4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Don't know if it has been mentioned but i think if you manage to get a free monster girl population to zero, sending girls out doesn't seem to add them to the wild again. Happened to me when i captured all beegirls i encountered. At one point the text said "no beegirls" and never changed even if i let more than 20 beegirls go. I wouldn't encounter any beegirls either.
Yeah, been a "problem" a while. I just make sure to only breed until it says in the fluff text that X have become numerous again. Then starting to alternate between capture and breed.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
Getting broken images for this in the Plains...I think it's related to the new Matriarch, since it mentioned the Ark of Noah in an earlier interaction.

Is this right? If not, is there a way I can fix it to properly show the images without having to start over?

FYI - I tried it on Chrome and get the same broken image for this quest line.
Total shot in the dark - are you on an operating system that isn't Windows?

Linux and other Unix variants use case sensitive filepaths so File.jpg and file.jpg are different pictures. However Windows doesn't. This means that many of the more lazy programmers out there don't check the proper casing of their links and it breaks them on operating systems that aren't Windows.


Aug 23, 2017
Total shot in the dark - are you on an operating system that isn't Windows?

Linux and other Unix variants use case sensitive filepaths so File.jpg and file.jpg are different pictures. However Windows doesn't. This means that many of the more lazy programmers out there don't check the proper casing of their links and it breaks them on operating systems that aren't Windows.
Using windows 10


Apr 29, 2017
Hey Beo -
Here are 6 additional Indian girls for you. Each folder has 3 blow pics, 3 sex pics, and a couple pictures that you could use for the main picture.

You'll notice blow4 and sex4 for a few of them - I couldn't chose which were the best 3. You can have that honour.

As with my others, these are all made by me - I have all the videos from which they came. The folders have the actress/star name in it to help track down extra pics. I toned down the resolution significantly to save space, but honestly I could go back and make them bigger/better/smoother if you wanted, but the size would go up.

Heading out of town on Monday for a week, so I may or may not be able to adjust anything until I get back.

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Oct 8, 2017
You did great with this game Beornwahl. I'm loving it.

I was first a bit wary about mixing real porn with drawings but it actually work really great.

Now here are a few suggestion I would have for your game.

First, probably the biggest issue with your game and maybe the one that is the hardest to fix is that the user interface suck. All the menuing is really tedious, I don't find what I want and constantly have to scroll up and down. Well, I don't know Twine very much but from what I saw in other twine game, I guess that you just have make it as good as possible.

Maybe there is something I don't understand with village houses button my game it looked like all the girl that were in house number n in any village would appear in the remove menu of any other house number n of any village.

Maybe it's normal but I was also offered to purchase upgrade for the fairy den despite having a built outpost here.

Maybe I missed it but I felt like human girls are pretty useless in early game. They need to be assassinated to work station in village, but building those is so expensive that either you just spend a couple of week grinding near you camp or you just wait to have tamed thirty monster-girls. Maybe in early game, human daughter could be sent to monster camp in ''diplomatic'' mission to increase your relationship with monster-girls that doesn't obey you. This way they are useful even if you don't have yet purchased expensive facility.

It may also help, when an event or action change the amount of stored resource to always state this change in bold. For many event it's not really clear if you didn't memorized the numbers before.

The amount of stored preservative isn't written anywhere right ?

Your writing is really good (it's not a bug nor a suggestion, but I wanted to finish on that).
Jul 28, 2017
i made my own replacements to some of the girls and now i feel like sharing :D
Here are the ones I've replaced:

girl3 --> Selena Castro
girl4 --> Carmella Bing

girl19 --> Amarna Miller

girl5 --> Aika (had to make a couple of gifs for her so sorry for the shitty quality)
girl6 --> Katrina Jade
girl12 --> Dana Vespoli
girl13 --> Julia Boin
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Reactions: Faldir and sp1ker
Sep 3, 2017
Hello all! I have put together my own replacement pack for the Venus update. As a fan of thicker girls but not the SSBBWs that were the focus of the original gallery, I have replaced Venus and her daughters with a selection of thick, curvy, chubby and plump girls. I hope you enjoy.



Game Developer
May 7, 2017
If you have opened two lists in sequence, in the list on the left, as credits and domain, you enter the eternal looping of returns.
Roger! Found and fixed. See version 1.7.3 when it arrives. Seems to have been the music menu.

can't meet serai also didnt meet cave girls.
Big chance this is just the damn random generator. Otherwise recheck installation steps and start new save.

Hey @Beornwahl, thanks for your response again!
Thanks for explaining the flirting thing! I guess it wasn't always like that in a previous version? I don't remember having to always unlock the next flirt level in one of the 1.5 versions. On this topic, are we supposed to have to unlock it 3 times then? Because after successfully unlocking the Blow option, the flirt button doesn't disappear and I am able to unlock the sex option. Just curious!

I think you may have misunderstood/I was unclear about what I meant concerning the rutting. Broodmother offspring still in the habitat (or monster home, as you called it), that are not yet obedient/tamed, can trigger the rutting scenario. It is these cases that I was talking about previously. Offspring still in the habitat living with all the other's that have either been captured or bred. When these offspring trigger the rutting scenario, if you choose to breed them their "quick notes" (the list of stats shown under their name when looking at the entire habitat in the list view) do not show them as being impregnated afterwards. Additionally, if you choose to capture them instead, you will get an exact duplicate of that creature. I haven't tested what happens when you choose to "leave them" yet.

Ah, I see, I was just curious because this was not the case in one of the 1.5 versions. I would do the vanilla sex, and then they wouldn't be impregnated until after I had sex with them again. Unless the perks weren't working properly in that version. XD
Either that, or I got really "lucky"/unlucky and it just never happened for me. Good ol' rng! :D

Also, any luck in testing for the skipped pregnancy thing I mentioned?

As for the new saves, if I've already made a save for v1.7.2 and was encountering this issue, will I still need to make a new save, or should I be fine?

Thanks again!
Chance for creatures in monster homes to have the rutting scenario is now removed, but need either new save or a save loaded before 1.7.

I'm telling you, that RNG is keeping me up at night in horrid nightmares! It's been slated for redoing for a while, but it seems certain that any tampering to increase it but a little would introduce a multitude of bugs!

Give 1.7.3 a try when it comes out in regards to the skipped pregnancy. Try a fresh save with no cheats and hopefully the bug should be removed... hopefully indeed...

apologies in advance. I played this game some six or so months back and dont remember having any issues, but I am having a bitch of a time getting this working. seeing 0 pictures in game. Just errors in place of them. Downloading 1.6 main game, extracting. downloading the player, extracting. downloading que sera, extracting, then copy the img folder and paste it into 1.6, merging the img folders. Game fails to see the pictures before and after the que sera img merging.
Any ideas what im missing?
What is your folder build? As in where is the Player file placed in context to the img folder?

Wow. I looked in from the files and did not understand the function of these folders caves and temples. Are they daughters of some matriarch or can you find these girls in any way?
All daugthers of different matriarchs. The folder names keeps them organised for the internal code. The names' origins a mere relations to the geography their mythology is from (very loosely).

What would be amazing is if the Matriarchs were pornstars that had worked during pregnancy as well as before/after, and if the game could serve images / videos based on that.

But I can't think of more than one or two women who would fit that criteria.
It is indeed a bit of a shame, but still, the game was always aimed more towards impregnation than pregnancy in regards to the visual. btw is there any of the matriarchs that have pregnancy content?

Okay so I found a save where I could reliably catch girls going missing that I attached; in domain all 18 girls are accounted for, however if you send away any of the girls Brynna will also be removed, if you send Brynna away it will also remove Seirian. Sending Brynna away will not affect anyone else. Later on I filled up the farm with as many workers as I could, which was 10, do the preserving huts require an extra 3 workers? The farm says it can only support 7 farmhands. Either way the huts still didn't preserve anything.
The Release double bug should now be fixed in version 1.7.3. And thanks for the detailed report! Those are dearly appreciated.

A crossover of Izanami and Venus will be nice...
Is there no limit to how much the females' frontal attributes we men can desire? Surely not!

Hi, is possible move the goo girl from hunt to hive ?
No, she is not made by the same code that constitutes the other slimes. She is an encounter however, and can be met in the jungle after Izanami's quest.

getting an error message when exploring the plains and cannot find the human females on the planes and the second one in the desserts either
Have all the new updates been added successfully and are you using the latest Player version (currently 1.7.2)?

Hi. Im new to the game. I got a question. Why am i losing more daughters when i send someone away?
A bug. Should be fixed now... hopefully... See version 1.7.3 when released.

Don't know if it has been mentioned but i think if you manage to get a free monster girl population to zero, sending girls out doesn't seem to add them to the wild again. Happened to me when i captured all beegirls i encountered. At one point the text said "no beegirls" and never changed even if i let more than 20 beegirls go. I wouldn't encounter any beegirls either.
Interesting. It hadn't been mention in my memory. Let me see what I can do...
*Hmm, to fix this we would need to define every race before moving to this passage - not impossible, although a little time consuming. I'll put it on the to-do list for now :)

I'm not sure if this is a bug or was implemented at some point in time, but when I have more than one girl pregnant, and it's time for them to give birth, I only receive one, not the amount that were pregnant. It also causes those that were in labor to reset themselves to be not pregnant.
Is it human or monster girls you talk about? If human, all are meant to give births, if monster, only the broodmother is.

i just notice that the girl you lost if you send someone away is the newest girl you have. no matter if she monster or human.
Yeah, that's how the array works it seems (although hopefully the double bug is fixed now).

It's the same in regards to the Death scene (if anyone here has experienced this anymore). It will choose the youngest and weakest child - the newest - and she will pass away.

Getting broken images for this in the Plains...I think it's related to the new Matriarch, since it mentioned the Ark of Noah in an earlier interaction.

Is this right? If not, is there a way I can fix it to properly show the images without having to start over?

FYI - I tried it on Chrome and get the same broken image for this quest line.
It's most likely the placement of the images, so you won't have to start over. Look through the img folder.

Does this folder exist and is it placed as such: img\People\Human\Characters\Sarai ?

Yeah, been a "problem" a while. I just make sure to only breed until it says in the fluff text that X have become numerous again. Then starting to alternate between capture and breed.
To sum up:

When you currently capture or kill an encountered monster girl in the wild the counter for her race goes down.
When you breed her it goes up.
When you release a monster girl, who was raised in a monster home, the counter currently doesn't go up.

So if you've killed or captured all the girls that were to be found in the wild, no amount of releases will help.

Hey Beo -
Here are 6 additional Indian girls for you. Each folder has 3 blow pics, 3 sex pics, and a couple pictures that you could use for the main picture.

You'll notice blow4 and sex4 for a few of them - I couldn't chose which were the best 3. You can have that honour.

As with my others, these are all made by me - I have all the videos from which they came. The folders have the actress/star name in it to help track down extra pics. I toned down the resolution significantly to save space, but honestly I could go back and make them bigger/better/smoother if you wanted, but the size would go up.

Heading out of town on Monday for a week, so I may or may not be able to adjust anything until I get back.

Ah, sp1ker, you're a godsend! I can't believe how strangely difficult it has been to find content for Indian gifs!

There all being added! And so are you naturally!

You did great with this game Beornwahl. I'm loving it.

I was first a bit wary about mixing real porn with drawings but it actually work really great.

Now here are a few suggestion I would have for your game.

First, probably the biggest issue with your game and maybe the one that is the hardest to fix is that the user interface suck. All the menuing is really tedious, I don't find what I want and constantly have to scroll up and down. Well, I don't know Twine very much but from what I saw in other twine game, I guess that you just have make it as good as possible.

Maybe there is something I don't understand with village houses button my game it looked like all the girl that were in house number n in any village would appear in the remove menu of any other house number n of any village.

Maybe it's normal but I was also offered to purchase upgrade for the fairy den despite having a built outpost here.

Maybe I missed it but I felt like human girls are pretty useless in early game. They need to be assassinated to work station in village, but building those is so expensive that either you just spend a couple of week grinding near you camp or you just wait to have tamed thirty monster-girls. Maybe in early game, human daughter could be sent to monster camp in ''diplomatic'' mission to increase your relationship with monster-girls that doesn't obey you. This way they are useful even if you don't have yet purchased expensive facility.

It may also help, when an event or action change the amount of stored resource to always state this change in bold. For many event it's not really clear if you didn't memorized the numbers before.

The amount of stored preservative isn't written anywhere right ?

Your writing is really good (it's not a bug nor a suggestion, but I wanted to finish on that).
I agree on the layout, it bloody sucks, but unless someone knows how to code that hard java stuff we're stuck with it.

The village house thing sounds strange, yet very plausible! Is anyone else experiencing this?

The fairy/other monster homes thing is fixed in version 1.7.3. It seems it was a bug in all homes!

Yeah, the player is expected to lay the groundwork for the new civilization alone - I guess having kids is always a ton of work. Just don't have them "assassinated" instead of assigned! Those poor souls!

I have encountered the givenname bug with one of my human daughters
I'm inclined to go Bethesda on that and call it a feature.

However, when did it happen? To whom was the girl a daughter?

i made my own replacements to some of the girls and now i feel like sharing :D
Here are the ones I've replaced:

girl3 --> Selena Castro
girl4 --> Carmella Bing

girl19 --> Amarna Miller

girl5 --> Aika (had to make a couple of gifs for her so sorry for the shitty quality)
girl6 --> Katrina Jade
girl12 --> Dana Vespoli
girl13 --> Julia Boin
Hello all! I have put together my own replacement pack for the Venus update. As a fan of thicker girls but not the SSBBWs that were the focus of the original gallery, I have replaced Venus and her daughters with a selection of thick, curvy, chubby and plump girls. I hope you enjoy.

Wow, some of these are gorgeous! Hope you won't mind me blatantly stealing some of them in the possible future?

On a sort of similar note. Did you guys know we have a chinese translation of the game in circulation? Take a look on this fascinating find I came across: wat.jpg


Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
Maybe there is something I don't understand with village houses button my game it looked like all the girl that were in house number n in any village would appear in the remove menu of any other house number n of any village.
The village house thing sounds strange, yet very plausible! Is anyone else experiencing this?
I have experienced this i had 2 girls in house 1 and 2 in house 5 and all 4 showed like they was in house 1 or 5 depending on which one i was looking at. havnt tried for multiple zones like plains/caves


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
I have experienced this i had 2 girls in house 1 and 2 in house 5 and all 4 showed like they was in house 1 or 5 depending on which one i was looking at. havnt tried for multiple zones like plains/caves
I'm afraid this merits further reports and testing. Couldn't find anything so far that explains or fixes it.

The girl was a grand daughter of Sarai.
This I did manage to fix. It should be taken care of in the 1.7.3 update - but only for girl born after that update. So any girl born before will remain GivenName, which does have a certain beauty of course.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
@Beornwahl Next time it happens to me i will save it and try to get you the save file. havnt ever tried to do a save file where i give it to the dev with this style usually in Renpy is easier to do :) for me at least


Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
Ok how do you get the dragon geez lol it is probably just Rng but maybe i missed something. Do you let the dragon through the portal or no? i have the place built just no dragon. and i cant seem to get the other Lady in the Plains i just finished getting the Mature one that was just put in. Just not the other one. Is the Wiki updated? I seen there was one.

Edit: sorry i have both Matriarchs from the Plains. But still no Dragon :(
Last edited:


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
okay beorn, i found the names for all the ebony girls (deserts).

seems like you have to redo some girls, but thankfully only a few ^^:

girl 1 = Misty Stone
girl 2 = Alia Starr
girl 3 = Anya Ivy
girl 4 = Diamond Jackson
girl 5 = Jada Fire
girl 6 = Jayla Foxx
girl 7 = No idea who that girl is. Blowjob 2 = Satin Bloom (not ebony!)
girl 8 = Lacey Duvalle
girl 9 = Layton Benton
girl 10 = Maserati XXX
girl 11 = Nyomi Banxxx
girl 12 = Jenna J. Foxx
girl 13 = Jasmine Webb
girl 14 = Brittney White
girl 15 = Brittney White
girl 16 = Moriah Mills
girl 17 = Kendall Woods; sex 3 = ???
girl 18 = Nyomi Banxxx
girl 19 = Carmen Hayes
girl 20 = Jezabel Vessir
girl 21 = Jezabel Vessir
girl 22 = Tyra Moore
girl 23 = Kiki Minaj; Blowjob 1 = Kira Noir; Blowjob 2 = ?; rest is Kira Noir
girl 24 = Kira Noir; Blowjob scenes = Kiki Minaj; Sex 1 = Roxy Reynolds; Sex 2 = Kiki Minaj; Sex 3 Armani Monae

girls i found while browsing through the pics (might be worth building them in the game):
Bella Moretti
Evanni Solei
Cecilia Lion
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Reactions: sp1ker
Sep 3, 2017
Roger! Found and fixed. See version 1.7.3 when it arrives. Seems to have been the music menu.

Big chance this is just the damn random generator. Otherwise recheck installation steps and start new save.

Chance for creatures in monster homes to have the rutting scenario is now removed, but need either new save or a save loaded before 1.7.

I'm telling you, that RNG is keeping me up at night in horrid nightmares! It's been slated for redoing for a while, but it seems certain that any tampering to increase it but a little would introduce a multitude of bugs!

Give 1.7.3 a try when it comes out in regards to the skipped pregnancy. Try a fresh save with no cheats and hopefully the bug should be removed... hopefully indeed...

What is your folder build? As in where is the Player file placed in context to the img folder?

All daugthers of different matriarchs. The folder names keeps them organised for the internal code. The names' origins a mere relations to the geography their mythology is from (very loosely).

It is indeed a bit of a shame, but still, the game was always aimed more towards impregnation than pregnancy in regards to the visual. btw is there any of the matriarchs that have pregnancy content?

The Release double bug should now be fixed in version 1.7.3. And thanks for the detailed report! Those are dearly appreciated.

Is there no limit to how much the females' frontal attributes we men can desire? Surely not!

No, she is not made by the same code that constitutes the other slimes. She is an encounter however, and can be met in the jungle after Izanami's quest.

Have all the new updates been added successfully and are you using the latest Player version (currently 1.7.2)?

A bug. Should be fixed now... hopefully... See version 1.7.3 when released.

Interesting. It hadn't been mention in my memory. Let me see what I can do...
*Hmm, to fix this we would need to define every race before moving to this passage - not impossible, although a little time consuming. I'll put it on the to-do list for now :)

Is it human or monster girls you talk about? If human, all are meant to give births, if monster, only the broodmother is.

Yeah, that's how the array works it seems (although hopefully the double bug is fixed now).

It's the same in regards to the Death scene (if anyone here has experienced this anymore). It will choose the youngest and weakest child - the newest - and she will pass away.

It's most likely the placement of the images, so you won't have to start over. Look through the img folder.

Does this folder exist and is it placed as such: img\People\Human\Characters\Sarai ?

To sum up:

When you currently capture or kill an encountered monster girl in the wild the counter for her race goes down.
When you breed her it goes up.
When you release a monster girl, who was raised in a monster home, the counter currently doesn't go up.

So if you've killed or captured all the girls that were to be found in the wild, no amount of releases will help.

Ah, sp1ker, you're a godsend! I can't believe how strangely difficult it has been to find content for Indian gifs!

There all being added! And so are you naturally!

I agree on the layout, it bloody sucks, but unless someone knows how to code that hard java stuff we're stuck with it.

The village house thing sounds strange, yet very plausible! Is anyone else experiencing this?

The fairy/other monster homes thing is fixed in version 1.7.3. It seems it was a bug in all homes!

Yeah, the player is expected to lay the groundwork for the new civilization alone - I guess having kids is always a ton of work. Just don't have them "assassinated" instead of assigned! Those poor souls!

I'm inclined to go Bethesda on that and call it a feature.

However, when did it happen? To whom was the girl a daughter?

Wow, some of these are gorgeous! Hope you won't mind me blatantly stealing some of them in the possible future?

On a sort of similar note. Did you guys know we have a chinese translation of the game in circulation? Take a look on this fascinating find I came across: View attachment 89226
Be my guest! None of that is original work, all taken from the dark, sticky depths of the interwebs.
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New Member
Jul 2, 2017
What is your folder build? As in where is the Player file placed in context to the img folder?
oooooooh. yeah, I was being an idiot and leaving the player outside of it in the downloads folder. Threw it in the 1.6 folder and it works great now. Thank you so much man.
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Jan 28, 2018
Chance for creatures in monster homes to have the rutting scenario is now removed, but need either new save or a save loaded before 1.7.

I'm telling you, that RNG is keeping me up at night in horrid nightmares! It's been slated for redoing for a while, but it seems certain that any tampering to increase it but a little would introduce a multitude of bugs!

Give 1.7.3 a try when it comes out in regards to the skipped pregnancy. Try a fresh save with no cheats and hopefully the bug should be removed... hopefully indeed...
Hey, thanks once again for the response and for your work!
Yes, RNG is indeed a fickle creature...
Oh no! All my work and grinding undone! D: Oh well, I guess. xD
Looking forward to the next release and the eventual progression of the story! ^_^
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May 7, 2017
Is it human or monster girls you talk about? If human, all are meant to give births, if monster, only the broodmother is.
At first it was both, humans, and monsters. but as of this update (1.7.2) it's just the monsters that aren't all giving births. When did this get implemented for only the broodmother to give birth, and would that mean if we weren't to declare one, would all monsters be able to give birth?
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes