
Mar 3, 2021
I think they're planning for it to happen before the endings start to kick in. It really depends how long the game goes on for, because eventually it will end. Deep says that as long as people continue to support him, he will carry on with the game. And all my interactions with him, lead me to believe he is still as passionate about continuing with this game, as he was when he began it. So it could literally continue for another 5 years, which would provide ample time to develop multiple routes to there conclusions. Having said that, I believe Andrew's route will be the final one to be established. By then, all the other end routes ( Deep suggests there will be 4-6 endings) will be well under way.
If they do decide to do a route for the BF it would basically have to be one of the endings. Unless they were planning on keeping him around while she's also on someone elses route? Which again would just make it a sharing/cuck route rather then a BF/win her back route. He's just been trampled on so much and for so long that it's hard to imagine any other scenario being plausible in the context of the current story.

I actually hope the game only goes on for another year or two max and that he has actual endings in mind. Otherwise it would just be repetitive scenarios playing out with nothing actually changing. Each update would basically just be a lewd scene for the major characters who remain and the story progressing by baby steps in order to milk things for as long as possible. I mean it's kind of already starting to feel like that. Don't get me wrong it's not the worst thing in the world because the renders are good and some of the situations she's put in are hot but at the same time it feels like a waste. Like the Matrix sequels, it'd be clearly a money grab (which again is fine by me, everyone needs to eat), but I can't help but feel it's wasted potential. Perhaps instead of dragging this story along he could do something about Rebecca's earlier years and how she became a slut, or Emily after the events of Anna's story and how she ended up corrupted, or how Jeremy got to Diane and made her submissive, just to name a few things if he wanted to keep it within the Anna universe. A whole new original story I'm sure would have many supporters if he maintained the same quality of renders and lewd scenes and had a decent story. I hope he expands his creative horizons instead of doing the same thing again and again just to cater to his subscribers.
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Jun 21, 2018
I'm not sure about anyone else, but personally, my dislike of the BF stems from how incompetent he is. Unable to satisfy his woman and too blind to see the obvious signs of her infidelity around him, I have no sympathy for him as he deserves it for being so useless as a man. However if he were able to be more assertive and 'alpha' as the kids say, I wouldn't really have any issue with the character as most of his issues stem from his relationship and how he acts/responds to her and her transgressions. Of course the vast majority of the blame falls on her, his response and lack of awareness doesn't garner any sympathy. If he confronted her or called her out I would have more respect for him.

With that being said, I feel like at this point it's almost impossible for him to redeem himself or win anyone back as he's been portrayed as such a pathetic loser, no matter what happens it will only make him look like a bitch. Like the example you gave of a possible way he could win her back. He would have to accept that it was her condition that was to blame and forgive her for screwing half the city and most likely also accept the condition of including other people in their sex life (she clearly can't be satisfied by him as established in chapter 1). It doesn't really seem like a win in any way for him. She is basically settling for him (out of guilt? obligation? she has no one else left?) and he has to accept whatever terms she lays out. After everything she's done and said while cheating and how badly she's emasculated/humiliated him, him ending up with her in the end doesn't feel like a win for him unless it's as his sex slave or something of that nature. Are we really to expect he'd be so desperate to continue the relationship after she cheated on him with his DAD that he'd forgive her and be the one to accept conditions on their relationship as if he did something wrong? Seems like a sucker to me. Either he's in denial about the truth of her/their relationship or he has such low self worth that he would accept what she says. Is this really a renaissance? A redemption of any kind? The only difference in their relationship would be that maybe he would know/be present for/participate in the sex she has with others. Essentially his 'renaissance' route is a sharing/cuck route instead of the default cheating route? I'd have more respect for him if he didn't bother trying to get back with her and instead held on to whatever tiny bit of dignity and self worth he had left and moved on with his life.

I'll stick to my guns and say the only possible way the BF can have any sort of redemption or 'happy' ending of any kind is for him to get his revenge on whoever betrayed him. The most fitting punishment for her would be to become his sex slave but it's hard to imagine that happening when he can't satisfy her. Maybe she realizes her mistakes after being used up and thrown away and goes crawling back? Maybe he becomes super successful and uses his money/power/influence to fuck everyone else over to exact his revenge. He's been written into a corner and with most people already finding him to be pathetic, trying to raise him back up in a respectable way by being the perfect gentleman and being loving or suddenly being some sex machine, doesn't seem logical.

I actually brought this up before but I wish the option to end things with him was available sooner and the possibility of starting a relationship with one of the main guys (Jeremy, Taxman, Sergey, Michael, Ashley, whoever) was available. Personally I'd find it intriguing to play a game where she's in a relationship with Sergey but is also having sex with Jeremy and Ashley behind his back. She would have to decide what to do among three people who are actually competent in that they're successful and able to satisfy her sexually. How would Sergey react if he found out about Ashley? Now there might be actual thought given to the decisions and choices she makes and real consequences to those choices. Like you said, no one really cares about her cheating on the BF in the hospital because the stakes are so low. She clearly doesn't feel guilt or remorse and openly says she resents him and there's no point having sex with him anymore. No one would care if they broke up. In fact most people would encourage it as he no longer brings anything of substance to the game because of how pathetic a man he was depicted as. Being in a coma and being even more useless then he already was doesn't really move the needle in likeability or sympathy when she doesn't feel bad about his medical state so the coma/hospital thing is clearly just a way to keep him around to be cheated on but also to try to keep opinion about him as neutral as possible for now. The whole Rebecca kidnap thing doesn't really matter to their relationship. He could admit to what he did because of his suspicions regarding her cheating (which obviously are true and she's already lied about) and other lies she's clearly telling. She wouldn't be in any position to reprimand him. Would it make sense for her to be upset at him for things that happened because of her actions? Anything she could possibly accuse him of being guilty of, she is definitely guilty of already. You can bet though regardless of his response, she will be the one getting upset and somehow it will be his fault. Unless he is able to get revenge some how, his place in the game has long passed and the longer he's kept around the more it cheapens everything.

Lack of satisfaction is w/e, that's on her for not communicating that. The obliviousness to the cheating though, i agree with. Wish Deep wrote that better but there's nothing they can do about it now. Also correct me if i'm wrong didn't she enjoy sex with Andrew in their first like 2 scenes?

There are possible ways for him to forgive her while retaining his dignity. If the extent of her disease is explained as something she pretty much has not control over, then in his mind "Anna the Village Biciclye" would be somebody else and not Anna. Another option is for the "Rennaisance" option to only correlate with certain choices, like say maybe Anna can have only fucked ppl she was being blackmailed by, hence leading Andrew to feel guilty he wasn't there for her when she needed him. I highly doubt there would be a revenge option, Andrew doesn't really resonate with anyone, so his revenge would feel largely unsatisfactory for many. A way it could work is he helps Anna get revenge, therefore proving that he's gonna be a better boyfriend than before.
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Mar 3, 2021
Lack of satisfaction is w/e, that's on her for not communicating that. The obliviousness to the cheating though, i agree with. Wish Deep wrote that better but there's nothing they can do about it now. Also correct me if i'm wrong didn't she enjoy sex with Andrew in their first like 2 scenes?

There are possible ways for him to forgive her while retaining his dignity. If the extent of her disease is explained as something she pretty much has not control over, then in his mind "Anna the Village Biciclye" would be somebody else and not Anna. Another option is for the "Rennaisance" option to only correlate with certain choices, like say maybe Anna can have only fucked ppl she was being blackmailed by, hence leading Andrew to feel guilty he wasn't there for her when she needed him. I highly doubt there would be a revenge option, Andrew doesn't really resonate with anyone, so his revenge would feel largely unsatisfactory for many. A way it could work is he helps Anna get revenge, therefore proving that he's gonna be a better boyfriend than before.
Yes in the beginning the sex is satisfactory but very quickly (basically the next 1 or 2 encounters) everything seems to change and she becomes a size queen. The disease/condition is a major thing I dislike about the story. It's basically a cop out to try to explain why she's doing what she's doing despite supposedly loving the BF so much. Why wouldn't she discuss her condition with him? Why wouldn't she discuss the blackmails with him? Wouldn't it make sense to explain what's going on before she actually does things that would hurt/betray him? He can't be expected to be there for her when she won't communicate what's bothering her. If he does ask her, she brushes it off or lies. If you have to preface the explanation of the disease by including the 'in his mind' part, it wouldn't change the fact that he's still a sucker who is being lied to no? You're kind of making my point for me that any renaissance route would require him to make some kind of sacrifice or accept some uncomfortable truth ultimately making him a sucker. Him helping her get revenge doesn't really make sense either and again makes him look like a spineless loser. A lot of what she does is voluntary so is she really getting revenge or is she just putting on a show for his sake? Basically, if the route is supposed to resolve something from his perspective and give him a win of some kind or some closure, it shouldn't focus on solving all of her problems at his expense while making him an afterthought. I agree there likely won't be a revenge route because no one really cares about him since he was written to be unlikeable, I just find it even less believable that he'd have a renaissance route or some way to win her back.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
I'm not sure about anyone else, but personally, my dislike of the BF stems from how incompetent he is. Unable to satisfy his woman and too blind to see the obvious signs of her infidelity around him, I have no sympathy for him as he deserves it for being so useless as a man. However if he were able to be more assertive and 'alpha' as the kids say, I wouldn't really have any issue with the character as most of his issues stem from his relationship and how he acts/responds to her and her transgressions. Of course the vast majority of the blame falls on her, his response and lack of awareness doesn't garner any sympathy. If he confronted her or called her out I would have more respect for him.

With that being said, I feel like at this point it's almost impossible for him to redeem himself or win anyone back as he's been portrayed as such a pathetic loser, no matter what happens it will only make him look like a bitch. Like the example you gave of a possible way he could win her back. He would have to accept that it was her condition that was to blame and forgive her for screwing half the city and most likely also accept the condition of including other people in their sex life (she clearly can't be satisfied by him as established in chapter 1). It doesn't really seem like a win in any way for him. She is basically settling for him (out of guilt? obligation? she has no one else left?) and he has to accept whatever terms she lays out. After everything she's done and said while cheating and how badly she's emasculated/humiliated him, him ending up with her in the end doesn't feel like a win for him unless it's as his sex slave or something of that nature. Are we really to expect he'd be so desperate to continue the relationship after she cheated on him with his DAD that he'd forgive her and be the one to accept conditions on their relationship as if he did something wrong? Seems like a sucker to me. Either he's in denial about the truth of her/their relationship or he has such low self worth that he would accept what she says. Is this really a renaissance? A redemption of any kind? The only difference in their relationship would be that maybe he would know/be present for/participate in the sex she has with others. Essentially his 'renaissance' route is a sharing/cuck route instead of the default cheating route? I'd have more respect for him if he didn't bother trying to get back with her and instead held on to whatever tiny bit of dignity and self worth he had left and moved on with his life.

I'll stick to my guns and say the only possible way the BF can have any sort of redemption or 'happy' ending of any kind is for him to get his revenge on whoever betrayed him. The most fitting punishment for her would be to become his sex slave but it's hard to imagine that happening when he can't satisfy her. Maybe she realizes her mistakes after being used up and thrown away and goes crawling back? Maybe he becomes super successful and uses his money/power/influence to fuck everyone else over to exact his revenge. He's been written into a corner and with most people already finding him to be pathetic, trying to raise him back up in a respectable way by being the perfect gentleman and being loving or suddenly being some sex machine, doesn't seem logical.

I actually brought this up before but I wish the option to end things with him was available sooner and the possibility of starting a relationship with one of the main guys (Jeremy, Taxman, Sergey, Michael, Ashley, whoever) was available. Personally I'd find it intriguing to play a game where she's in a relationship with Sergey but is also having sex with Jeremy and Ashley behind his back. She would have to decide what to do among three people who are actually competent in that they're successful and able to satisfy her sexually. How would Sergey react if he found out about Ashley? Now there might be actual thought given to the decisions and choices she makes and real consequences to those choices. Like you said, no one really cares about her cheating on the BF in the hospital because the stakes are so low. She clearly doesn't feel guilt or remorse and openly says she resents him and there's no point having sex with him anymore. No one would care if they broke up. In fact most people would encourage it as he no longer brings anything of substance to the game because of how pathetic a man he was depicted as. Being in a coma and being even more useless then he already was doesn't really move the needle when she doesn't feel bad about his medical state so the coma/hospital thing is clearly just a way to keep him around to be cheated on but also to try to keep opinion about him as neutral as possible for now. If his 'renaissance' route is him basically just accepting whatever she wants and doesn't really differ from a possible sharing/cuck route then it seems rather unnecessary.
I'm fairly certain Anna is not going to reveal everything that she's done to Andrew. She's not going to tell him about John for instance, because that would totally floor him and I'm pretty certain he doesn't really want to know about that. So she's going to be selective about any truth she reveals to him. And as long as he never finds out about the other stuff, it's not going to be a problem.

The only way I can see a renaissance route working, is if Andrew agrees to an open relationship. At this point, Anna knows that Andrew, whether she still loves him or not, simply can't compete in the bedroom with other lovers in her life. That is not going to change. Regardless of whether she's cured of her condition, she's still going to have different needs, than she did before the accident. Andrew on his own will never be able to satisfy them. So the only way they can continue as a couple, without Anna becoming increasingly frustrated, is if Andrew allows her to continue seeing other people, whether that involves them sharing or her doing it on her own ( eg hotwifing). Otherwise Anna would just start cheating again.

At the end of the day, all the decisions relate to Anna. Everything is from her perspective, and what suits her and not what suits Andrew. It's not about him getting a win or getting revenge. His opinion doesn't really matter. If what he decides, doesn't ultimately benefit Anna, then he loses. The only way he can win in any way, is by fitting in with Anna's new reality. Otherwise it's game over for him.

If this game had a male protagonist option, then what you suggest would make sense. But it doesn't, so Andrew cannot win by trying to get revenge. Because the whole point of this game, is deciding the future path that Anna's life is going to take. The winner will be the one that ends up with her. And if you don't end up with her, then you'll be a loser. Andrew has very limited options to achieve this.

Because he believes that Anna is a pure and innocent girl, who loves him totally. He is going to be completely broken when she leaves him. Most of Andrew's confidence, stems from having a stunningly beautiful girl like Anna as his girlfriend. Without Anna by his side, he would never be in the position he is. The death of his mother was a big blow to him and his relationship with Anna was the only thing that stopped him sliding into complete depression. He relies on her, a lot more than she's ever relied on him. And that's why he'll ignore all the things you mention above, and swallow his dignity, to keep Anna as his girlfriend. He needs her for far more fundamental reasons than being manly or maintaining some illusion that he's alpha. Of course, this will only happen if Anna gives him the option.
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Mar 3, 2021
I'm fairly certain Anna is not going to reveal everything that she's done to Andrew. She's not going to tell him about John for instance, because that would totally floor him and I'm pretty certain he doesn't really want to know about that. So she's going to be selective about any truth she reveals to him. And as long as he never finds out about the other stuff, it's not going to be a problem.

The only way I can see a renaissance route working, is if Andrew agrees to an open relationship. At this point, Anna knows that Andrew, whether she still loves him or not, simply can't compete in the bedroom with other lovers in her life. That is not going to change. Regardless of whether she's cured of her condition, she's still going to have different needs, than she did before the accident. Andrew on his own will never be able to satisfy them. So the only way they can continue as a couple, without Anna becoming increasingly frustrated, is if Andrew allows her to continue seeing other people, whether that involves them sharing or her doing it on her own ( eg hotwifing). Otherwise Anna would just start cheating again.

At the end of the day, all the decisions relate to Anna. Everything is from her perspective, and what suits her and not what suits Andrew. It's not about him getting a win or getting revenge. His opinion doesn't really matter. If what he decides, doesn't ultimately benefit Anna, then he loses. The only way he can win in any way, is by fitting in with Anna's new reality. Otherwise it's game over for him.

If this game had a male protagonist option, then what you suggest would make sense. But it doesn't, so Andrew cannot win by trying to get revenge. Because the whole point of this game, is deciding the future path that Anna's life is going to take. The winner will be the one that ends up with her. And if you don't end up with her, then you'll be a loser. Andrew has very limited options to achieve this.

Because he believes that Anna is a pure and innocent girl, who loves him totally. He is going to be completely broken when she leaves him. Most of Andrew's confidence, stems from having a stunningly beautiful girl like Anna as his girlfriend. Without Anna by his side, he would never be in the position he is. The death of his mother was a big blow to him and his relationship with Anna was the only thing that stopped him sliding into complete depression. He relies on her, a lot more than she's ever relied on him. And that's why he'll ignore all the things you mention above, and swallow his dignity, to keep Anna as his girlfriend. He needs her for far more fundamental reasons than being manly or maintaining some illusion that he's alpha. Of course, this will only happen if Anna gives him the option.
Oh I know the story revolves around her and he is simply a plot device. I never expected a revenge or even a renaissance route for him. My personal preference is to break up with him asap. I'm simply speculating on how a renaissance route could work and pretty much everything you said reinforces my point. Her not telling him everything, having to accept conditions, him needing her more then she needs him and willing to accept whatever crap he has to endure so she'll allow him to stick around all contribute to him being a pathetic loser with no self respect and I'd hardly call that experiencing a renaissance and definitely doesn't count as him 'winning her back'. If anything he's probably at the lowest point in his life and is just accepting it so he doesn't feel entirely useless and like he's lost everything. Everything described above could easily fit into any of the sharing/cuck routes that are likely to dominate the endings. You could just stick the BF into any of the other major characters endings as a side note saying he couldn't bear to be away from her so he accepted her being Jeremy/Michael/Taxman/Sergey/etc's personal whore and he was lucky enough to be able to support her financially and emotionally. It's impossible for him to maintain any dignity or respect whatsoever as a man. Again I realize it doesn't matter if he wins or gets revenge or maintains respect or anything even slightly positive whatsoever, I'm just saying a renaissance or win her back route just seems super far fetched at this point and I have trouble seeing it come to fruition.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Yes in the beginning the sex is satisfactory but very quickly (basically the next 1 or 2 encounters) everything seems to change and she becomes a size queen. The disease/condition is a major thing I dislike about the story. It's basically a cop out to try to explain why she's doing what she's doing despite supposedly loving the BF so much. Why wouldn't she discuss her condition with him? Why wouldn't she discuss the blackmails with him? Wouldn't it make sense to explain what's going on before she actually does things that would hurt/betray him? He can't be expected to be there for her when she won't communicate what's bothering her. If he does ask her, she brushes it off or lies. If you have to preface the explanation of the disease by including the 'in his mind' part, it wouldn't change the fact that he's still a sucker who is being lied to no? You're kind of making my point for me that any renaissance route would require him to make some kind of sacrifice or accept some uncomfortable truth ultimately making him a sucker. Him helping her get revenge doesn't really make sense either and again makes him look like a spineless loser. A lot of what she does is voluntary so is she really getting revenge or is she just putting on a show for his sake? Basically, if the route is supposed to resolve something from his perspective and give him a win of some kind or some closure, it shouldn't focus on solving all of her problems at his expense while making him an afterthought. I agree there likely won't be a revenge route because no one really cares about him since he was written to be unlikeable, I just find it even less believable that he'd have a renaissance route or some way to win her back.
I'm sure Deep would be the first to admit that when he began this project, writing wasn't exactly his strongest suit. At the beginning of this game, there was a lot of sloppy writing leaving some pretty big plot holes, which we now have to live with. Since then Deep has become a much better writer and he has Awake to help him. There's also an active community surrounding the game, who are quick to point out any plot holes or sloppy writing, and make suggestions as to how he can rectify such things.

But in any fantasy game like this, there has to be a certain suspension of disbelief. You can't expect every action to be entirely rational. You can try to make it more believable, more plausible, but at some point you have to make concessions that in the real world wouldn't make any sense. That's why analysing a game like this, entirely from a real world perspective, is not the correct one.

You're also making a mistake of seeing the renaissance route from Andrew's perspective. He's not the protagonist, it's not about him. It's about Anna, and how she could continue having Andrew in her life. If Andrew wants to continue being her boyfriend, then he has to make concessions that satisfy her and not the other way around. Otherwise she dumps him.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Oh I know the story revolves around her and he is simply a plot device. I never expected a revenge or even a renaissance route for him. My personal preference is to break up with him asap. I'm simply speculating on how a renaissance route could work and pretty much everything you said reinforces my point. Her not telling him everything, having to accept conditions, him needing her more then she needs him and willing to accept whatever crap he has to endure so she'll allow him to stick around all contribute to him being a pathetic loser with no self respect and I'd hardly call that experiencing a renaissance and definitely doesn't count as him 'winning her back'. If anything he's probably at the lowest point in his life and is just accepting it so he doesn't feel entirely useless and like he's lost everything. Everything described above could easily fit into any of the sharing/cuck routes that are likely to dominate the endings. You could just stick the BF into any of the other major characters endings as a side note saying he couldn't bear to be away from her so he accepted her being Jeremy/Michael/Taxman/Sergey/etc's personal whore and he was lucky enough to be able to support her financially and emotionally. It's impossible for him to maintain any dignity or respect whatsoever as a man. Again I realize it doesn't matter if he wins or gets revenge or maintains respect or anything even slightly positive whatsoever, I'm just saying a renaissance or win her back route just seems super far fetched at this point and I have trouble seeing it come to fruition.
Once again I have to reiterate, it's not going to be a renaissance of Andrew as a person. It can't be, because he isn't a protagonist. It's a renaissance of his relationship with Anna. Which can only happen if he fits in with her new reality. He has to make concessions, even if that ultimately makes him less of an alpha. Because he obviously cannot compete with the likes of Sergey, Alfred, Timothy, Ashley, Carl, Emily and others in the bedroom. One to one against any of them with sex and he loses everytime. Unless he's ready to accomodate Anna's wishes it's over between them, because she has so many superior options, and he has to make up bigtime for his incredibly stupid decision to take part in Rebecca's Kidnapping
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Lack of satisfaction is w/e, that's on her for not communicating that. The obliviousness to the cheating though, i agree with. Wish Deep wrote that better but there's nothing they can do about it now. Also correct me if i'm wrong didn't she enjoy sex with Andrew in their first like 2 scenes?

There are possible ways for him to forgive her while retaining his dignity. If the extent of her disease is explained as something she pretty much has not control over, then in his mind "Anna the Village Biciclye" would be somebody else and not Anna. Another option is for the "Rennaisance" option to only correlate with certain choices, like say maybe Anna can have only fucked ppl she was being blackmailed by, hence leading Andrew to feel guilty he wasn't there for her when she needed him. I highly doubt there would be a revenge option, Andrew doesn't really resonate with anyone, so his revenge would feel largely unsatisfactory for many. A way it could work is he helps Anna get revenge, therefore proving that he's gonna be a better boyfriend than before.
Both of you are looking at this from the wrong point of view. Nobody will be making decisions for Andrew. Anna will choose what kind of future relationship she's willing to tolerate with Andrew.

And perhaps there will be a choice where Anna and Andrew attempt to return to their default beginning, which would then lead to an immediate bad ending, with Anna eventually starting to cheat again when she finally acknowledges that Andrew is now utterly incapable of satisfying her sexually.

But I suspect the only choice with any chance of success and the only one that will get any sex content, will be if she asks him for an open relationship. That would allow her to continue having encounters with some of the other characters, that would take place on other routes. Or they could add Andrew into them as a voyeur. Time constraints mean you can't have totally separate routes, which means a 'renaissance route' that had sex content totally separate from any others just wouldn't be feasible. There has to be a way of doing it, that allows Anna to have sex content that is shared between multiple routes. And the only way that could realistically happen, is them having an open relationship.

I'm sure they could then make the odd scene with Andrew joining in, especially with one of Anna's girlfriends like Emily, who has a good relationship with Andrew. As well as individual scenes between the two of them, with Anna encouraging Andrew to become more proficient at oral sex and have anal sex with her
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Apr 17, 2017
Tbh with the comma scenes i think the chance for an open relationship path is a bit gone, but honestly what I would have liked was for Anna to go "well, I love Andrew, but I also want to fuck half the city" and idk, maybe she sets Andrew up with Emily or smth and then goes "see how nice it is to have fun with other people?", and have a path where Andrew is not some pathetic fool who has to "compete" for Anna, but a supporting boyfriend who loves her and is happy to be in a relationship where they love each other and fuck everyone they want.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Tbh with the comma scenes i think the chance for an open relationship path is a bit gone, but honestly what I would have liked was for Anna to go "well, I love Andrew, but I also want to fuck half the city" and idk, maybe she sets Andrew up with Emily or smth and then goes "see how nice it is to have fun with other people?", and have a path where Andrew is not some pathetic fool who has to "compete" for Anna, but a supporting boyfriend who loves her and is happy to be in a relationship where they love each other and fuck everyone they want.
Until relatively recently, Andrew was never going to have a 'renaissance route'. Anna was going to fuck half the city, without him ever suspecting, right up until near the end of the game, when Anna would realise she didn't love him any more, and she'd dump him and move onto another relationship. But then a lot of patrons decided they hated Andrew so much, they couldn't wait that long. They wanted him out of the game, and suggested Deep kill him off, like he did with Jeremy. Which was a bit of a problem, because Anna can't be a cheating slut, if she's got nobody to cheat on.

So Deep decided to have Andrew shot and in a coma for multiple updates. This meant he was still technically in the game, but he didn't have to create any content for Andrew, that would make people hate him any further. In fact the only content we've had with Andrew since then, has looked back to an earlier Andrew, and has tried to give reasons why he became such an unlikeable person. I think there'll be more of this in the future, and it will create the foundations for his 'renaissance route', when Andrew will be reinvented as the kind of person Anna might be tempted to stay with.

I think what has changed, is the acknowledgement that Andrew was kind of set-up as the fall guy in this game, in a not exactly brilliant way. And Deep and Awake want to make the game more realistic, and giving Andrew a chance of some kind of comeback, is one way of achieving this, by showing that Andrew can be more than just a stereotypical pathetic loser.

If you don't eventually choose the 'renaissance route' he still can be a pathetic loser though. So don't worry, if you hate Andrew, you'll still be able to get rid of him. And no doubt witness his subsequent meltdown, which will probably involve lots of drunkeness and gambling away what little money he still has.

I just can't see a 'renaissance route' happening, if it doesn't involve an open relationship. Mainly because of time constraints. It's just the easiest way to include other content on that route. Otherwise the 'renaissance route' will have very little content compared to the others.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Why do you want Timothy to get a makeover. isn't his whole "ugly" akward nerd thing the whole point of his character?
Forgot to answer you, sry. Timothy‘s point is, I would say, the nerdy geek, the youngster and the caring good guy. These are his parts in my opinion. but ugly? I would say less attractive but not ugly which never bothered me the first years but after a while and playing other games with similar characters I noticed that Deep tend to make most characters not really ugly or really old.
For an ugly geek he should be way more chubby, maybe even small and with glasses and either a big nose or big ears and pimples on his face. That’s what bothers me personally year after year more and more. Timothy is the only geek guy and yet he still looks not hot but handsome with a resolve small belly, being relative tall and with a soft quite ordinary face. But again he is not the only character who should be updated to fit his character and niche more (especially as long as there are no similar other characters) like also Alfred. For his age he looks still quite „handsome“ and fit and still has a quite young looking body (which caught my eye after I played other games/comics with creators who really made bodies of old guys old and wrinkly) also there is no character with white hat and beard yet which would fit Alfred well in my opinion.

Long story short:
my suggestion would be to make certain bigger characters more characteristic for their character, age etc. aka more stereotype and prominent.
timothy: slightly chubbier, a bit smaller, less groomed hair, bigger nose, pimples /red spots on the skin
Alfred: hair can be still brownish cause it’s very plausible he colours his white or grey hair to not look to old but hey should have more wrinkles face and body wise more age spots and a groomed mustache which is not colorised to show a part of his true age and also shows he is a different generation.

For Timothy it might be too late now (still possible to introduce a similar looking friend of him) but Alfred is still very possible for a small makeover cause you could put it perfectly into the story since ppl his age make quicker jumps in looks (age visually quicker) and he could grow a mustache for good old times sake like… Vegeta tried out growing a mustache in a certain period of this time. Alfred is a gentleman and has a flexible attitude/lifestyle what would fit better than trying things out and let him look even more old gentleman?
But I already gave Deep these ideas/constructive criticism and he never reacted to it.
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Oct 27, 2018
Any idea how to fix the resolution of image?!! the right side is hidden in both windowed or full screen mod..


Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Aswell as hobo I assume
I'm fairly certain there'll be more content with Benjamin, now that he's been linked to Anna's investigation into Earl's past. As a hobo, Benjamin has intimate knowledge of the murkier side of Sun City, which is probably where Anna will have to go to dig up dirt on Earl.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Why do you want Timothy to get a makeover. isn't his whole "ugly" akward nerd thing the whole point of his character?
Timothy won't necessarily get a makeover. But the assumption is, that he will still change as the game progresses. He recently told Anna that he'd started working out at the Gym, so I guess that he may become a little less chubbier in future updates and more toned. And with his growing confidence, he may eventually change the way he dresses, if only to impress Anna.

Personally, I wouldn't describe Timothy as 'ugly' anyway. He's overweight maybe, but that doesn't make him ugly.
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