" C++ is still magic for me. " you missed what I said... It means I almost have no clue about C++ it like someone uses magic to make things work with it
. Besides Unity has some other things that are... ehm... Not really good. If I would change engine I would probably use Unreal or some other proper engine. Unity is not really good solution for anything if you ask me...
hmm that saddens me to hear i kinda liked you.
Unity isnt perfect but no engine is and it gets a lot more bashing from ignorant people due to the fact that they have no clue what they are talking about and a lot of starter indie devs that werent able to produce a bug free project or wanted the engine to do stuff it wasent really able todo.
Besides you can find very bad and still popular games done with ue4 too just takee pubg which at least was a total shitshow when it came out performance wise and now still is due to hackers.
That dino game was atrocious and its child atlas also is. And im sure that there are a lot more i dont know about since i dont play that much anymore.
I have a programming background and have played around with both. And i can tell you that most things took a lot more time todo in UE than in unity as a programmer and unity is using c# phyton or unity script as scripting languages and ue uses c++ or a visual node programming which the call blueprints. Blueprints can produce a lot of visual spagetti code and are harder to debug and reuse. All C++ classes have to be made into blueprints to be used in a scene. That alone i did find terrible.
In unity you can just attach a script to an object for example.
Sticking to visionaere or renpy for the time being is the right choice if you arent comfortable with another engine but you should respect the limitations of said engines.
Therefore if you have save problems then try to build the game around that.
That would go for unity and ue also since you will always encounter problems of some sort in any project/engine.
Trying to refactor parts of the game into smaller pieces may be the best course of action at this point.
Going forward doing nothing will probably only stress urself and your customers.
Why not ask your patreons?