If this got a semen inside counter and womb image does that mean pregnancy will be a thing? Or will it just cause buffs/debuffs. Maybe a way to milk defeated enemies for bonus stats and/or healing? This looks good from the screen shots shown.
I love battle sex games where the heroine can fight back using sex (not saying this is one fyi), but just having it as an option for defeated foes would be fun. I always thought having a lust meter that was like Doom rage buff would be awesome. Instead of ripping apart every foe with bare hands they fuck/ejaculate every enemy with a single action for a limited time.
Dude it's q to parry, l to attack, left shift to dash, e to heal, p to interact, and pause is only clicking the top right of the screen. This only works if you have three hands.
and don't forget the menus only work with mouse!!! So you need to use your left hand for WASD, Q, Shift and E and you need to use your middle hand for the randomly assigned L for attack and then your right hand for the mouse for the menus
I thought parrying was broken or had a ridiculous window. Range was the issue. It was fine once I figured that out but the physical/visual wires(?) hit at a distance but parrying only works up close.
Otherwise hopeful for this to turn out well and it doesn't go the way of so many other games, either abandoned or losing most of its potential because of patreon.