The only one willingly missing the whole point is you! What is so difficult to understand for you? I have no problems with the love routes, they can stay exactly as they are.
Once more for the daft ones here: At the beginning of the game we have a lot of choices before we get the message from Robert. If you are on the love route and made only good and nice choices, you can only deny his request. Nice and correctly so!
But to reach the Robert message to get on the sharing route you have to practically always choose the bad and brutal options, "because you do not have feelings for Emilie and use her to solve your problems" Yes, there are assholes like that out there, too many who are predators.
But you can have no feelings whatsoever for a person and just worklike relations with her/him and still treat them with basic decency! There are several decent choices in the early game which have nothing to do with feelings, but basic decency and kindness. Choosng these options should not deny the option to the sharing route. You could deny Robert, but you should not be forced to unless you are on the love routes.
Hope this clears it up a bit for those blabbing about dodging "NTR" choices, that is simply not needed.