sorry to basically parrot myself but im goin to use your comment as a kinda 'official statment' for myself on it, not gonna try speakin for everyone but anyone can feel free to like/heart my comment if ive summed up your thoughts well enough as well to show you agree with me or leave a sad face/facepalm on my comment if you disagree.
again sorry if im bein a broken record
a parody, at least in my opinion, is best when the art style, character/world design, and writing is as close as it can be to how the series youre parodying can be because, at least in my case, like it should feel like you could believe it would be something right out of an alternate timeline in the actual know if it werent a kid show in this case, if that makes sense. im not playin a parody for mindless fap material im playin it to immerse myself in a porn game based on something i love...and to fap to it of course.
the issue here is the art before was fairly different from the show, even goin as far as replacing poor sams perky pyramid tits with 'normal' ones, but despite that it was still pretty close to the show. the character designs where still accurate and the art style close enough to get by as a "well as guess this is as close as itll get with a parody but at least its close" but this new style doesnt resemble the shows art style at all, as someones pointed out before its like some anime style, and that just doesnt work here cause of how different it is to the shows style, at least in my opinion it doesnt. not to mention based on the teaser of paulina the characters designs are barely recognizable as themselves which, in my opinion, takes a lot away from the immersion and experience.
ill also remention that i believe the style shouldnt have been changed here and instead should have been saved for the next project for a series that already has a style similar or better a completely original game so the art can draw the audience itself and not have the draw back of bringing hate cause its too different from the source like would happen with most parodies using it
tldr: while the art style before wasnt the same as the show it was 'close enough' but the new art style is way too different and doesnt feel like its related to the show at all and the character design changes make them basely recognizable anymore and this new srt style and character design style should have been saved for a project that would better fit it in my opinion
as a side note ive seen arguments made that "the shows style isnt good for porn cause its not hot" and 1. thats just untrue, ive seen plenty examples to prove the shows style can be hot and 2. in my opinion a 'good' parody uses the series style and makes minimal adjustments to make it hot, like said examples ive seen, some of which have been posted here even, and if someone is actually a fan of the series and lookin for a porn game its my strong belief that they would like the tweaked show style just as much if not more then the 'sexified' anime version the new art style looks like
thats more or less my statement on it, though im terrible at explanations so i hope i didnt just make it confusing or say somethin wrong and convey it in a way i didnt intend to