Roger! Found and fixed. See version 1.7.3 when it arrives. Seems to have been the music menu.
Big chance this is just the damn random generator. Otherwise recheck installation steps and start new save.
Chance for creatures in monster homes to have the rutting scenario is now removed, but need either new save or a save loaded before 1.7.
I'm telling you, that RNG is keeping me up at night in horrid nightmares! It's been slated for redoing for a while, but it seems certain that any tampering to increase it but a little would introduce a multitude of bugs!
Give 1.7.3 a try when it comes out in regards to the skipped pregnancy. Try a fresh save with no cheats and hopefully the bug should be removed... hopefully indeed...
What is your folder build? As in where is the Player file placed in context to the img folder?
All daugthers of different matriarchs. The folder names keeps them organised for the internal code. The names' origins a mere relations to the geography their mythology is from (very loosely).
It is indeed a bit of a shame, but still, the game was always aimed more towards impregnation than pregnancy in regards to the visual. btw is there any of the matriarchs that have pregnancy content?
The Release double bug should now be fixed in version 1.7.3. And thanks for the detailed report! Those are dearly appreciated.
Is there no limit to how much the females' frontal attributes we men can desire? Surely not!
No, she is not made by the same code that constitutes the other slimes. She is an encounter however, and can be met in the jungle after Izanami's quest.
Have all the new updates been added successfully and are you using the latest Player version (currently 1.7.2)?
A bug. Should be fixed now... hopefully... See version 1.7.3 when released.
Interesting. It hadn't been mention in my memory. Let me see what I can do...
*Hmm, to fix this we would need to define every race before moving to this passage - not impossible, although a little time consuming. I'll put it on the to-do list for now
Is it human or monster girls you talk about? If human, all are meant to give births, if monster, only the broodmother is.
Yeah, that's how the array works it seems (although hopefully the double bug is fixed now).
It's the same in regards to the Death scene (if anyone here has experienced this anymore). It will choose the youngest and weakest child - the newest - and she will pass away.
It's most likely the placement of the images, so you won't have to start over. Look through the img folder.
Does this folder exist and is it placed as such: img\People\Human\Characters\Sarai ?
To sum up:
When you currently capture or kill an encountered monster girl in the wild the counter for her race goes down.
When you breed her it goes up.
When you release a monster girl, who was raised in a monster home, the counter currently doesn't go up.
So if you've killed or captured all the girls that were to be found in the wild, no amount of releases will help.
Ah, sp1ker, you're a godsend! I can't believe how strangely difficult it has been to find content for Indian gifs!
There all being added! And so are you naturally!
I agree on the layout, it bloody sucks, but unless someone knows how to code that hard java stuff we're stuck with it.
The village house thing sounds strange, yet very plausible! Is anyone else experiencing this?
The fairy/other monster homes thing is fixed in version 1.7.3. It seems it was a bug in all homes!
Yeah, the player is expected to lay the groundwork for the new civilization alone - I guess having kids is always a ton of work. Just don't have them "assassinated" instead of assigned! Those poor souls!
I'm inclined to go Bethesda on that and call it a feature.
However, when did it happen? To whom was the girl a daughter?
Wow, some of these are gorgeous! Hope you won't mind me blatantly stealing some of them in the possible future?
On a sort of similar note. Did you guys know we have a chinese translation of the game in circulation? Take a look on this fascinating find I came across:
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