Wow, this update was about as much fun as a root canal. I liked Chapter 2 up until the ending, but this chapter struggled right out of the gate and mostly got worse. The story is patently ridiculous, too many of the characters are just plain unpleasant, and the writing is about as subtle as a massed infantry assault.
Others have already pointed out how dumb it is that Alexa is still working for the university (much less teaching students) after the shit she pulled, but it's really worth repeating because even by porn game logic this one's a doozy. Yet the subject isn't even brought up; Alexa apparently answers to no one... in her quest to dominate the local dojo. Her ruthlessness is matched only by her lack of ambition. I presume we'll find some orphans for her to steal cancer treatment from in Chapter 4?
Honestly, if the game went full camp I could probably roll with it. Unfortunately, it doesn't. It keeps acting as though it's actually Very Serious Business, with lots of time devoted to Natasha's injury and Alexa's traumatic rape. I'm sorry, but the juxtaposition of these elements doesn't work for me. The game is a mess.
If the only choices are Team Ivan or Team Alexa, I'm out.