I'd wait a few months before playing this game, it's pretty light on content.
Art is fantastic though.
Yeah renders are overall nice, personally not a fan of the midget MC though who should be at university, unless forensics is taught on high school or other similar school level in rest of the world. Always gives me a major sense of disbelief if male MC is a head shorter as all females (especially family members with similar genes) and is not supposed to be 9-10 yo.

Hell I was one to two heads taller as my mom and most female's around at age 12 already.
Edit: At the facepalmer @Inppo . I do not mind shota content, but then at least make him a shota for real. If a character is supposed to be at University I expect him to look and act as someone of that age. One of my best friends is pretty short and always was, but even he was still about the same heigth as the rest of his female family members at age 12. Maybe one sister was about 3 cm taller as he was, but not about 30-50 cm or more.