I for one would be honored to work for these guys full time and have no issue with any stigma since I don't care about others' opinions of me, but I have no experience in their current or previous engines and would have to jump through a bunch of government hoops to work for them as an employee since I'm not a Japanese citizen.
To be honest i really had the anology to bethesda in mind many times thinking about the community fixing stuff and the game being an unoptimized pos and missing features, all of that. Granted illusion does not use an ancient engine, but even judging form the level of quality in the animation department, this really looked
form the outset like a triple a hentai game and studio.
But the porn stigma in japan was always weird to me to get my head around, ngl.
They seem to have the largest porn output on the planet, right? Or is this just becasue of the internet that it looks like hentai and even vns are everywhere? This is an honest question, becasue even after looking at vn devs statring in the 80s like elf and alice soft, it's just so strange to think of the japanese porn industry like anything else than a massive entity making money hand over fist. I guess that is also why it is logical to me that more money and higher production values could solve the problems i did point out before. I do not think i know this indstry inside and out (unlike a certain somone in this thread..

I do have the character quirk of critquing
everything and i sometimes forget there are folks that seem to feel the need to
alyways defend any old crap and act like an unpaid pr representative. (cue the fallout 76 refernce.

To be honest i got sick of the normal games indstry years ago and my standards compared to most stuff that released and still does release are not on the same level. Getting back to steam i saw the pricetag for this game and the flood of positive reviews and had hopes for this game that were somewhat overblown, guess that is something i can't deny at this point. But i also still think its normal to want to expect more and better things out of something like this game which in
theory has so much potential! I do not even know how some have missed the fact that i do point the things out that irk me, because i want the game to be better, and i only speak for
myself (guys do i really need to point this out? its the internet after all. You know everyone has an opinion and all of that stuff.) I do however
not demand the community to fix and mod the game(s), they already do that anyways and for years as far as i know. I just hope they can fix the things i want to be better about the game.
And lastly I fucking hate the word "
entitled" in this day any age because the normal gaming press utterly devoided it of any meaning, like with so many other things... but i guess this is getting offtopic way more than i wanted it to be so i stop here.
I'm here to have a discussion, when the other party lets me, but if you come at me like the other dude, do not wonder if it echoes back in the same kind of tone. Becasue a
company is not a damn human being and their product once put on sale will always be open to critque and discussion, hell even dissection. Should be common sense, but oh well.