Nenad's writing is not bad actually imo. Just not the same as the games you quote. It's funny, entertaining, that's just not the same objective as those games. I have more fun playing Nenad's game than Milfy City (only love the older sis/Lara Croft in that one), even if there is eventually much more narrative tension in the second one. In Willy, tension is built by progression itself, and meeting new characters: we know Willy will fuck them all, cause errr, that's the whole point of the game, but we don't know how and when it will happen. The vast number of characters and the quality of animations makes the tension by itself: i can't wait Dee-Dee in a proper foursome for example, or some more content with Giovani's sister which I can't remember the name now, or even progress with Rose we are waiting since the first version. My point is: it's not a bad writing, it's just a different narration (narrative gameplay, like a good game designer makes it).