I am Sarai, wife of Abram, priestess of the First Temple." Raising her her she adds" I guess "her her" part is a mistake.
Also I've found 2 bugs.First one is when you capture a monster girl and want to fight her (so that she obeys you) game sometimes treats it as a new encounter meaning that you have a chance to have options like "breed" and "capture"(if you choose "capture" nothing happens) and here comes the second bug.When you meet a friendly monster girl and can capture her for some reason she doesn't appear in her lair if you don't have anyone else there.
Edit #1 After some testing I noticed that sometimes capturing a friendly monster girl gets you a copy of the one you got and sometimes you don't get anything.Also extreme amount of duplicate monstergirls show up at their lair(and because of that you have twin Brood Mothers at the same time in some cases).More testing required
Edit #2 There are now 3 Mother Cows(every single one gives birth so I get 3 cow girls instead of one) and I have only 1 tamed cow girl named Sattva.After capturing a friendly Cow Girl I got Sattva's complete duplicate.Even pregnancy status matches and if you send one of them away the other one is gone too.And after I captured another FRIENDLY(hostile ones you can capture just fine) Cow Girl I got Sattva again
Edit #3 My Queen Bee in constantly impregnated and gives births even if I don't interact with her(am I getting cucked?
) and timer doesn't count for how many weeks she is pregnant.Edit again.Timer starts to work again only from week 4 for every pregnancy.Don't know if it's intended
And I have a granddaughter named
GivenName (She is Sarai's granddaughter too if it helps fixing this problem).Edit again.Now some others of new daughters and granddaughters are named GivenName. Alright enough A&G for today. Oh and when you have sex with Sarai your energy does not deplete by 1(other Matriarchs are fine...I think)