
Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Not to do so makes it inconvenient and sometimes impossible to use new assets on an old model, like clothing, hair etc.
so this is in any case a failure because she looks older and fat,,, also she looks with smaller head
So the draftsman and render maker is not skilled enough!

So the Model is no more the same?? Why do not use the previous version?

in any case your point has ni sense
look at this post
Emily looks younger and Anna Older

the DEv is using different DAZ version just for ANNA?
Emily Hair looks great
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Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
in any case your point has ni sense
No, it's every single one of your posts that make zero sense, whatsoever.
Every other post in the thread is you ranting about the model and the hairstyle.
It's getting old...really, really, really old.
I've told you the reason he changed the model. If you can't, or won't accept that then too bad.
I'm out.
Have a great day.
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
The original Anna would have been a daz genesis 3 model.
Daz3d then moved on to the genesis 8 model, so it's therefore logical that the dev would convert Anna and begin using the new gen 8 model. Not to do so could make it inconvenient and sometimes impossible to use some new assets on an old model, like clothing, hair etc.

We've all got the message.
You don't like the new hairstyle.
You don't like the new Anna.

It is what it is and I think it highly unlikey that the dev will revert back to the old model and hairstyle, simply because you prefer it.

I hope this makes things somewhat clearer for you.
you posted ZERO SENSE HERE

Emily is better in the CH2
the hair style used for Anna makes her older and the shadow generated by that hair hides her face
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
You either don't hear me and others, or you don't want to hear, or you are just a very arrogant person. Relying on logic in this game is stupid because the game is full of illogical scenes, just look at the always wet Anna or the number of her sexual partners in a short period of time, how Anna turned from a stupid simpleton to a tigress who controls everything, her sister is an absolute whore who forced Anna to take drugs and pretends to be a victim, the scene in the bar where the scum, instead of fucking Anna and Emily in the toilet at gunpoint, go to rob the bar owner, almost all the scenes with Alfred are ridiculous and made for fans of how an old man fucks a young beauty, the caricatured image of Sergei, Anna's illness is a fiction and made only to make her fall into a depraved life, and much more. And I don't want to go back to Anna's first time because it's already in the past, I'm just very surprised that ''DeppSleep'', who wrote so many cool sex scenes in the past, could release such vanilla boring shit, I hope it won't happen again in the future. Anna, let's close the first time Anna, because like you said, it's already done and unfortunately nothing can be changed, and now the developer is focusing on the main story of the game. In conclusion, I'm a bit sorry that the developer's time was wasted on this crap novel, I'd rather play the sequel to the main story, and I think a lot of people feel the same way

a few more words about Anna starting to like being used, the game has a reputation system and lots of options, some characters you can't have sex with at all, so why do we only have Nympho Anna? And I think the element of forced sex is an integral part of this game and should be with it for the rest of the story in at least one of the options.
I'm afraid I disagree with you. Anna has a neurological condition, which overstimulates her sexual organs. She's effectively a nymphomaniac, and that's why she's constantly wet. This isn't made up, it's a real condition. And it can be instigated by damage to the brain, sustained by being hit by a car.

And as a person with a severe sexual addiction issue, it's not impossible to imagine her having a lot of different sexual partners in a short period of time. I know this for a fact, because 20 years ago I dated a woman who was effectively a nymphomaniac, and I had to deal with the consequences of her extreme promiscuity on a daily basis. So I know that Anna's condition, whilst very unusual, is not beyond the realms of possibility.

Even within the short novels, it's clear that Anna is not an ordinary girl when it comes to sex. On the surface, she acts like she's not really that interested in having sex, that she'd rather study than be a good time girl. But when she's forced to have sex, it's clear that in reality she has an above average sex drive, and secretly enjoys stuff that most normal women wouldn't. So what Anna pretends to be, is not necessarily what she is. Being blackmailed forces Anna to face up to previously unpalatable truths and her condition softens the blow significantly. Anna always had the potential to become a slut, it was part of her inner nature, that she always denied. Until she started getting blackmailed and forced to perform lewd acts, and at the same time she got struck by a car, and developed a neurological condition which left her in a state of constant arousal. So she could actually enjoy those lewd acts instead of being repulsed by them. Anna didn't change overnight. She just stopped denying a part of her personality, that already existed.

And thus, Rebecca and Anna are very similar. It's just that Rebecca never denied what she was. She's quite happy being a slut and doesn't care who knows about it. She doesn't force Anna to take drugs as you claim. That's a choice given to the player. You can also choose for Anna not to snort cocaine. And as for her being a victim. Well she was abducted against her will, so I think that pretty much makes her a victim? The reason she was kidnapped had nothing to do with her being a slut. It was to get leverage over Sergey and his gang. So I don't understand your reasoning on that?

In the bar scene, Ron and Leslie rob Patrick because Anna and Emily convince them, that in doing so they're both going to get unlimited access to the two girls. At the time, both thugs are so drunk, that they're not thinking straight and are only seeing the chance to finally have both girls willingly giving them what they both crave. I think that's a perfectly reasonable assumption for two guys, who've both proved in the past that they're both very gullible, when it comes to getting drunk and having sex.

You say the scenes with Alfred are ridiculous. Don't you think that's a rather ageist statement? Is it so impossible to imagine a young woman having sex with a much older guy? This happens far more than you imagine. In any case, Anna explains that Alfred reminds her of her grandfather, the guy who was her real father growing up. When she's around Alfred she feels safe and respected. And in a world where she faces the constant threat of being humiliated and forced to do things she doesn't want to do, and has to take on huge responsibility just to get by. Alfred is the guy who makes her feel like a normal person and when she's around him nothing bad is going to happen. All of this is explained in the game, and your problem with it, is more to do with your own prejudices, than any lack of logic in the plot.

Next you claim that Sergey is a caricature. Well I disagree with that as well. Because he isn't you're typical ruthless gangster, who only cares about making money. He actually cares about the guys who work for him. His gang is like an extended family. For instance, when Rebecca gets kidnapped he goes to great lengths to rescue her, to the point of risking his entire operation. He helps Anna solve her problem with Jeremy and holds back from punishing Andrew for betraying him, because he's allowed himself to develop feelings for Anna, and doesn't want to upset her. This not the usual behaviour of a stereotypical drug lord.

And as I've already explained Anna's illness is not a fiction. It's a perfectly legitimate condition, for someone suffering a serious head trauma.

Obviously for the dramatic purposes of this game, the Devs have stretched logic to it's extreme. You wouldn't normally expect one person to suffer so many extreme circumstances in such a short space of time. But everything that has happened, could be given a logical explaination. Maybe in some cases, it wasn't explained very well in the text. But nonetheless it was based on reality. So when you say I'm arrogant because I don't hear what you're saying. That's not the case. I do hear what you're saying, I just have good reason for thinking that you're mistaken.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
No, it's every single one of your posts that make zero sense, whatsoever.
Every other post in the thread is you ranting about the model and the hairstyle.
It's getting old...really, really, really old.
I've told you the reason he changed the model. If you can't, or won't accept that then too bad.
I'm out.
Have a great day.
It's like with the graphs, he's only seeing what he wants to see. It's a waste of time trying to explain anything. In any case, him constantly pushing his point of view is not going to have any effect on this game, because Deepsleep doesn't read the posts here anymore. If you want to have any influence on the game. Then become a patron and comment on his Patreon site or join the discussion on his Discord channel. Because that's where Deep and Awake are paying attention, not here.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
WOW:eek:is this really true? I played the first part of this game many times, but I never noticed what you write about, can you post a screenshot where it is mentioned, if it is true it changes a loto_O
Unfortunately, it's not a fact at all. Anna's mother is never mentioned anywhere. So Stanford can't know that she abandoned Anna. She could have abandoned Anna, but she could also have died, been murdered or kidnapped or abducted by aliens. It's impossible to know, because Deep has never said anything about her once. So Stanford could do us all a great favour, by not inventing facts about this game.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
That is the main story of Anna... she fucks all guys but she knows that no one can be compared to her beloved andrew...

She is free with Andrew
Anna starts off loving Andrew, but now she has grave doubts about his character, and she's beginning to wonder whether she still loves him. Plus she's cheated on him repeatedly, and has stopped feeling guilty about it. Which is enough to make anybody doubt whether their previous feelings for a partner were genuine. So to say that he's still beloved by Anna is a bit of a stretch.

Now Andrew is going to have a renaissance route, so at least on one route he'll get the chance to prove himself to Anna, and make her love him once again. But on the other routes, their relationship will continue to get worse, regardless of Andrew's status within the game. Anna will fall out of love with him, and he'll probably end up hating her.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
I've just read this post which supposedly proves your hypothesis about Anna's mother. And the clip you highlight only talks about Anna being raised by her alcoholic father. There's nothing about her mother at all. Which of course you would expect, because Deepsleep has never mentioned her.

This was a post in which you insinuated I was paying Deepsleep to make the game the way I wanted it. Later you claimed that I wrote Anna's First Time myself. Whereas all I did was say it might be interesting someday to have a short story where we learn how Anna lost her virginity. It was during an informal discussion on the Discord Channel, with a few other people. And Deep wasn't one of those people. He just picked up on the conversation later.

I reiterate, I had nothing to do with writing Anna's First Time, I made no input to the storyline, everything apart from the original very basic idea was down to Deepsleep and Awake. They wrote the short novel and decided everything that went into it. And your pathetic attempts to suggest otherwise, are laughable as well as insulting to both Deep and Awake
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Apr 9, 2023
I do wish that Andrew woke up or Anna chose another guy, I feel like the cheating aspect of the game has been a little lacking. Maybe Timothy asks Anna to be his "exclusive" gf but she continues to be with other guys?

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
I do wish that Andrew woke up or Anna chose another guy, I feel like the cheating aspect of the game has been a little lacking. Maybe Timothy asks Anna to be his "exclusive" gf but she continues to be with other guys?
I think Anna getting another boyfriend, just so she can go on cheating, would be pretty silly. If she splits up with Andrew, then the only way she can realistically carry on being promiscous, is if she has no partner or agrees to have an open relationship with one. Why would she get involved with someone else, just so she can openly cheat on them? That wouldn't make any sense. If Anna starts a new relationship, that doesn't start off as an open one, it's because she's decided to change her ways and stop fucking around. Because the new person that she's with is sufficient to satisfy her needs.

I agree as it stands, the cheating aspect is dead in the water. Which is why I was one of the 20 people who voted for Andrew's status to remain the same ( contrary to what some people would have you believe). Technically, Anna is still cheating on Andrew, but since he's more or less absent from the game, there's no risk of her being discovered. Which undermines the entire cheating premise. Not what I wanted at all. But the majority of patrons wanted something else, and I just had to accept it. Which is the nature of democracy. Sometimes you don't get what you want.

So the cheating aspect of the game, has pretty much passed. Andrew is not getting out of hospital anytime soon ( it takes weeks to recover sufficiently from a life threatening gunshot wound to the chest, to become mobile). So this idea that Andrew is suddenly going to take up where he left off, prior to the shooting, anytime soon. Well it's not going to happen. Andrew will be conscious, but he's still going to be in hospital. And when he comes out, he's going to be convalescing for months. My guess is, apart from the renaissance route Andrew will not return to the apartment. By the time he's fit enough to leave hospital Anna will have made her decision to keep him or dump him, and she will have told him. So if she decides to dump him, the apartment is in her name, and Andrew will be looking elsewhere for accomodation. For the final part of the game he'll then be largely irrelevant. Only on the renaissance route will he continue to play an active role


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Anna starts off loving Andrew, but now she has grave doubts about his character, and she's beginning to wonder whether she still loves him. Plus she's cheated on him repeatedly, and has stopped feeling guilty about it. Which is enough to make anybody doubt whether their previous feelings for a partner were genuine. So to say that he's still beloved by Anna is a bit of a stretch.

Now Andrew is going to have a renaissance route, so at least on one route he'll get the chance to prove himself to Anna, and make her love him once again. But on the other routes, their relationship will continue to get worse, regardless of Andrew's status within the game. Anna will fall out of love with him, and he'll probably end up hating her.
The problem is not that.
What you are saybg is totally out of sense

Anna exciting ffecion is based on Andrew

No Andrew no Game!

I will wait until that will bereleased and I will prove you that without Andrew Anna is no more a funny story
if she will get a different boyfriend in her life this new guy will be a cuckold just like Andrew so is useless to find for her a new boyfriend!

I understand what you are trrying to do

but by this why the story will be a disaster

We will see when and if this plan will be released
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Technically, Anna is still cheating on Andrew, but since he's more or less absent from the game
he is in coma so it is ot present that is why the CH2 is much mor boring than CH1
Andrew will be conscious, but he's still going to be in hospital.
yes this prove that someone want slow down the story progression
but it will be a mess
after a come of month Andrew cannot back to the game as if nothing happens
So if she decides to dump him, the apartment is in her name, and Andrew will be looking elsewhere for accomodation. For the final part of the game he'll then be largely irrelevant.
Andrew is the most relevant character for Anna funny scenes and the storyline
the prove is that Andrew is in all releases except the dumb one sensless short novel
he is the only one present in all paths and in ll games
He is the one who makes great Anna story!

please i understand your point... you do not have to repeat again and again

I will never agree with you about your repetitive blah blah

When the paths that you are trying to explain is ready I will be able to criticize all the points that are senseless!
for now you are just blah blah like you
like if you want to apologize for something

last thing.. paying supporers are going down every day
I confirm everything i wrote in my previous posts
bacouse i d not like to rpeat myself like you are doing

I have read from you the same thing tons of times

I suggest you to copy and paste...
if you repeat yourself soo much it doesn't make your speech become truer
my posts are here
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
I think Anna getting another boyfriend, just so she can go on cheating, would be pretty silly. If she splits up with Andrew, then the only way she can realistically carry on being promiscous, is if she has no partner or agrees to have an open relationship with one. Why would she get involved with someone else, just so she can openly cheat on them? That wouldn't make any sense. If Anna starts a new relationship, that doesn't start off as an open one, it's because she's decided to change her ways and stop fucking around. Because the new person that she's with is sufficient to satisfy her needs.
I agree with this
that is why
Andrew is the most important character to have a story that makes sense!

otherways she need a pimp... but in this case she will lose her freedom

The most important thing is that Anna must have freedom and Andrew is the only one that makes this possible
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