3.30 star(s) 12 Votes


Dec 10, 2017
Man, I remember when I was playing 0.12 and thinking "This has some potential.". After losing it during the change from flash. All I can say that potential has been fulfilled ten fold. Seriously, when I downloaded it recently I did not expect this much of a change. It hits pretty much all the stuff you'd what if it come to mind control. Also a few more things for good measure. It's just a shame you can't use the good old flash exploit to auto level. It made restarting a whole lot easier. Also that there isn't an up to date walkthrough. Something else I'm curious about. In order to get Sarah's bubble spell and possession you need to date her right? Or has that changed or am I dumb and just miss remembering?

Side note if the Hypnochanger reads this. Obvious long time fan. Love all your work. I would say thank everyone involved but one I'm a random so it would mean nothing. Two I'm sure there are far too many people to thank them all. So just keep up the good work and thanks.

Now I'm off to see if the game has the secrets I remember, exploits, bugs or just enjoy the game once again.
There's a (somewhat old, still probably your best bet) walkthrough written by the dude who used to ran the wiki before it was nuked. You can find it earlier in this thread.

Bubble: you don't need to date her, you need to tag with her to her home. Dating makes it a little easier, but it's not a requirement.
Mar 23, 2022
There's a (somewhat old, still probably your best bet) walkthrough written by the dude who used to ran the wiki before it was nuked. You can find it earlier in this thread.

Bubble: you don't need to date her, you need to tag with her to her home. Dating makes it a little easier, but it's not a requirement.
Well 0.6.2 is better then none I guess. 10 version out of date is better then none or nearly 20 versions if you use the one on the blog.

That's right, it wasn't girlfriend it was controlled and bubble. It's nearly impossible to get the two. Her controlled and her bubble. Never could figure out her doll proc for it.


Dec 10, 2017
Well 0.6.2 is better then none I guess. 10 version out of date is better then none or nearly 20 versions if you use the one on the blog.

That's right, it wasn't girlfriend it was controlled and bubble. It's nearly impossible to get the two. Her controlled and her bubble. Never could figure out her doll proc for it.
If you mean the Possession spell (...or whatever it's called), just use Suppression on the ghost in the scene that follows after you've lost the battle at her home.

Doll scene is a bit convoluted.
First, you need the Stone Skin spell on the protagonist.
Second, you need to complete the first of Jane's Private Classes (not Secret Notes). This is done by either completing Sarah's mind on the Heroic route or enslaving any 3 characters.
I think that Sarah also needs a minimum level - I tend to just quick level her to 15. She might have a minimum affection requirement but I'm not sure how much in that case.
There might be a minimum floor requirement because this game fucking loves making you jump through hoops to get anywhere.
If it is, it's at most floor 14 (if you're at floor 15+ you lose access to some Sarah related shit)
Once you've done that, see the following scenes with her:

-School (see first Dr. Tiff and Drape classes)
-Use Boost on her during the scene (+affection)
-Speak to her in the streets. Say it doesn't bother you (+affection). Feel free to cast Confuse and talk to her about herself, giving easy access to her home route.
-Speak to her in the streets again (Dan only). She'll ask if you're dating someone. Feel free to start dating her, should you want to.
-Speak to her in Drape's classroom. Back her up if you want easy access to Cassandra. Minor affection drop, nothing major.
-Speak to her in the streets again. Wait until she says "Like plastic, for example?". Cast Stone Skin.
-Complete Jane's first private class (Val, Julia and Cassandra are most likely the 3 easiest ones for you to enslave).
-Speak to Sarah in the streets again. Say you can give it a try.
-Cast Stone Skin on her when she's nude
-Cast Boost on her while she's a doll. The first option enslaves her and lets you turn her into a Doll again, the second option sets her free and is required for the Bimbo's Gone Wild route if you want Sarah as a bimbo.

Congratulations, you have a Doll Sarah.
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Mar 23, 2022
If you mean the Possession spell (...or whatever it's called), just use Suppression on the ghost in the scene that follows after you've lost the battle at her home.

Doll scene is a bit convoluted.
First, you need the Stone Skin spell on the protagonist.
Second, you need to complete the first of Jane's Private Classes (not Secret Notes). This is done by either completing Sarah's mind on the Heroic route or enslaving any 3 characters.
I think that Sarah also needs a minimum level - I tend to just quick level her to 15. She might have a minimum affection requirement but I'm not sure how much in that case.
There might be a minimum floor requirement because this game fucking loves making you jump through hoops to get anywhere.
If it is, it's at most floor 14 (if you're at floor 15+ you lose access to some Sarah related shit)
Once you've done that, see the following scenes with her:

-School (see first Dr. Tiff and Drape classes)
-Use Boost on her during the scene (+affection)
-Speak to her in the streets. Say it doesn't bother you (+affection). Feel free to cast Confuse and talk to her about herself, giving easy access to her home route.
-Speak to her in the streets again (Dan only). She'll ask if you're dating someone. Feel free to start dating her, should you want to.
-Speak to her in Drape's classroom. Back her up if you want easy access to Cassandra. Minor affection drop, nothing major.
-Speak to her in the streets again. Wait until she says "Like plastic, for example?". Cast Stone Skin.
-Complete Jane's first private class (Val, Julia and Cassandra are most likely the 3 easiest ones for you to enslave).
-Speak to Sarah in the streets again. Say you can give it a try.
-Cast Stone Skin on her when she's nude
-Cast Boost on her while she's a doll. The first option enslaves her and lets you turn her into a Doll again, the second option sets her free and is required for the Bimbo's Gone Wild route if you want Sarah as a bimbo.

Congratulations, you have a Doll Sarah.
I appreciate the help. It's been a while and this helps speed up the process. What I never figured out was when she is a doll you can cause her to mention going home. That triggers the ability to get her bubble spell/possession. Unless you have to get it before you turn her into a doll. Also what I meant was you can't cast suppression on her and get bubble. Enslaved Sarah and bubble spell/possession are separate routes. Well technically there is a way but it's a secret so it doesn't count.


Dec 10, 2017
I appreciate the help. It's been a while and this helps speed up the process. What I never figured out was when she is a doll you can cause her to mention going home. That triggers the ability to get her bubble spell/possession. Unless you have to get it before you turn her into a doll. Also what I meant was you can't cast suppression on her and get bubble. Enslaved Sarah and bubble spell/possession are separate routes. Well technically there is a way but it's a secret so it doesn't count.
If Sarah's a doll, she'll mention needing to check on her home if the protagonist gained 5 or more levels by the time you fix her (so if you make her a doll at level 15, you need to be level 20+).

The Bubble spell is obtained as long as you tag with her. I think it only pops if you fail the battle. I only won it once and that was out of curiosity.


Dec 10, 2017
Eric's Bimbo NG+ will be added next update. Hopefully Erin will follow soon
Has he started adding anything to this update yet? It's the 7th and if he plans on releasing on the 13th like he claims he does, he better get on it otherwise.

A friend's a patron of his but is out of town so I haven't been in contact with them about new updates (usually how I find out the change log, too).


Mar 20, 2022
Has he started adding anything to this update yet? It's the 7th and if he plans on releasing on the 13th like he claims he does, he better get on it otherwise.

A friend's a patron of his but is out of town so I haven't been in contact with them about new updates (usually how I find out the change log, too).
Not really sure, I'm not a patron this month so I only saw a part of the live update's description


Jan 10, 2019
Is there a list of all spells and how to acquire them, also, is it possible in a single playthrough to acquire all the spells and all possible party members ?


Dec 10, 2017
Is there a list of all spells and how to acquire them, also, is it possible in a single playthrough to acquire all the spells and all possible party members ?
Used to be available on the wikia before it was nuked.

Single playthrough: IIRC, yes. You need to do Sarah's Home plot for some of her spells and you need to begin the Bimbo World NG+ (no need to finish, IIRC) for one of Val's. Julia also has one with a shit load of criteria.

All party members: yes, but not on the Heroic route. Derrick is only possible to obtain if you've enslaved Molly (he, too, has to be enslaved to become playable).

Generally, it's just a matter of grinding. Each spell can be learned at level 1 if you have enough proficiency in that tree.
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Jan 10, 2019
Does anyone knows all of the requirements to get Doll Sarah ?
Like choices, levels, floors and etc...

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Can you edit stats and proficiency on some kind of save editor or cheat engine ?
I don't know about that, but you can gain a huge boost to experience and proficiency by typing in the Konami Code in your bedroom. (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A. Or "WWSSADADBA")
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Dec 10, 2017
Does anyone knows all of the requirements to get Doll Sarah ?
Like choices, levels, floors and etc...
Sarah has to be a certain level (I think 12, but I usually rush 15)
You need the Stone Skin spell on the protagonist
You must have done Jane's first private (NOT Secret Notes) class.
Sarah needs a certain amount of affection.

What I usually do, fresh save:
-Either option
-Either option
-Go together
-Be careful
-Magic on a monster?

-How do I know you're telling the truth? (Yes, this gives an affection boost).
-I do know a healing spell

SARAH (Streets #1)
-Doesn't bother me
-Cast Confuse
-Tell me about yourself
-Do Sarah's home plot (not needed, but her not having access to half her fucking spells is a useless idea on a good day)
-Speak to Sarah in Drape's classroom (Sarah must be level 6+ but she doesn't seem to spawn for me until 7+)
-Side with Sarah

SARAH (Dating Sarah - this step is optional - if you don't want to, choose "Yes" to the first answer)
-I'm single (No)
-Yeah we can date (Yes)
-Go to the lake and choose the lake twice if you haven't done her home plot OR lake and then "Do you want to make out?" if you want her support spell

Either way, next you have to choose how to access Jane's private class (again, not secret note). The easiest way is by enslaving 3 people.
In the hallway, speak to Val and cast Confuse and Suppression.
In the hallway, speak to Cass.

Head to the dungeon (first floor) and refuse Cass' deal. Beat her and cast Grapple (if you want, you can cast Boost 4 times when she's at full HP and choose a cow outfit). If you do the latter, tell her you'll fix her and cast Suppression.

Grab any secret note (earliest is floor 3) and complete that secret class. Speak to Julia and cast Confuse and Grapple (CG and much shorter scene).

Speak to Jane. Admit to using your magic on the students and speak to her again. After this class is done, head to the streets.

SARAH (Streets #2)
Speak to Sarah. Wait until she says "Like plastic, for example?" and cast Stone Skin. Speak to Sarah again (needs a specific level, I think it's 12-15). Tell her you can give it a shot.
Head home and wait until she's nude. Cast Stone Skin again.

Now, you have an option.
If you want to enslave her, speak to her and cast Boost followed by Suppression. Otherwise, just cast Boost... and make sure to pick the second option. The first one enslaves her.

Congratulations, you now have a doll Sarah and can grab the treasure on floor 11 of the dungeon.
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Jan 10, 2019
I don't know about that, but you can gain a huge boost to experience and proficiency by typing in the Konami Code in your bedroom. (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A. Or "WWSSADADBA")
I saw the cheat on the home page for the game on this site, it's just that there is some need in levels for characters to access certain routes, and I wanna spare myself some time and not grind a lot to see everything that I wanna see in different playthroughs


Jan 10, 2019
Depends on the route you're going.
You must either be Rosa (if you're not, you'll just get force fed a gender change potion) or have Julia as a slave (Normal personality).
In case of the latter: you need Julia pretty early as a slave. As in, around the time you get the milk pumps, she should already be a slave.

It should go like this:

Milk her four times - T!Sarah gets annoyed at her.

Milk her twice more - T!Sarah gets further annoyed. If you have N!Julia, she'll translate that Cowssandra is asking for help.

Milk her twice more - T!Sarah should meet you in the streets. Dismiss her or allow Julia to inspect the milk pumps.

If you went with JULIA INSPECTING: Head to the library to see Julia milk herself.

If you went with IGNORE SARAH: AFAIK, nothing really happens. Might be me not remembering.

If Julia is NOT in her normal personality during the second scene (6 milkings total), milk Cowssandra twice more and you'll get the best fucking CG in the game (CowSarah being milked).

Pretty sure that 2 more milkings after that is what leads to the bad ending (Rosa being milked).
I think I saw somewhere a long lime ago something about a milking scene with some other character besides Cassandra and Julia, maybe Valerie or Sarah, if this scene do exist, do you know how to get it ?


Dec 10, 2017
I think I saw somewhere a long lime ago something about a milking scene with some other character besides Cassandra and Julia, maybe Valerie or Sarah, if this scene do exist, do you know how to get it ?
I remember Sarah having two (one's a bad end). Not sure on Val.

For Sarah: she needs to be in Tough personality and you need the willing slave Cowssandra, along with the milk pumps from floor 13.

In order:
Enslave Sarah at any point. Grapple in the hallway is the easiest but it requires you to have access to Julia as a slave instead, as that's the only other way to make Cassandra spawn.

Reject Cassandra's deal and use Boost on her 4 times while she's at full HP. Choose any of the three options (only affects how she looks). Leave her like that and head to (IIRC) floor 14.
Head back out and speak to Cass. Refuse to heal her. In the final scene (starts with a student asking what she's doing), correct her. Head home and tell her to become your servant.

Add her to the party and head to floor 13 of the dungeon. At this point, make sure Sarah is in her Tough form.

Head back home and milk Cassandra several times. I think it's 4 times for the initial scene and then another scene is unlocked every 2 milkings.

Eventually, a scene will trigger in which Sarah is being milked (and has been for hours on end) causing the Protagonist to get worried and Cassandra merely replying with "Yeah. I know."

For the bad end, just keep at the milking. I don't remember how to access it (because I've only done it once and that was when it was just added) but I'm pretty sure that it's unlocked simply by milking her enough and not letting Julia grab the milk pumps.

If someone else knows the exact details, feel free to correct me!
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Jan 10, 2019
Can you do the Doll Sarah plotline with Sarah as a slave ?
Or the Cowsandra Conspiracy with Cassandra as a normal slave besides being a willing slave ?


Dec 13, 2020
Can you do the Doll Sarah plotline with Sarah as a slave ?
Or the Cowsandra Conspiracy with Cassandra as a normal slave besides being a willing slave ?
No and no, but there is an alternate plot with the pumps if you're Cassandra's slave.
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3.30 star(s) 12 Votes