html.) But since 1.4.6 came out, gonna try not to reproduce this error and move on from there. Thanks Beornwahl:)
The sound thing will be fixed in the Egyptian Update - where new sound overall is introduced.
I fixed the "the the" on the skin encounter.
But the "Unexpected number" is still at large, mainly because I too can't reproduce it... :oops:
And you're welcome XD

I use notepad++, but disable spellcheck or the responsiveness goes down the drain.
You can use the extended searchmode to insert linebreaks. Find "><div tiddler" replace with
">\r <div tiddler"

"Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.swordCortana is undefined."
In MountainsEncounters: replace "$swordCortana" with "$swordCurtana"

"Error: <<goto>>: passage "house1" does not exist." or similar for any housenumber.
In Houses: "goto $currentHouse" should be "goto $currentVillage"
Found a spelling error:
During the week a deposit of salt was unearthed near the camp, using it on some food near its limit the ladder is quickly filling with the now preserved food.

Sorry for nitpicking.
Thx for the game @Beornwahl :)
Sword and passage fixed. I also tracked down the spelling mistake, you little charmer! There is no such thing as notpicking - only caring <3

So I noticed that were having problem with music not working so the only way to listen to the nice music is to just play in a separate music/video player. Error appearing when you enter any of the houses in the village is still preventing you from exiting, but by pure luck I found out that if you put your daughters in either of the houses and than just lets say talk to them than once you click on the "RETURN" above their picture it will take you outside to the center of the village. Be careful of a weird crash error in red field that might pop out in the desert after establishing the cat and spider places and than when you sometimes try to explore. Hopefully this will be the only problems for this version and if not I will keep an eye on more. :)
Impressive! Music should be fixed next update though - look for it!

Amazing! You found it :)
I tried to fix this by adding in $VenusQuest = 0, $VenusDone = 0, $VenusDead = 0. Finally the Venus quest will trigger but unfortunately I just get a page with "Venus Quest bug" and have to reload a save.
Hopefully 1.4.7!! Haven't been able to play Venus since she was first released. Looks like these variables were left out of the first bugfix and not put back in.
As mention these changes will also be include in the new update, so hopefully ya'all won't have to work as hard as Sp1key here <3

Beornwahl for the Elf expansion are you planing to also add the possibility to make improvements to main tent, village buildings and the monster girl's nest's?
No, that will actually be done in a separate update that will release before the Elven one. Sadly it will never be Free Cities level, just a bit more of the same as the current :disappointed:

Maybe someone can help me, i am a completionist and i feel that i'm missing some of the game's content and its driving me mad. Where is the blessings of gaia system, i have been playing for hours and havent found it(to be honest i didn't even know it existed until i started reading this tread), and i hear some people talking about slaves, is there something of the sorts in the game?
Try the latest version and look in the UI menu on your left.

BUG REPORT (1.4.6):
There is a bug that prevents villages from showing (at least the jungle village, but i guess the code is the same for the others).
JunglesEvents: You go to "JunglesHomes" only if this statement is true: "elseif $JunglesEvent is 3 and $JunglesHomeDone is 0".
In "JunglesHomes" the last if case "if $JunglesPost1 is 1 and $JunglesPost2 is 1 and $JunglesPost3 is 1 and $JunglesPost4 is 1 and $JunglesPost5 is 1" leads to "set $JunglesHomeDone to 1"
but when you never entered "if $JunglesHomes is 1" the value for the village isn't set to 1 and so are locked out.
$JunglesHomeDone should only be set to 1, if that is really the case, so a check for "$village# is 1" has to be added.
This was one hell of a great bug report! So precise! With own solution! It's like a bugfixer's dream! :heartcoveredeyes: :heartcoveredeyes: :heartcoveredeyes:
And so, naturally, it's been fixed and taken care of, should be out in the Egyptian Update.

No slaves in the game. Unless you count the wild monstergirls you beat into submission..... :D
As for the blessing system, if you refer to the option with various bonus stuff, I think it's just an extra help until everything works as intented. A cheat if you will. Purely optional.
Don't think of it as beating into submission! Think of it as physical persuasion!

A version may come when the Blessings system is removed, changed (perhaps worked into the perks as suggested), but currently it'll remain due to the bug-level and general need for fresh starts.

I have a question where is the file that you edit because I can 't find it?
If you download twine 1.4.6 and import the html you should be able to see all I do.
If you want a cleaner import I can send you the .tws file, thinking about I think I'll release it on the front page in the future in case the great people bug testing here gets it easier.

Having issues myself with 1.4.6 getting Inanna pregnant with Omni. Same with Rehia. Have yet to try any of the other human females though.
Try a new save file on latest version. I would, however, recommend waiting a few days until the new Egyptian update comes out, a new matriarch always requires a fresh save file - so do many of the other bug-fixes and changes.

someome can help me? venus does not triger in any place, i catch all human matriarchs and the folder of her is in the game
It was my mistake, it is fixed in the new update, wait for it! Strange it took a month to fix - the bug reports were few, so I just figured it was the poor random generation on encounters, turns out there was just not a lot of people missing the poor girl :'(

Can't get Inanna pregnant with max fertility.
Try a new save file on latest version. I would, however, recommend waiting a few days until the new Egyptian update comes out, a new matriarch always requires a fresh save file - so do many of the other bug-fixes and changes. Sorry for the paste!

I would suggest that the way your daughter greets you if you meet her in the wilds should be dependant on her emotional relationship with you before you sent her away into the wild.
I can't do that, since the "Send away" code literally erases the girls from the game (which it's supposed to), so no data remains to be worked with. Still, they are rather simple encounters - not much data in them.


Aug 6, 2016
Don't think of it as beating into submission! Think of it as physical persuasion!
Have you learned that lesson from Rance? ;)
By the way, is fleeing a 100% chance now? I've been thinking that maybe it should be random, and adding perk raising the chance, if just for making more perks.
Also not sure how much work it'd be, but something like a tracking perk for raising chances of encountering particular monstergirl might be nice. A whole lot of perks, both raising and lowering chances.
Still one of my favorite games out there.


May 26, 2017
Is there a part by part or compressed version of this or at least Google Drive? I seem have a problem with mega sync. and chrome force me to use mega sync because the file is too large. When downloading and then finished it restart from the start i let it to finish again but it started from the beginning again.. it's like a boot loop xD . and yes downloaded the latest version of mega sync. seems NOFILE and the Torrent won't work on me.. i guess this game hates me and doesn't want me to play it. T_T


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Have you learned that lesson from Rance? ;)
By the way, is fleeing a 100% chance now? I've been thinking that maybe it should be random, and adding perk raising the chance, if just for making more perks.
Also not sure how much work it'd be, but something like a tracking perk for raising chances of encountering particular monstergirl might be nice. A whole lot of perks, both raising and lowering chances.
Still one of my favorite games out there.
Like an agility perkish thing? That sounds reasonable - and with the new combat system quite simple to implement. I might wait a bit though, as I intend to give the perks are little wider brush up in the near future. But you suggestion is definitely going on the work list. <3
The last perk I don't really know how to implement, sorry :'(

Is there a part by part or compressed version of this or at least Google Drive? I seem have a problem with mega sync. and chrome force me to use mega sync because the file is too large. When downloading and then finished it restart from the start i let it to finish again but it started from the beginning again.. it's like a boot loop XD . and yes downloaded the latest version of mega sync. seems NOFILE and the Torrent won't work on me.. i guess this game hates me and doesn't want me to play it. T_T
NO! The game loves you! As for the torrent, have you downloaded utorrent?

help i keep getting error like this in a lot of activities, what do i do?
The problem is fixed in the new Egyptian update. See below.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
I believe the winner of the poll, the now named Nutty Nile (based on the goddess and Nut and Nephthys), or Egyptian Update, should be ready for release tomorrow around noon.

The update will, apart from the new matriarch add sound effects and music fixes, new encounters of human diversity, and naturally the bug-fixes discussed above. As with all matriarch additions it will require a new start due to init changes.

It was a bunch of work, so after the assumed bug-fixes that must follow I'll take a little break. <3 <3 <3
Aug 26, 2017
Just a quick bug report. New save with the latest files and .html, and am unable to assign a queen bee. Have built the home for bees, and I have 2 girls at the moment who are obedient, yet the option just isn't there.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Is there a compressed version? 4.53 Gigs are quite a load:coldsweat:
I've tried to ask the Skunk, but he's not sure he can do it. Maybe we need to have someone make a request in the mod/crack/whatever fits forum? (Not me obviously, I'm lazy)
Sep 11, 2017
I've tried to ask the Skunk, but he's not sure he can do it. Maybe we need to have someone make a request in the mod/crack/whatever fits forum? (Not me obviously, I'm lazy)
I do believe there is a way to use a compressor on images that will reduce them to as near a size as it can provided you don't want to sacrifice either resolution and/or detail.

It's a trick I use to turn 1MB+ images into often just ~200-600kb equivalents depending more often on how detailed the image is. The differences really start to stand out when 10MB+ images are reduced to at, or just under, 1MB. Huge save on file space but it can be quite time consuming depending on the compressor.


Jun 20, 2017
Hi @Beornwahl,

found another little spelling error. In the "giant" passage one of the $activeSlave.slaveName is missing the "e":
While still holding your legs $activeSlave.slaveNam begins to push you deeper and deeper inside her wet cave of a pussy.

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Active Member
Sep 11, 2016
@Beornwahl, Might I ask why ware most of the image files renamed to *.gif between v1.3 and v1.4?
If the author can give us some image size and format specks I could try to make an optimized version. Max width & height, transparency , etc.

From what I can see the officially supported formats are: PNG, GIF, JPEG, WebP and SVG. With WebP and SVG having some caveats.


Oct 4, 2017
Inanna still can't get pregnant, found a quick fix. Go into your browser console and do SugarCube.State.variables.inannaPreg = false
Reason for it being broken is she is the variable is undefined, by setting it to false, you define that she is indeed able to become pregnant. After this the pregnant system should work
@Beornwahl is this intentionally left undefined if so, please let me know. :D
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes