correct me if i'm wrong, but shouldn't aqua have the highest MP? could'a swore she was stated to have excess MP up the wazoo... though i guess that could make the game a little broken early on...
i hope next update we can remove darkness's long sword to make her a psudo brawler as per how she ends up in the LN. even at level 7 lalatina's hit ratio even after getting buffed by aqua + random eris statue (+35 hit) blessing she doesn't break 80% hit chance. or at least unlock her decoy skill which should be a longer lasting and plain better version of 'bait'. it should also be AOE going by how it worked in konosuba canon.
it'd be great if we could upgrade aqua's bless skill to last up to 3 turns compared to the current 1 turn. well when/if we get the feature to upgrade skills.
is it normal for power token things (forgot their name, the things that take a turn to start recharging to allow basic attack to hit x2-x3) to not have any noticeable effect on skills as opposed to basic attacks? it kinda sucks that if you 'use' them during skill use they don't either have effect, or refund them for having no effect.