I could of done a better job see some spots that need to be fixed up. Might go back and edit the images somemore. I don't know if that was your feedback but either way I appreciate it none the less.
No it's just super rare that games have good h-status pages. Most of them don't track stuff like that at all. So I think that makes this game a lot more worth playing.
If you want feedback, I've only just started the prologue, and in the first scene there's dialogue that doesn't fit in the displayed area, so it can't all be read. Ranked problems with translations are (in order of decreasing severity):
1. You are NISA and deliberately censor the work, or FUNI and replace the work with random political comments. (fortunately rare in fan translations)
2. Your translation breaks scripts or prevents them firing at all
3. Your translation can't be read for technical reasons <---
4. Your translation is incomplete in entire dialogue segments
5. Your translation is raw MTL and completely impossible to understand in places
6. Your translation is massaged MTL and is awkward in places
7. Your translation has some untranslated bits in dialogue <---
8. Your translation has some untranslated bits in images <---
Marked <--- for what I've seen so far in this game. #3 doesn't seem that bad so far, just mentioning it since it's there. 7&8 are super minor complaints that I wouldn't even raise if not asked about.