I think originally Deep intended for Andrew to be the fall guy in this game. I mean he was set up for it from the beginning. He deliberately made Anna very likeable, and Andrew very unlikeable. That way players wouldn't feel bad about Anna cheating on him with half the city. And it worked, Andrew is universely disliked by the vast majority of players. In fact, he was hated so much, that most patrons wanted him killed off. Which was a problem for Deep, because Andrew's main role in this game, is as you indicated, to be the guy who Anna cheats on.
So Deep decided to have Andrew shot, and placed in coma. So that he was effectively out of the picture, but still actually in the game. At that stage, I don't think there was any plan for Andrew to have a 'renaissance'. He was either going to be dumped by Anna, when he recovered, or he was never going to recover at all, and killed off like Jeremy.
What changed was Awake becoming Deep's collaborator in the game. He persuaded Deep to give Andrew a chance to eventually win back Anna. He reckons he has a plausible way for this to happen, but he's so far not elaborated what that might be. I don't know whether they've categorically decided to do this yet, but they are seriously considering it.
I personally, am not a big fan of Andrew. But if they decide to give him a route, well I'll definitely be playing it, even though I'll probably get greater pleasure from the routes where he gets dumped.
My guess is, that to be on Andrew's route, Anna will not have to have a high corruption score. She'll have to have the operation to cure her condition, and the player may also have to make future choices that will lower her corruption score. I assume on this route, it will be explained to him that his girlfriend's cheating is partly a consequence of her 'condition', and Andrew will have to forgive her. Maybe also, he'll have to be open to a different kind of sex life than he was in the past. Perhaps, threesomes with girls or even swinging?
But all of this, is a long way off. At the present rate of progress, it's going to be about a week in game time ( approx 10-12 updates, and probably at least 2 years in real time) till Andrew wakes up, and Anna can question him about Rebecca's Kidnapping. And then at least another week till she makes a final decision ( so another 2 years).