Also, for those of you with girls you cannot seem to cure...
Each "A" holds a reference to an item, ergo is curable, but B initiates a randomly generated timer sequence, and when treated routes the string to BMedicated, which reduces the timer by a random amount and reduces the illness effects by a random percentage generated between .25f-.5f (25-50%). If you ignore your girl's sickness when she gets A and she self-recovers 1-3 times without treatment, there is a 50% chance she will be issued a B type sickness the next time she falls ill (EDIT: Also, there is a 25-80% chance that a type A sickness will become a type B in one game day by the base calculations, with modifiers reducing times based on subsequent failures to treat the girl). Also, the rate of illness risk is increases by 5-25% with each failure. If you ignore your girl's health too much, she will become a sickly character and will become more and more often non-curable...
EDIT: The increase percentage is variable and is affected by the girl's stats and traits, therefore some girls are more resilient, and will have smaller increases while others will max their sickliness faster.
Medicating reduces the effects of B but doesn't remove the illness...
EDIT: This also works similarly for injuries while working, they also can seemingly "FallFromHeight" and injure themselves. Also, they can get stomach issues from too much drinking (drunkenness) and develop alcoholism...
EDIT: The game base onset time for sickness is 1 game day. So from the moment that she gets sick, until the activation of sickness symptoms (coughing animation, holding stomach, weariness, resting, then lastly fainting) you have 1 game day to treat her. Then you have 1/2 day to 2 days before she faints depending on her internal statistics and various other factors. Once she faints you have 1/4-1/2 a game day to begin treatment or she will become untreatable and have to wait out the sickness. Each time you fail to treat her the times will receive random penalties that will reduce the onset of future sickness scenarios. The penalties seem to range from 5% to 50% reduction in time depending on how many failures to treat/cure you put her through.
Making the worse case scenario a variable 8-12 in game hour loop from point of illness to faint with less than a 4 hour (3.75 relatively) treatment window with a variable total downtime of up to 3.75 in game days thereafter. This is likely what you people complaining about girls being sick all the time and being unable to treat them are complaining about. If you don't monitor their health closely you will miss the few minute real-life time window you have for treatment.
EDIT: There is also a "comaState" that can occur. If your girl has had 3 consecutive failed to treat illness states, she can enter a coma state. In a coma state she will remain unconscious for 1 game day, then at the end of the daily interval of time, the system will generate a random number 1-100, 1-10 she wakes up, 11-100 she remains in a coma state. Ergo, if your girl is in a coma, there is a 10% chance she will wake up each day at the time of day she entered her coma.
EDIT: There is also a coma weakness state after any girl has entered a coma state she may randomly reenter the coma state even after awakening from a coma. This can be influenced by future sickness states or injury states increasing the rate at which the coma state can trigger...