Here is a re-upload of Adult VR Game Room 0.5.2 with my crack below already applied-
Otherwise, if you have the uncracked Adult VR Game Room 0.5.2 files, here is my crack for it that sets you to the highest supporter tier. It also supports multiplayer so you can play with other people. You can also play offline if you want, in case you have no internet or your ISP blocks the game.
Note: choosing to play in offline mode will get overridden by the game if you actually can access the servers, so if you want to be truly offline while still having internet, consider using a firewall to block the game.
Before logging in you have 3 options:
Play in online mode (unchecking this box allows the game to be played without internet or the game firewalled)
Play in desktop mode (unchecking this makes the game go into VR mode, keep this checked if you aren't using VR)
Replay the tutorial (unchecking this won't prevent the first time playing tutorial)
Then simply click the Login button.
Do feel free to
@Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.
There is a more detailed readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just extract and replace Assembly-CSharp.dll in Adult VR Game Room 052\Adult VR Game Room_Data\Managed with the one in (you can backup your old one just in case).