My friend, I get the issues you've raised, as many have raised them before. About the choice to change/redo the art at all: that's done, it's what we're doing, it's our decision to do so. The style change? Yes, completely get that it's different, not what it was before, but in my opinion, not to the point of unrecognizability. But again! We're here to possibly accomodate, or at least listen to the exact thoughts people have on the art.
But my question again was: What SPECIFICALLY do you, as a player, not like about it? We need actual concrete examples of what it is that people dont like about it, if they want the point at least raised. That provides us the means to go "Okay, people seem to not like xyz about this art, let's see if we can go about modifying xyz." Explaining to us how the enjoyment of parody works best does not help the art department. I've appreciated people providing photos to show what they like about the style and look of DP porn, but I'm looking for exact comments/suggestions that help make what we've done look more like what the fans enjoyed about the show we're basing this game off of as well as the game's original art.
To make this as simple as possible, as an example: If you didn't like that we gave, say, Jack Fenton a purple suit in the redux (we didn't), instead of his classic orange, you'd provide something like "I think Jack's design would look better if his suit was orange again, like it was before."
Concrete examples, that's what we're after here.