Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Someone explain to me what the deal is with these 2 decisions? No matter what I choose, the action is the same.
View attachment 1742666
If you make the first choice, it adds corruption for content that took place in Chapter 1 at the Poker Party, involving Anna, Emily, Brandon and Justin. It's also so the game can take account of choices you made in Chapter 1. Most of these occurred during the first few updates of Chapter 2. But there are still a few outstanding ones. For instance, we'll probably get a similar choice when Anna meets up with Ashley in the coming update.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
And the first option just adds a point of corruption? What a nonsense, I thought the scenes would be different and here nothing...
As I've just explained it's so the game can take account of choices you made in Chapter 1. There have already been dozens of similar choices in Chapter 2.
Mar 18, 2022
If you make the first choice, it adds corruption for content that took place in Chapter 1 at the Poker Party, involving Anna, Emily, Brandon and Justin. It's also so the game can take account of choices you made in Chapter 1. Most of these occurred during the first few updates of Chapter 2. But there are still a few outstanding ones. For instance, we'll probably get a similar choice when Anna meets up with Ashley in the coming update.
Thanks for the reply. For me, the scenes with Brandon and Justin don't interest me at all, let them play with Emily :p so I chose option two. I'm looking forward to more interactions with characters from the game, especially Sergey and Ashley.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Thanks for the reply. For me, the scenes with Brandon and Justin don't interest me at all, let them play with Emily :p so I chose option two. I'm looking forward to more interactions with characters from the game, especially Sergey and Ashley.
I'm completely addicted to this game. So I play all the content. I reckon Sergey will be one of Anna's possible endings, so I expect a lot more content involving him. And although I like him, Ashley is really a secondary character, so he'll never get the same amount of scenes as say Sergey, Alfred, Jeremy or Emily


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
View attachment 1734542

Hello, dear Patrons!

It looks like this is the last weekly update before the release next week. I hope that everything runs as I have planned and we don't have to postpone anything.

As I have mentioned before, there will be quite a significant move in the plot again. Here you can see one of the paths where Anna decided to get rid of Patrick. Do you think she could run the bar well? There will also be scene for Patrick's path as well. As you remember, Anna didn't go to the bar on Saturday, as there was a corporate party. I don't think Patrick will like that.
Anyway, I'm glad about the progress and I hope that we will deliver a great update with a lot of content.

Thank you for your fantastic support!

Sincerely yours,


good news bar is okay for me but i think other paths should get similar attention like bar - especially since several updates had bar now (except more or less miserable last one ofc) I really hope upcoming update will have other big paths beside bar and Ashley’s camgirl-toy but as always thanks for the update sorrow


Apr 17, 2017
Just finished Chapter 1 and was wondering, is there a path in Chapter 2 where Anna can come clean with Andrew and have an open relationship? Even straight up cuck stuff would be better than just the ever increasing teasing about Andrew finding out


Jul 22, 2019
Thanks for the reply. For me, the scenes with Brandon and Justin don't interest me at all, let them play with Emily :p so I chose option two. I'm looking forward to more interactions with characters from the game, especially Sergey and Ashley.
Keep in mind that these corruption points can be used for some later content

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
good news bar is okay for me but i think other paths should get similar attention like bar - especially since several updates had bar now (except more or less miserable last one ofc) I really hope upcoming update will have other big paths beside bar and Ashley’s camgirl-toy but as always thanks for the update sorrow
Deep said that from Chapter 2 onwards Anna would only work at the Bar on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. So that's why we're getting a lot of Bar content at the moment. Make the most of this coming scene, because the next scene in the Bar will probably be next year.

It looks like they'll be another sex scene with Schmitt if you're on his route, and I think something will happen with Cary if you're on her route ( I recently asked Deep about getting sex content with Cary, and he said it was coming soon, so fingers crossed it will happen in this update).


Mar 3, 2021
Just finished Chapter 1 and was wondering, is there a path in Chapter 2 where Anna can come clean with Andrew and have an open relationship? Even straight up cuck stuff would be better than just the ever increasing teasing about Andrew finding out
So far it's not possible as he's still in the hospital and she blames him for her problems and the situation she's in even going so far as to have sex with his dad on top of his bedridden body lol Supposedly there may be a route where he gets her back but that's unlikely to happen until the endgame if it happens at all. Until then he's likely to be kept around so she has someone she can cheat on.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Just finished Chapter 1 and was wondering, is there a path in Chapter 2 where Anna can come clean with Andrew and have an open relationship? Even straight up cuck stuff would be better than just the ever increasing teasing about Andrew finding out
No, Andrew is in a coma at present. And he's likely to be out of the action for some time to come. Eventually, after he recovers from his operation, Anna will want to know about his role in Rebecca's Kidnapping and this will decide whether their relationship continues.

Deep's collaborator on the game, Awake, has said they intend for Andrew to have some kind of 'renaissance route', where he will be able to win back Anna. I believe the only way that could succeed, is if he agreed to an open relationship. But I suspect Anna would also have to get 'cured' of her condition, which I think would automatically lower her corruption score. On this route I think Anna will come clean about what she's been up to, and Andrew will forgive her. But I also think that events between now and then could make this renaissance route impossible. So if you want to follow this in the future, make sure Anna doesn't make too many bad decisions.

Obviously on most routes, Anna is going to decide Andrew and her have no future. But that doesn't mean she'll tell him immediately. She may decide he needs to recover from his injuries, before she reveals her decision. Which no doubt will be an utterly devastating shock to Andrew, who is still convinced that Anna is a pure girl who will never leave him. So expect the teasing to carry on for a long time to come, albeit knowing that it's going to end at some point.
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Mar 3, 2021
I think originally Deep intended for Andrew to be the fall guy in this game. I mean he was set up for it from the beginning. He deliberately made Anna very likeable, and Andrew very unlikeable. That way players wouldn't feel bad about Anna cheating on him with half the city. And it worked, Andrew is universely disliked by the vast majority of players. In fact, he was hated so much, that most patrons wanted him killed off. Which was a problem for Deep, because Andrew's main role in this game, is as you indicated, to be the guy who Anna cheats on.

So Deep decided to have Andrew shot, and placed in coma. So that he was effectively out of the picture, but still actually in the game. At that stage, I don't think there was any plan for Andrew to have a 'renaissance'. He was either going to be dumped by Anna, when he recovered, or he was never going to recover at all, and killed off like Jeremy.

What changed was Awake becoming Deep's collaborator in the game. He persuaded Deep to give Andrew a chance to eventually win back Anna. He reckons he has a plausible way for this to happen, but he's so far not elaborated what that might be. I don't know whether they've categorically decided to do this yet, but they are seriously considering it.

I personally, am not a big fan of Andrew. But if they decide to give him a route, well I'll definitely be playing it, even though I'll probably get greater pleasure from the routes where he gets dumped.

My guess is, that to be on Andrew's route, Anna will not have to have a high corruption score. She'll have to have the operation to cure her condition, and the player may also have to make future choices that will lower her corruption score. I assume on this route, it will be explained to him that his girlfriend's cheating is partly a consequence of her 'condition', and Andrew will have to forgive her. Maybe also, he'll have to be open to a different kind of sex life than he was in the past. Perhaps, threesomes with girls or even swinging?

But all of this, is a long way off. At the present rate of progress, it's going to be about a week in game time ( approx 10-12 updates, and probably at least 2 years in real time) till Andrew wakes up, and Anna can question him about Rebecca's Kidnapping. And then at least another week till she makes a final decision ( so another 2 years).
I'm not sure about anyone else, but personally, my dislike of the BF stems from how incompetent he is. Unable to satisfy his woman and too blind to see the obvious signs of her infidelity around him, I have no sympathy for him as he deserves it for being so useless as a man. However if he were able to be more assertive and 'alpha' as the kids say, I wouldn't really have any issue with the character as most of his issues stem from his relationship and how he acts/responds to her and her transgressions. Of course the vast majority of the blame falls on her, his response and lack of awareness doesn't garner any sympathy. If he confronted her or called her out I would have more respect for him.

With that being said, I feel like at this point it's almost impossible for him to redeem himself or win anyone back as he's been portrayed as such a pathetic loser, no matter what happens it will only make him look like a bitch. Like the example you gave of a possible way he could win her back. He would have to accept that it was her condition that was to blame and forgive her for screwing half the city and most likely also accept the condition of including other people in their sex life (she clearly can't be satisfied by him as established in chapter 1). It doesn't really seem like a win in any way for him. She is basically settling for him (out of guilt? obligation? she has no one else left?) and he has to accept whatever terms she lays out. After everything she's done and said while cheating and how badly she's emasculated/humiliated him, him ending up with her in the end doesn't feel like a win for him unless it's as his sex slave or something of that nature. Are we really to expect he'd be so desperate to continue the relationship after she cheated on him with his DAD that he'd forgive her and be the one to accept conditions on their relationship as if he did something wrong? Seems like a sucker to me. Either he's in denial about the truth of her/their relationship or he has such low self worth that he would accept what she says. Is this really a renaissance? A redemption of any kind? The only difference in their relationship would be that maybe he would know/be present for/participate in the sex she has with others. Essentially his 'renaissance' route is a sharing/cuck route instead of the default cheating route? I'd have more respect for him if he didn't bother trying to get back with her and instead held on to whatever tiny bit of dignity and self worth he had left and moved on with his life.

I'll stick to my guns and say the only possible way the BF can have any sort of redemption or 'happy' ending of any kind is for him to get his revenge on whoever betrayed him. The most fitting punishment for her would be to become his sex slave but it's hard to imagine that happening when he can't satisfy her. Maybe she realizes her mistakes after being used up and thrown away and goes crawling back? Maybe he becomes super successful and uses his money/power/influence to fuck everyone else over to exact his revenge. He's been written into a corner and with most people already finding him to be pathetic, trying to raise him back up in a respectable way by being the perfect gentleman and being loving or suddenly being some sex machine, doesn't seem logical.

I actually brought this up before but I wish the option to end things with him was available sooner and the possibility of starting a relationship with one of the main guys (Jeremy, Taxman, Sergey, Michael, Ashley, whoever) was available. Personally I'd find it intriguing to play a game where she's in a relationship with Sergey but is also having sex with Jeremy and Ashley behind his back. She would have to decide what to do among three people who are actually competent in that they're successful and able to satisfy her sexually. How would Sergey react if he found out about Ashley? Now there might be actual thought given to the decisions and choices she makes and real consequences to those choices. Like you said, no one really cares about her cheating on the BF in the hospital because the stakes are so low. She clearly doesn't feel guilt or remorse and openly says she resents him and there's no point having sex with him anymore. No one would care if they broke up. In fact most people would encourage it as he no longer brings anything of substance to the game because of how pathetic a man he was depicted as. Being in a coma and being even more useless then he already was doesn't really move the needle in likeability or sympathy when she doesn't feel bad about his medical state so the coma/hospital thing is clearly just a way to keep him around to be cheated on but also to try to keep opinion about him as neutral as possible for now. The whole Rebecca kidnap thing doesn't really matter to their relationship. He could admit to what he did because of his suspicions regarding her cheating (which obviously are true and she's already lied about) and other lies she's clearly telling. She wouldn't be in any position to reprimand him. Would it make sense for her to be upset at him for things that happened because of her actions? Anything she could possibly accuse him of being guilty of, she is definitely guilty of already. You can bet though regardless of his response, she will be the one getting upset and somehow it will be his fault. Unless he is able to get revenge some how, his place in the game has long passed and the longer he's kept around the more it cheapens everything.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
So far it's not possible as he's still in the hospital and she blames him for her problems and the situation she's in even going so far as to have sex with his dad on top of his bedridden body lol Supposedly there may be a route where he gets her back but that's unlikely to happen until the endgame if it happens at all. Until then he's likely to be kept around so she has someone she can cheat on.
I think they're planning for it to happen before the endings start to kick in. It really depends how long the game goes on for, because eventually it will end. Deep says that as long as people continue to support him, he will carry on with the game. And all my interactions with him, lead me to believe he is still as passionate about continuing with this game, as he was when he began it. So it could literally continue for another 5 years, which would provide ample time to develop multiple routes to there conclusions. Having said that, I believe Andrew's route will be the final one to be established. By then, all the other end routes ( Deep suggests there will be 4-6 endings) will be well under way.
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