Actually, Andromeda is a pretty good game, if you show a little imagination. Just think, you arrive in a new, uncharted galaxy and your dad dies in the first couple hours of the game, leaving you alone with your sister, who is lying in a coma. I always imagined that we went to this new galaxy hoping that there we could love each other and raise a child without fear of being persecuted for our pure and innocent sibling love. I loved visiting her in the medical ward and imagined having sex with her.
If only there wasn't so much racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
Uh, no, it's completely irredeemable trash. Perhaps you didn't play it at release, but here's a quick recap :
Everyone was made out of playdough.
A bunch of the characters crab-walked, especially on stairs and ramps.
Your ship is essentially "The Not-Normandy" because the devs couldn't be creative.
Your new crew is essentially the old crew except not as good. They even have a "Not-Garrus".
You drive around in the "Not-Mako" and your onboard computer CONSTANTLY fucking bugs you about resources and shit.
The weapons are universally shit.
There were shitloads of bugs at release, and the game was only actually 70% finished.
They never bothered completing it because they figured they'd just DLC the rest of it except nobody liked the pile of shit they released so everything was scrapped and the "story" was left unfinished.
And my personal favorite : "My face is tired." - Yeah. That's some quality writing right there.
Perhaps I'm just bitter because I was a huge Mass Effect fan (until that 3 colored bullshit they tried to end the series with). I pre-ordered Andromeda as soon as I was able to and the whole thing was a big slap in the face. It doesn't deserve the ME name in my opinion. It's one of the reasons I'll never buy another BioWare game. It was truly the last nail in the coffin.