RPGM - Completed - Ambrosia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop / Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played c1.07, and cheated via save edit to kill enemies.

    The combat is average, the story isn't that compelling, but this is fun if you like corruption and female protagonist doing depraved things.

    I liked the corruption aspect, prostitution, sandbox, and scene collection.

    The CG can be a chore after a while for generic events.

    The story is pretty ok, and I like that there is an optional time gate; better yet, if you don't heed the time it will affect the ending. You can also extend the time with an item. You can also unlock the entire gallery after beating the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're a fan of reluctant heroines slowly being corrupted into debauched sluts, this game will work for you. If you're looking for deep and/or sexy turn-based combat, it won't. The large amount of quality-of-life mechanics really elevate this game's playability, such that you almost never feel your time is being wasted. There's a large variety of content that gets unlocked at a good pace, and a recollection room with hints that makes the game a decent porn-delivery device.

    The sex scenes are simple images with minor animation, and good dialogue. No worries about bad translation screwing up immersion. There are times when the dialogue doesn't quite match the scene being showed, but it's rare. Many scenes can trigger multiple times as your character's corruption progresses, but the first time you trigger a scene is always at the lowest level, the "No, I'm not like that!" variety. Your character can go from gleefully partaking in an orgy to protesting, "I've never...!" and it's just a bit jarring, though that's a pretty minor nit to pick.

    Gameplay is your basic turn-based strategy. There's a sweet spot between "so easy it's a waste of time" and "hard enough that I'm frustrated I'm being slowed down" that this game manages to hit. At a certain point most of the fights become "hold attack until finished," but they're also largely avoidable, and very quick, so you don't feel excessively bogged down. Some of the harder fights are just interesting enough that you remember you're playing a game, and you can actively search out fights that test your skill and give great gameplay rewards.

    The game goes on for a little while after you unlock all the scenes, and the ending isn't particularly meaningful or interesting. It's nice, but if you're here for the scenes, don't worry too much about finishing the game. Fortunately there's a recollection room with hints for how to unlock more scenes, so you won't be left wondering if you've seen everything.

    The game's quest system doesn't leave you floundering much to figure out your next step. You may have to check the forums once or twice to figure out how to proceed or how to find a specific item.

    There's nothing particularly sexy about the combat. There are some light scenes that can be triggered occasionally, but the player has little to no control over triggering them, they're a bit repetetive, and they aren't better than the scenes that get unlocked during other gameplay. It's rare to see a game blend the two well, and this game doesn't do it.

    Like it says at the top, fans of slow corruption and simple scenes with good dialogue will appreciate this one. If the premise interests you, give it a play and you won't be disappointed.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just a masterpiece of H-games. The story is actually decent, the scenes are great, the protagonist is easy to get attached to which makes the corruption good, and there are many outfits to choose from.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    + Actually decent combat/JRPG mechanics
    + Wide variety of scenes
    + Lots and lots of content (including a huge amount of postgame content)
    - CGs aren't that great
    - No incentive to play virginal (think ONEONE1s Ideology in Friction)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Story fair enough
    ✅ Better gear system that typical H-rpg games = combat fun enough
    ✅ Base upgrading system
    ✅ Costumes
    ✅ Artstyle is okay but cgi changes is pretty bad
    ✅ Plenty of scenes & fair bit of kinks
    ✅ Plenty of reaction changes depending on your status/look
    ❌ Scene Cgi variation is pretty meh
    For some reason I feel like it’s my duty to review degeneracy lol. But sometimes I don’t feel like reviewing instantly so memory ain’t as fresh. This is an example.... honestly I kinda forgot about this game for most part... so took up sreenshots next to me while writing. Anyhow.... it kinda has interesting story and we get pure religious girl with questionable formal shirne outfit. She is cute and her fall to debauchery is pretty fun... there was plenty of content (scenes, gameplay) and artstyle was okay. But how little Cgi changed during scenes was the biggest con IMO. Anyhow... overall it’s good enough game but I didn’t find is as memorable.
    Total Score: 6/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    N T R Q U E E N

    Ambrosia is a 2D RPG game where you play as the apprentice priestess Flore, who fights monster and spreads the faith with missionary work.

    I think the game has a good story. It starts slow with Flore trying to rescue her captured friend, who is being turned into a sex slave. Later in the game, the story becomes focused on gods and religion. The game is also full of rich lore and world building.

    Turn based combat with leveling up your character, unlocking new skills and improving your weapons and armor. There is also a detailed crafting system. The game focuses on upgrading the shrine with new furniture and decorations. There is also a fishing minigame and missionary work.

    I think the graphics are good. You can tell the game was developed in RPG maker but i do think the environments and character designs are of a high quality. I also like the colorful artstyle.

    Probably one of the best soundtracks in any adult RPG. Exploration music is calming while combat is all action and i love it. I think boss themes are the best. Each zone also has their own theme.

    This game doesn't have many flaws. I think potions and consumables are too easy to obtain, since you can just spam healing potions during a boss fight. Gold is also too easy to obtain since there is a mechanic where you can trade your ingredients for gold. The game also recommends grinding for levels and crafting materials, which can get repetitive.

    Ambrosia is probably one of the best adult RPG games you can play. The story is interesting and full of rich lore. High quality turn based combat with many interesting game mechanics like shrine upgrades, fishing and missionary work. The soundtrack is also of a high quality. This is a must play for anyone who enjoys adult games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Variety of outfits, H-Scenes, in-depth story and good gameplay make this a standout too me. Corruption system is well developed and put to good use. Only qualm some might have is if the art-style isn't for them but I personally liked the art.
    Likes: mc247
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Anything that has well developed corruption, exhibitionism and clothing systems is already a win in my book by default, but this game does them just extremely well. The artstyle is not the best I've ever seen but it works well.
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    Art -> Somewhat middling, with some standouts. Real win here is the adaptable outfits in most cases, letting you see various scenes in the costumes of your choosing.

    Writing -> Gets repetitive but that also speaks to how long this game can be played. The fault in the writing is lessened by the variety of scenarios one can put the protag Flode through, keeping it somewhat fresh.

    Gameplay -> A more true RPG than one would expect, interlaced with an indecency/corruption system. Player is able to focus on either at whim, and a nice NG+ mode allows experiencing the various routes and playstyles with no real pressure.

    Content -> A large amount of scenarios, a substantial RPG with postgame and secret bosses, as well as basic equipment creation. Between the above a the multiple endings its quite a bit. The gallery even features hints on how to get the items you've missed for those 100%ers.

    Post Script: For RPGMaker fare, this is in my personal top 10. Played through three times and went for 100% completion.
    Likes: mc247
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.07

    This game is the archetype of what a good RPGM game looks like and plays like. So many refined parts to the game, from the solid combat, to the mass variety of costumes, to the progression and especially the art. It all just works baby.
    I dont think i really need to go into depths of why this is a game, just look at the many other positive reviews to know that if you play this game, you are most likely in for a good time.
    Likes: mc247
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Short Review here

    Really good game mechanic/gameplay and story wise. Its a long-ish game too.
    Overwhelmingly good hentai and its mechanics like choosing different outfits and getting reactions and such with the lewdness/corruption system.

    Not enough, hoping to see more games like these.
    Likes: mc247
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this is one of the best hentai games i played


    lots of costumes

    well balanced enjoyable combat

    good art

    lots of sex scenes

    you can see your character covered in semen

    it was so fun to see the good girl at the beginning of the game slowly turn into a bitch

    It was a very good detail that npc's reactions changed according to your current clothing and situation.
    Likes: mc247
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a phenomenal game if you're a fan of corruption, this'll be right up your alley. The game has a lot of standard tropes but there's a lot of variability and you can definitely do a virgin route which I'm always a fan of. The combat has no real business being in this game though, it could have easily been simplified or removed and the pacing of the game would probably be better as a result. It has neat mechanics especially involving the church and recruiting people, and I always appreciate a game with mechanics that make it stand out. Additionally it has a post game which is always a plus, there's no need to lock you out of content for beating the game. A great game for sure, but it's no surprise, that developer is always cookin
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A very middling Karura Japanese RPG rape game. Skip it unless you are very into the genre.

    • Nice art
    • Okay combat
    • Corrupt that pure girl
    • Pretty boring and stale
    • Clunky open world
    • Not much art
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great pacing and scenes at the start, gameplay orientated on battle for story progression yet exploration for H scenes. Depends on your playthrough intentions you can change the game difficulty. My primary negative with the game is due to later H scenes not being as interesting as the earlier scenes. It felt as though less effort was put into the game and wasn't as enjoyable.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Gaman J

    Es uno de los mejores juegos que e probado en mucho tiempo, tiene muy buenas escenas, buena historia y trama, ademas de como el personaje principal avanza o se corrompe segun tu quieres, es muy bueno.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished it at last, it was fun. It was a lot of fun.
    This game is much bigger than it may seem, can be a bit overwhelming at first but don't worry you'll get used to it quick enough if you have at least some exp in rpg gaming.

    From the beginning i saw that this game will be worth my time, worth playing it in a legit manner with 0 cheating.
    So, after enabling highest possible game difficulty (Very Hard or VH for short) me and my level 1 weakling of a priestess, began our rather long trek towards her ascension into greatness. :giggle::coffee:

    This game can be rather grindy, but that will be no problem to people who are used to it.
    Gotta say that it was all worth it, all of the grind and days i spent completing the game piece by piece, collecting materials, crafting the gear, completing quests, and of course - fucking things. :ROFLMAO:

    And here is the result:


    Me and my li'l priestess kicked a lot of ass, as you can see.
    It was a wild ride.
    Perhaps you will want to try and hard-mode it too? I can promise that you will have fun doing so, good luck!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a classical corruption game. One of the best available here. Lots of interesting themes with even possibility of virgin slut run, which really rare.
    If you like corruption games with story like Liz Tower, Lilitales, saint emiliana - this one should be on your bucket list.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good solid plot. 4/5.
    H-scenes went right to my groin. Nuff said. 5/5.
    Gameplay is pretty standart. 4/5.
    Good game overall.
    P.S. Pressed some of my buttons very hard. Caster-type main character and virgin anal-only slut ending opportunity? Twelve out of ten.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    good combat difficulty and progression when set to very hard using a key item you start the game with

    great corruption progression system

    plenty of game to enjoy, i personally spent 15+ hours

    plenty of scenes but artwork quality is a little lacking

    lots of costumes

    awkward costume system (can't equip some innocuous costumes such as a bikini organically until you're at least several hours into the game)