I mean I know I'm in an aggravated mood about the building stuff but seriously take a moment to sniff that buggy rose! Not only is wood ceiling 5 bugged even if the frames don't overlap they conflict... not only that why is there 3 Wood floors which are just tiny squares with frames!? THREE OF THE SAME OBJECT!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE CONVOLUTED CHESTER CHEETAH! Am I the only one with some broken buggy build menu? Or is everyone else seeing the 3 Identical Floor Tiles in each, wood, stone, and the modern... I can't be the only one... I wanna laugh, but it's actually kinda breaking my brain right now. It also obliterates any sense of feeling any confidence in building, I'd prefer living in the damn tents in that case since nothing wants to uniformly work together! Squares and rectangles, and the wood walls don't have enough types to fit enough situations to make anything remotely symmetrical... you'd be better off just living in the prefab hovels cuz that's the only damn things you can feasibly make that don't look like a broken mess!