Nenad A.

Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 7, 2018
hmm that saddens me to hear i kinda liked you.

Unity isnt perfect but no engine is and it gets a lot more bashing from ignorant people due to the fact that they have no clue what they are talking about and a lot of starter indie devs that werent able to produce a bug free project or wanted the engine to do stuff it wasent really able todo.
Besides you can find very bad and still popular games done with ue4 too just takee pubg which at least was a total shitshow when it came out performance wise and now still is due to hackers.
That dino game was atrocious and its child atlas also is. And im sure that there are a lot more i dont know about since i dont play that much anymore.

I have a programming background and have played around with both. And i can tell you that most things took a lot more time todo in UE than in unity as a programmer and unity is using c# phyton or unity script as scripting languages and ue uses c++ or a visual node programming which the call blueprints. Blueprints can produce a lot of visual spagetti code and are harder to debug and reuse. All C++ classes have to be made into blueprints to be used in a scene. That alone i did find terrible.
In unity you can just attach a script to an object for example.

Sticking to visionaere or renpy for the time being is the right choice if you arent comfortable with another engine but you should respect the limitations of said engines.
Therefore if you have save problems then try to build the game around that.

That would go for unity and ue also since you will always encounter problems of some sort in any project/engine.

Trying to refactor parts of the game into smaller pieces may be the best course of action at this point.
Going forward doing nothing will probably only stress urself and your customers.

Why not ask your patreons?
Well yeah. I personally don't like unity... Sorry for wrong statement of it being bad for anything... I know that is not true it's just I personally hate it :D I create and I wish to create point and click adventures with nice graphics. And I really like 2D ones as well. This is why Visionaire is perfect as it is most advanced engine for this type of games. I am doing way around this buggy save system for my next game and will see how that will work. It will use same save system as Willy D do but with some of scripts that I added to try and "read" old saves without major bugs or no bugs at all. So far it does work on my testing but we will know only when many players play it and actually experience it on different platforms etc... I did ask my patreons about splitting Willy in episodes, there was a poll about it and it was like 90% of people did not like that idea so I stick with this 1 huge game. However... I Will make EON more episodic (my new game) it will probably be big episodes but should be smaller in size then Willy is.
And yeah you are completely right about respecting limitations of any engine. As Visionaire is good for p'n'c adventures I don't think it would be possible to make shooter game with it for example :D
I guess I am faster on trigger (keyboard) then on thinking about what I post hehe. My apologies to anyone who found them self offended.


May 18, 2017
If you play from begin (first time) you don't need my saves. But this engine even it's great in everything else, has really screwed up save system where old saves (from previous version of game) can make random glitches. It's however almost impossible to make new save system cause I would need to know source code of engine and would need to be really pro with C++ and Lua script. I do know Lua but C++ is still magic for me. I offered money to several programmers but no one want to do this job cause it's really hard to make this for Visionaire engine. I find it funny that game engine that is so advanced in everything has this glitchy save system that would not be able to support games in Early access or possible future DLC for game without bugging players saves... that is why I make saves every update and players may go on with playing from end of last version of game. Btw... takes around 20h to make this saves cause I HAVE to play whole game from begin 2 times (incest and normal path).
Oh my lady gaga ! It sounds crazy! Thank you for your pre version saves, its real a hard work!


May 23, 2020
I said on previous page. I just forgot to change number on title screen. There are around 60 animation and your game looks updated to me (vis and exe are actual indicators of game version, title screen is just "decorative" that I forgot to change)
Sorry. I might have missed that because I read another post in which you said it takes 20 hrs to make a save game and thought holy cow. It really made me appreciate what you do more than ever. I'm looking forward to more upcoming updates and even your other game EON (the animations are on another level BTW).


Feb 3, 2019
i liked the game when i played long ago.....
just 2 reasons i dont play anymore
1- huge file size
2- MC not that convincing or fitting


May 2, 2018
i liked the game when i played long ago.....
just 2 reasons i dont play anymore
1- huge file size
2- MC not that convincing or fitting
I still like the game, but I miss both the incest and non-incest paths, but i guess those stories are wrapped up.


New Member
Aug 7, 2017
when i try to enter Lady Gloria's penthouse it crashes to desktop. Looking at the debug log it's prob because of following statement : Could not open file 'tmp\Graphic\Scenes\Scene 27\Gloria Sex\Gloria Room Light_jpg.webp#248#000003#' in container 'scene\Scene.vs283' Did something go wrong while updating ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
Mine updated ok. What saves did you use?

I can update ok, but cannot proceed without the suitable saves.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
i used to 0.48 saves on front page
OK, so on the OP, it also states " Disclaimer: Do not use old saves from previous version of the game. Use saves provided by the developer. "

Now I can probably understand how you may of been missled, but essentially, there are set saves per release. So the saves you had for 0.48 will not work for 0.51.

So you need to wait, like me, in order to get a set of save files (usually an exe) for this build.
Sep 2, 2020
It is EON and I am still testing my "way around" this glitchy save system. So far it works with my way around but I guess we will see true test after 0.01 and then 0.02 updates when players do all possible things that never crossed my mind :D
From what i have seen in the Visionaere api and in the board regarding these issues your problem should come from you setting new variables and fields the old game didnt have.

The answer to that is make dummy fields / variables you can use later for saving stuff so that old saves are compatible with new ones.

You could also split this game internally into segements so that you can setup default values for a certain progress of the game and the player should have by hand. That could be achieved with one global var and a lot of documentation what to set for what stage.

You could also check the loaded save data for the field it contains and if fields are not set set them with defaults.
That would also take a lot of handwork and documentation due to the size of your project.

But it would allow you to kinda test certain areas of the game faster easier isntead of having to progress through the whole game every time.

I dont know how far you have to go with this game from this point on as last i checked a lot of the statues and stuff were actually completed so i can see that it may be to just see this through now but do it on the new game.

If guess a full license is nessesary to be able to have a look at your poject so i cant help you there.


May 1, 2018
1603295764045.png lel bug, the doll is missing (even though I've already taken it) , can't click ..its probably not registered correctly
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