3.40 star(s) 193 Votes


Apr 24, 2021
well we could have taken 2 months vacation and wouldn't have missed anything related tho this game.
Two months? Think of the dust. Maybe it's time for another Kate cleaning scene. I figure SuperAlex is so dull as a dev that even if the scene were sexualized by close ups of her slowly squeeeeezing the trigger he would ruin the next shot by using the mist setting on the nozzle. No stream setting for you!


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Two months? Think of the dust. Maybe it's time for another Kate cleaning scene. I figure SuperAlex is so dull as a dev that even if the scene were sexualized by close ups of her slowly squeeeeezing the trigger he would ruin the next shot by using the mist setting on the nozzle. No stream setting for you!
kate cleans up everything quickly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2021
View attachment 3928896


...that you haven't had a proper summer holiday yet! We know that time flies by when you're playing Amnesia, but summer is in full swing. And it's the perfect time for new adventures and delights!

Beaches, mountains, hiking and picnics, evening walks and outdoor sports. That sounds as sweet as the upcoming Amnesia update that we’re already working on. Well, while we're busy, you have a great opportunity to enjoy the summer.

Share your summer experiences or holiday ideas in the comments.

no alexandra ? :mad:
Jun 28, 2020
Professor Alex has been doing a lot of thinking recently, specifically about the philoso-pornographical nuances of in-game locations, and the plot structure of the genius, multi-layered, story-driven adult gaming experience that is 'Amnesia':

August 12

Our game has accumulated quite a lot of locations. Perhaps some of them have already stopped being interesting, and some of them, on the contrary, could use a bit more time in the spotlight.

Which locations do you like the most? Where would you prefer to see new events, including those with the main characters?


В нашей игре накопилось достаточно много локаций. Возможно, некоторые из них вам уже наскучили, а некоторые, наоборот, мелькнули всего пару раз и не раскрыли всего потенциала.

Какие из локаций вам нравятся больше всего? Где бы вы предпочли видеть новые ивенты, в том числе с главными героинями?

Fan Theories
Hello everybody!

Today we want to talk about your guesses and theories regarding our game. We know you have a keen eye for detail, so we look forward to hearing your guesses! ️‍♂
The main intrigue of our game is the main character's past. Each scene may contain clues and hidden hints about past and future events or characters' underlying motivations. We noticed that some of you have already started to build your theories and discuss them in comments and forums. That's why we've decided to dedicate a separate post to it!
Your theories may include:
  • The characters' secret motives: What are our characters hiding? Why do they make certain decisions? What secrets are they hiding?
  • Plot Development: How do you think events will unfold in the future? What unexpected twists and turns await the characters? What is the mystery of Amnesia?
  • Hidden connections between characters: Perhaps some of our characters are more closely related to each other than meets the eye. What connections can you discover?
  • Sex Adventures: Any fantasies you have about relationships and sex with the characters.
We want you to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. We're very interested to hear what theories and guesses you have! Maybe some of them will turn out to be true, or maybe your guesses will help us add new twists to the story.
Привет, друзья!
Сегодня мы хотим поговорить о ваших догадках и теориях касательно нашей игры. Мы знаем, что вы очень внимательны к деталям, поэтому мы с нетерпением ждем ваших предположений! ️‍♂
Главная интрига нашей игры – прошлое Главного Героя. Каждая сцена может содержать подсказки и скрытые намеки о прошлых и будущих событиях или глубинных мотивациях персонажей. Мы заметили, что некоторые из вас уже начали строить свои теории и обсуждать их в комментариях и на форумах. Поэтому мы решили посвятить этому отдельный пост!
Ваши теории могут включать:
  • Тайные мотивы персонажей: Что скрывают наши герои? Почему они принимают те или иные решения? Какие секреты они прячут?
  • Развитие сюжета: Как вы думаете, как будут развиваться события в дальнейшем? Какие неожиданные повороты ждут героев? Какова тайна Амнезии?
  • Скрытые связи между персонажами: Возможно, некоторые из наших персонажей связаны друг с другом более тесно, чем кажется на первый взгляд. Какие связи вы можете обнаружить?
  • Секс-авантюры: Любые ваши фантазии на тему отношений и секса с героинями.
Мы хотим, чтобы вы делились своими мыслями и идеями в комментариях. Нам очень интересно узнать, какие теории и догадки у вас есть! Может быть, некоторые из них окажутся правдой, а может быть, ваши догадки помогут нам добавить новые повороты в сюжет.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
1st is with iris at poolbar and 2nd mc having wonderful dream.

plenty of sex fantasies but at this rate there won't by fulfillment.


New Member
Jun 19, 2019
Aren't we all here for the Scooby Doo mystery. Who bonked his head? This is the important question we should be asking. We'll get to the bottom of this.
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3.40 star(s) 193 Votes