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May 17, 2018
You need to enslave her to change her. You can do it when you first meet her by casting confusion then either suppression or grapple.

There are other opportunities later; you can give her the mysterious book, use suppression after Ashley punches her in the face, try to date her and just taking advantage, enslave Ashley and refusing to let her go. Unfortunately all of those require at least some venturing into the dungeon.
What book and who is Ashley? The only people I can see are Sarah, Molly, dark elf chick that sells clothing enchantments which is the only thing she does and the nerd bitch, there is no one else to see and nothing else to do even the hell hole all the way to floor 25 has nothing but random monsters.
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Dec 10, 2017
What book and who is Ashley? The only people I can see are Sarah, Molly, dark elf chick that sells clothing enchantments which is the only thing she does and the nerd bitch, there is no one else to see and nothing else to do even the hell hole all the way to floor 25 has nothing but random monsters.
You can find 3 treasures in the dungeon - floor 11, 13 and 17 IIRC (unsure on last one).

The Book appears late in the Berserker route.

Ashley is the Berserker.

To make Ashley spawn, the protagonist (Dan/Rosa) has to be at least level 3. Go around on floor 1 until she shows up. Beat her by casting Suppression 3 times in 1 battle. She's the only encounter there, so you can't miss it. The higher your level, the faster she should show up.

Once done, bring Ashley to Julia (has to be Normal personality). Head to the streets and speak to Ashley, who'll now join you.

Reach floor 14+ of the dungeon and speak to Julia again. Tell her "Are you okay?" and then speak to her again. Depending on if you're dating Julia or not, it affects things.

If you ARE: Speak to her again.

If you're NOT: Forgive her, then head home. Speak to Ashley there and then head back to the library.

Either way, she'll tell you she need Jane's help (the ebony teacher). Agree or ask for more info. Also, at this point, a Book has appeared in the Item Shop, costing 10k Gems. Do NOT buy it if you're Rosa, but do buy it if you're Dan.

Speak to Jane in her room, then speak to Julia again. You'll fight a boss - defeat it.

If Jane is NOT your slave: speak to her in her room. Don't sign the contract, but do steal it.

If Jane IS your slave: ignore the above step.

Head to the streets. When speaking to Julia, confront her.

Now, it depends on if you have Sarah's mom or not. I advice you don't.

Swap Ashley into the party, then head to floor 15. Stay around for a few minutes (standing still is fine). I think it's like 3 minutes you gotta wait. Yes, seriously.

Head back to the room and agree to free Ashley. Julia will automatically join your party at this point, too. Congratulations, you have the heaviest (physical) hitter in the game.

One char you can easily obtain is lesbian for no reason beyond the creator fucking saying so. No, I'm not making that up. There's no plot relevance to having a lesbian character. But it's required she's lesbian. Which is fucking stupid, as she's hot. And I hate playing as Rosa.

Her name is Cass, anyway. Befriend Sarah (don't enslave her) and level her to like level 8. Speak to her in the streets (might be twice), speak to her AGAIN in Drape's room. Back her up.

Speak to Cass in the hallway and go to the first floor. Refuse the deal.

In the battle, cast Boost on her 4 times while she's at full HP. Choose any option (first time, affects how she looks though - 2nd option best option). Refuse to heal her and speak to her in the hallway until the scene starts with her kneeling down. Correct her at that point and speak to her at your place. Tell her to become your servant.

At this point, you can get the floor 13 treasure chest, which contains... milk pumps. Cass must be in your party. It changes her play with scene. Make sure to enslave Sarah after this and have her in her Tough form.

If you just wanna enslave her normally, beat her (she's easy as fuck) and cast Grapple in the scene right after the battle.
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Jul 10, 2021
How many characters can be slaved in a single run? I get 14 characters and what is different in new game plus?


Dec 15, 2020
Yes. Do the Bimbo's Gone Wild route - do the Bimbo World NG+, then attempt to pull it off again.

During that route, do the following:
-Head to the streets (Sarah)
-Head to the Item Shop (Molly)
-Speak to Molly (optional)
-Head to School (Cass)
-Speak to Dr. Tiff, NOT Jane.
-Speak to Jane
-Head to the Library (optional)
-Head to the first floor of the Dungeon
-Tell her "No"
-Tell her "She can do it safely".
-Choose to be dominant (+Trust, though fuck if I know for who - Furukawa'd know, probably)
-Speak to Val in Jane's room
Val's not showing up in Jane's room


Jul 10, 2021
It's possible to have all of them at once, although some are very easily missed.
I wasted months to understand the dungeon, I wasted months trying to slave Jane and now I have to waste more to know each character, their missions and possible missables? Crap, I hope there is a updated guide.


Dec 10, 2017
Val's not showing up in Jane's room
When you meet with Val in the dungeon, allow her to bimbofy safely and then head back to your room. During that scene, choose assert dominance (+trust, though I have no idea who for) and Val will start being able to turn people into bimbos, as long as they're in their Normal personality to begin with.

Val's icon should appear in the following locations:

Dr. Tiff's room
Jane's room
School hallway (Cass)
Library (Julia) - you need access to seeing your slaves topless, then choose to let her bimbofy Julia.
Your living room (Ashley)
Enchantment Shop (Brittany)
Monster Ranch (Erin + Eric - Eric is in the first room, Erin in the second)
School hallway (Sarah - she has to be in her Doll form), then your room
Forest (June)
Lake (Victoria)
Streets (Kate)
Item Shop (Molly)
As for Reese, I'm unsure. I rarely do it. I do know that if you had Reese sign the contract then change her back to any non-bimbo form, she'll turn into a permanent bimbo. Possibly the forest?
AFAIK, Derrick and Angie are not possible.

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Nov 10, 2019
I wasted months to understand the dungeon, I wasted months trying to slave Jane and now I have to waste more to know each character, their missions and possible missables? Crap, I hope there is a updated guide.
Yeah, it was better before the wiki got nuked. the current walkthrough is way behind on the updates. As far as meeting the characters:

Rack/Drape/Tiff/Jane: Teachers
Val: default party member
Sarah: default party member
Juila: info dump/party member - unlock by finding a note (doesnt need to be floor 3's)
Brittany: shopkeeper
Molly: shopkeeper/party member - unlock by reaching level 4 in the dungeon
Eric & Erin: monster ranch quest givers - unlock by reaching level 4 in the dungeon
Cassandra: Party member - unlock by reaching a certain level with sarah and backing her up or having Fanatic julia brag about you and backing her up
Berserker/Ashley: party member - unlock by finding her in the dungeon and casting suppression 3 times.
Kate/Rescue girl: party member - unlock by getting you ass kicked in the dungeon
Reese: party member - reach floor 16

More difficult people to meet

Derrick: Party member - get molly fired and follow the questline
Derrick's Mom: Random Bitch - follow derricks quest to get him
Sarah's Ghost Mom: get sarah to open up about her home then follow her

I might have forgotten a few. but that is how you meet the people. their actual questlines would take longer to write out.
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Dec 15, 2020
When you meet with Val in the dungeon, allow her to bimbofy safely and then head back to your room. During that scene, choose assert dominance (+trust, though I have no idea who for) and Val will start being able to turn people into bimbos, as long as they're in their Normal personality to begin with.

Val's icon should appear in the following locations:

Dr. Tiff's room
Jane's room
School hallway (Cass)
Library (Julia) - you need access to seeing your slaves topless, then choose to let her bimbofy Julia.
Your living room (Ashley)
Enchantment Shop (Brittany)
Monster Ranch (Erin + Eric - Eric is in the first room, Erin in the second)
School hallway (Sarah - she has to be in her Doll form), then your room
Forest (June)
Lake (Victoria)
Streets (Kate)
Item Shop (Molly)
As for Reese, I'm unsure. I rarely do it. I do know that if you had Reese sign the contract then change her back to any non-bimbo form, she'll turn into a permanent bimbo. Possibly the forest?
AFAIK, Derrick and Angie are not possible.

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She's appearing in every place except for Jane's room and the forest.
and after turning one person into a bimbo, she disappears from the other locations


Dec 10, 2017
She's appearing in every place except for Jane's room and the forest.
and after turning one person into a bimbo, she disappears from the other locations
You can only have 1 person as a bimbo at once (she mentions this when un-bimboing everyone). Reese is the exception, which is only if you transform Reese into a bimbo, have given her the contract and then try to changing her back. Ms. Rack is always possible to turn into a bimbo.

She might not appear in the forest for June unless you've met with June already? Not sure on that one.


Dec 10, 2017
Yeah, it was better before the wiki got nuked. the current walkthrough is way behind on the updates. As far as meeting the characters:

Kate/Rescue girl: party member - unlock by getting you ass kicked in the dungeon
Reese: party member - reach floor 16
To clarify on those two:

Kate: You need your HP across the party to drop to 20% or less. If your total HP is 1000, drop to 200 across all 3 members.

Reese: DO NOT TOUCH THE HIDDEN FLOOR. Only enter and exit right at once to make Reese (male) appear.

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Jun 7, 2020
hey!, I want to get the bimbo route but i'm new and I didn't believe that I had to use my brain so often so, someone please tell me some things to avoid in order to don't fail? some decisions or something? also, how can prevent Val to leave my party, in some point she always leave :7 thanks!!


Dec 10, 2017
hey!, I want to get the bimbo route but i'm new and I didn't believe that I had to use my brain so often so, someone please tell me some things to avoid in order to don't fail? some decisions or something? also, how can prevent Val to leave my party, in some point she always leave :7 thanks!!
Val leaves the party if you piss her off (failing to enslave her in the hallway, for example) or if you're on the Heroic route and she gets controlled by Drape.

Bimbo's Gone Wild is a NG+ unique route. You must complete the Bimbo World route to unlock it.

Bold stuff are stuff you absolutely cannot fail to do.

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Jul 10, 2021
Yeah, it was better before the wiki got nuked. the current walkthrough is way behind on the updates. As far as meeting the characters:

Rack/Drape/Tiff/Jane: Teachers
Val: default party member
Sarah: default party member
Juila: info dump/party member - unlock by finding a note (doesnt need to be floor 3's)
Brittany: shopkeeper
Molly: shopkeeper/party member - unlock by reaching level 4 in the dungeon
Eric & Erin: monster ranch quest givers - unlock by reaching level 4 in the dungeon
Cassandra: Party member - unlock by reaching a certain level with sarah and backing her up or having Fanatic julia brag about you and backing her up
Berserker/Ashley: party member - unlock by finding her in the dungeon and casting suppression 3 times.
Kate/Rescue girl: party member - unlock by getting you ass kicked in the dungeon
Reese: party member - reach floor 16

More difficult people to meet

Derrick: Party member - get molly fired and follow the questline
Derrick's Mom: Random Bitch - follow derricks quest to get him
Sarah's Ghost Mom: get sarah to open up about her home then follow her

I might have forgotten a few. but that is how you meet the people. their actual questlines would take longer to write out.
I see, missed Brittany, Reese and the Ghost (first time I read about her), So I need to get the first two before getting the secret classes to get Jane who was the hardest for me to slave.


Dec 10, 2017
I see, missed Brittany, Reese and the Ghost (first time I read about her), So I need to get the first two before getting the secret classes to get Jane who was the hardest for me to slave.
Jane's kinda easy to enslave - during the 4th private class (NOT secret note class), use Transform when she says "Not today", followed instantly by Confuse. Bonus: you also get Molly.
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Jul 10, 2021
Thanks guys for your help. But I have a new question. What is different in new game plus, any extra or carried content?


Nov 10, 2019
Thanks guys for your help. But I have a new question. What is different in new game plus, any extra or carried content?
It carries over your stats and spell known on your protagonist. I think you also know about Sarah's home situation as well but I'm not sure. Other than that it depends on the NG+

Bimbo: Val now defaults to her bimbo appearance and you can begin the bimbo world plotline.

Book: Julia now defaults to her slut appearance.

Faculty control: the teachers default to their mindless appearance

For all of them if you were dating a character in particular you will meet a character called June. If you date someone different this time you can meet her again.

Those are the ones I remember there might be more.


Jan 15, 2019
Enjoying the Sub Route content. It is mentioned in the walkthrough that Cassandra will send you to get more slaves for her, but that isnt in the game i dont think? Someone asked before in this thread, but there were no replies.
Also, I think that the windows to enslave some of the characters are too small. Clicking past one line of dialogue too many and you may have missed your only ever chance to get that person in that playthrough.
Great game regardless 8/10


Dec 10, 2017
Enjoying the Sub Route content. It is mentioned in the walkthrough that Cassandra will send you to get more slaves for her, but that isnt in the game i dont think? Someone asked before in this thread, but there were no replies.
Also, I think that the windows to enslave some of the characters are too small. Clicking past one line of dialogue too many and you may have missed your only ever chance to get that person in that playthrough.
Great game regardless 8/10
It's possible to give up more slaves to Cass.
To do so, it depends on your gender.

If you're DAN: Date Sarah and have Sarah try to confront Cass, then side with Cass.

If you're ROSA: Enslave Sarah and try watching her in the library. Cass will walk in on you and you'll flash yourself for Cass instead. Cass will demand Sarah as a slave. Agree.

After that, I'm not sure what the criteria are as I hate the submissive route with a passion (I'm not a submissive route and I don't fucking care if people love it - if you do, cool. Enjoy it all you want).

I think it's related to Cass being a specific level (possibly 15-18+?) and I think it's related to reaching a specific floor of the dungeon (try going to floor 15+ to be safe).

One thing I (very) vaguely seem to recall is Cass being jealous if you have too many slaves? I think you need to have at least 3 (or 3 more than her? Again, not sure - I literally never do this route unless I'm looking something very specific up for some reason) to gain the option to give them up. Refusing to do so while Julia is in Normal personality allows you to speak to Julia, try to give her up and she'll tell you that you're hypnotized by Cass. Speaking to Julia in the library allows you to become her slave instead and dealing with Cass allows you to break free from that stupid fucking route.

Again, if you like it, neat. I hate it personally.
3.30 star(s) 12 Votes