Any free AI that helps write adult erotic fiction, that doesn't require phone number or $$$? Preferably an offline AI?

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Here's my advice to you.

1. Swallow your pride.
2. Take this entire thread seriously.
3. Use an AI to sort out all the grammar and writing mistakes in your Futa Grandma game.

Stop wasting time here and get all the grammar fixed in your game. If not for me, then do it for your Patreons. It's obvious you're too lazy to fix the grammar in your game, DUDE, that's what AI is for. The existence of your game proves that most porn game devs NEED an AI to help them with writing. YOUR GAME IS THE OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS ENTIRE THREAD.

You desperately, DESPERATELY, need an AI to help you with your game's writing, and here you are mocking us, when you of all people need AI the most, to sort out all the writing issues in your game.

Until the grammar is fixed in your game, I will probably never respond to you ever again. Show your patreons some fucking respect man, FFS, fix all the grammar mistakes in your game, there's sooo many, too many, jesus fucking christ. USE THE AI IF YOU'RE TOO LAZY TO DO IT YOURSELF.
It's obvious that you still aren't being serious yourself and actually answering the assertion you made. If you go off like this, because you made an assertion and then called out on it you respond with personal accusations of laziness rather than taking the criticism that says it all. Maybe your assertion was a joke, but why not humbly say so then when called on it rather than seemingly needing to defend it like this by pointing the finger and not addressing it?

I work on a mindset of getting the basics in first, then improvement on it. It's not lazy, it's simply making a foundation before building on it. Building the foundation of the pyramid is better than no pyramid at all, and it would make no sense to try to build a roof first without a solid foundation, no matter how shiny the roof is.

YOU don't get to say to my patrons what is disrespect, especially when THEY choose to support me, that is the height of arrogance in thinking you can speak for them, so I suggest take your own advice and seriously take an honest look at yourself internally, you've been 'developing' for 5 years, every-time you are called out on this game you said you would make, you offer a myriad of excuses. Everytime someone criticises you either go off on them like above OR you ignore them.

If you really want the game you keep speaking of that you'll make, you'll move heaven and earth to get it done, you'll brook no excuses. It's the same with everything in life, you can keep making excuses and pointing the finger, or you can get it done. Simple as that.

Hows that for serious?

I do feel bad. I HATE punching down, but when the kitten tries to act tough, you eventually need to put it in its place, so it understands the reality of its size, so it doesn't just go and get devoured by a full grown predator.

I could take it a step further and show screenshots of the writing in his game, and prove how an AI is far more superior, but I won't, because deep down I'm a nice guy. I don't want to salt that rookies wounds, let them close. But if he opens his fucking mouth at me, I'll respond with screenshots of his game, showing how terrible the writing is, lol. Then if he really wants, we can turn his game into the poster child for why porn game devs need an AI desperately.
Claims he is a nice guy, threatens a developer if they don't remain quiet.
Claims I'm prideful but then claims he's punching down against a dev that actually has and is producing things.

Threatening me is NOT going to work seriously.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
The fact that you believe to be punching down when you have nothing but terrible takes is truly the epitome of your narcissism, the only thing being devoured here is your own sanity.

I guess you are indeed similar with chat GPT, you have been trained with nothing but reinforcement learning from human feedback (polls), and that explains how you are able to give horrible advice with absolute certainty every time.
I normally wouldn't respond to this, it offers nothing of value. You just make claims without debunking anything. There's nothing to learn.

Read this carefully: Go play his game. You'll notice tons of writing and grammar problems. The guy doesn't even like to add periods at the end of a sentence. If his script went through AI first, problems would not be there. For that developer, grammar is not a big deal, but at least with an AI, it could've fixed those problems instantly, so he wouldn't have to waste time on it.

See? I cited a problem and a potential, viable solution. Your turn. Make an actual argument. You'll either agree or disagree with me, in regards to the topic presented in the OP.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
It's obvious that you still aren't being serious yourself and actually answering the assertion you made. If you go off like this, because you made an assertion and then called out on it you respond with personal accusations of laziness rather than taking the criticism that says it all. Maybe your assertion was a joke, but why not humbly say so then when called on it rather than seemingly needing to defend it like this by pointing the finger and not addressing it?

I work on a mindset of getting the basics in first, then improvement on it. It's not lazy, it's simply making a foundation before building on it. Building the foundation of the pyramid is better than no pyramid at all, and it would make no sense to try to build a roof first without a solid foundation, no matter how shiny the roof is.

YOU don't get to say to my patrons what is disrespect, especially when THEY choose to support me, that is the height of arrogance in thinking you can speak for them, so I suggest take your own advice and seriously take an honest look at yourself internally, you've been 'developing' for 5 years, every-time you are called out on this game you said you would make, you offer a myriad of excuses. Everytime someone criticises you either go off on them like above OR you ignore them.

If you really want the game you keep speaking of that you'll make, you'll move heaven and earth to get it done, you'll brook no excuses. It's the same with everything in life, you can keep making excuses and pointing the finger, or you can get it done. Simple as that.

Hows that for serious?

Claims he is a nice guy, threatens a developer if they don't remain quiet.
Claims I'm prideful but then claims he's punching down against a dev that actually has and is producing things.

Threatening me is NOT going to work seriously.
No ones threatening you. Just fix the fucking grammar in your game dude, lol. Get the AI to do it for you, if you're lazy. Stop wasting time responding to me and fix your game, lol.





Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
EDIT: LOL some user named Icarus Media is making fun of us for wanting to use AI to improve writing, but holy shit, if you actually play his game, his game's story is filled with grammar errors and writing mistakes that an AI could help easily fix. This guy of all people needs an AI to help him with writing, and he's mocking us? WTF See for yourself: - Games like this are why porn game devs need an AI writing assistant.
I'd gladly play and critique your game, could you provide me a link to it?
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
And all that is scheduled for the final 1.1 when I go over everything I've completed.
Or keep your script running through an AI, so whatever you type, it will auto fix in real time, that way your patreons supporting you can enjoy good grammar now, instead of waiting forever.

The whole point of this thread is to figure out ways to get the AI to fix stuff like this, so you're not inconvenienced, and can spend more time on making porn related stuff, not worry about adding periods to the end of a sentence.

I'm trying to HELP devs. I'm not your enemy, lol.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Or keep your script running through an AI, so whatever you type, it will auto fix in real time, that way your patreons supporting you can enjoy good grammar now, instead of waiting forever.

The whole point of this thread is to figure out ways to get the AI to fix stuff like this, so you're not inconvenienced, and can spend more time on making porn related stuff, not worry about adding periods to the end of a sentence.

I'm trying to HELP devs. I'm not your enemy, lol.
Have you considered what would happen if it screws up the code instead? Or potential copyright issues if a game uses AI code writing? Does the ownership of the code belong to the dev or the creator of the AI software?
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Have you considered what would happen if it screws up the code instead? Or potential copyright issues if a game uses AI code writing? Does the ownership of the code belong to the dev or the creator of the AI software?
I agree with all the concerns here. Unlike you, when someone says something rational, I agree with it, not stubbornly resist to try and win internet points, lol.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
When the wise man point the moon... the imbecile look at the finger....
If you know it, why do you look at my finger with so insistence ?

Everything in what I wrote point in a direction that made the post to which I answer stupidly wrong even before you wrote it. But you are so convinced to know everything that you didn't cared to read it, jumping on your keyboard in an attempt to belittle me in order to stop feeling, for a second or two, the absolute void that feel your pathetic life.

most likely golden age of porn is till early 2000 before moronic US flood the market with brainless all-sex movies.
The early 00's, really... My god...

Clearly you have no clue of the work done in france/italy/germany...i
What would be really bad for a 51 yo french guy, don't you think ?

It is ok to be young, naïve and ignorant... it is wrong to add ignorance to the previous ingredients.
Adding ignorance to ignorance... The more you talk, the more you look like a total idiot.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Read this carefully: Go play his game. You'll notice tons of writing and grammar problems.
Why would this even matter? We are talking about why people shouldn't lean on AI here, it subtracts humanity.

And when they do, chances are they will become like you, lazy, arrogant and with nothing to show on top of it.
See? I cited a problem and a potential, viable solution. Your turn. Make an actual argument. You'll either agree or disagree with me, in regards to the topic presented in the OP.
You are simply not smart enough to understand the problem you might create with your "solution".

And again, only in your mind that people are dropping games left and right because of typos...

Now on the other hand I see plenty of people that would instantly drop your game the moment you announced something like "I'm using AI to help me write/draw". So good luck on your project.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
I agree with all the concerns here. Unlike you, when someone says something rational, I agree with it, not stubbornly resist to try and win internet points, lol.
See there it is again, we could have left off the personal stuff a moment ago and you HAD to be billy big bollocks again. Seriously mate address the concerns and stop with the peacocking.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Or keep your script running through an AI, so whatever you type, it will auto fix in real time, that way your patreons supporting you can enjoy good grammar now, instead of waiting forever.

The whole point of this thread is to figure out ways to get the AI to fix stuff like this, so you're not inconvenienced, and can spend more time on making porn related stuff, not worry about adding periods to the end of a sentence.

I'm trying to HELP devs. I'm not your enemy, lol.
You keep typing and showing you know little about what you are talking about.
  1. A translation application does use algorithms to help in translating from one language to another, but it's not the level of AI that requires the kind of processing that you think is needed. I can do the vast majority of my translations I need by using and making sure I write clear sentences in my native language.
  2. A good word processor application can help with grammar and spelling. Again, it is not the level of AI that requires what you think is needed.
  3. Hell, even a good software assists with maintaining consistency, voice, etc for writing ... and like the first two points, doesn't require the level of AI that you say you are searching for.
Get over yourself and just use the brain you were given at birth to create something instead of criticizing everyone else, including the developers who put time into bringing their vision into the world - flawed or not, whether you like it or not. Buck up, pull yourself up, stop sticking up polls, and create something... or just shut the fuck up. Damn, already.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt​
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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Pretty good just not very characteristic for you but it seems like he is bringing out the Icarus-the-Serious in you :D

You should ease is up with a few fart jokes or something though. So we know it's still you and not an AI :whistle:
It always surprises people that I can be serious occasionally.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Read this carefully:
It apply to you too.

If his script went through AI first, problems would not be there.
And his dialogs wouldn't feel natural. They would stand out, be heavy and turn the game into a stupid mess that no one would care about.
It's what I implied, and that you agreed to. It's what Meaning Less imply, and that you highly disagree with.

His grammar is not good ? Yeah, I know, and don't get me started with the french parts. And so what ? His game is easy to play, his dialogs are easy to read and understand, and you don't feel the usual heaviness, nor uselessness, when wilds internal thoughts appear. His characters speaks like the people they are, not caring more about the correctness of their grammar, than they care about the correctness of their behavior.
Should he be a bit more attentive ? Yeah, probably. But honestly too attentive would harm his game. Even his "vous" have their charm, when he don't abuse of them. They put the girlfriend in a place where she oscillates between love and respect, what then should reassure the MC regarding the fact that she let the grandma fuck her for his pleasure as much as for her own one. She's doing it by love for him as much as for love for big dicks.

And the thing is that it's precisely what is expected from a game like My Girlfriend & my Futa Grandma. At no time Icarus Media pretend to make something serious, at no time did he tried to hide that his game is pure foolish entertainment. And while what he do isn't serious, he still do it relatively (because everything is relative with him) seriously.
Then here you come, with your total lack of knowledge and experience, claiming that he's an idiot and he's doing it wrong. Well, at least he's doing something more than polls. Show what you can do, then, and then only, you'll be took seriously when you talk.

For that developer, grammar is not a big deal,
Have a better look at his posts. You'll see that you are wrong.

See? I cited a problem and a potential, viable solution.
You just shown that you don't know as much as you believe when it come to video games. You know a theory, but it's only a theory, only one of the many possible theories, and it only apply to one kind of games. This could possibly make you an expert for this theory and this kind of games, but for this you should firstly be able to recognize games that are from this kind and to which this theory can apply.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
His grammar is not good ? Yeah, I know, and don't get me started with the french parts. Even his "vous" have their charm, when he don't abuse of them.

To be fair I did take the feedback on board with the overly French 'attempt' to convey accent and the last version of Futa Grandma 1, namely, 1.1 will feature a no French dialogue mode. It will be a pain to write but if it helps to overall make a better game I'm all for it.

His game is easy to play, his dialogs are easy to read and understand, and you don't feel the usual heaviness, nor uselessness, when wilds internal thoughts appear. His characters speaks like the people they are, not caring more about the correctness of their grammar, than they care about the correctness of their behavior.
They put the girlfriend in a place where she oscillates between love and respect, what then should reassure the MC regarding the fact that she let the grandma fuck her for his pleasure as much as for her own one. She's doing it by love for him as much as for love for big dicks.

And the thing is that it's precisely what is expected from a game like My Girlfriend & my Futa Grandma. At no time Icarus Media pretend to make something serious, at no time did he tried to hide that his game is pure foolish entertainment. And while what he do isn't serious, he still do it relatively (because everything is relative with him) seriously.
Then here you come, with your total lack of knowledge and experience, claiming that he's an idiot and he's doing it wrong. Well, at least he's doing something more than polls. Show what you can do, then, and then only, you'll be took seriously when you talk.

Have a better look at his posts. You'll see that you are wrong.
You....said something nice....who are you and what have you done with the real Anne O'nymous?

But hey seriously thanks, you played it and really went in depth into the personality and motivations of the characters. I appreciate that.

Have a better look at his posts. You'll see that you are wrong.
Or my online stories, sorry...shameless plug.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
You....said something nice....who are you and what have you done with the real Anne O'nymous?
Fun fact, he can be nice and he is a big softy under all that grumpy attitude :whistle::cool: He is just edgy when triggered by condescending remarks or entitled attitude. And of those there are a LOT around, phew! Yeah, i'm gonna talk you out Anne as if you aren't here or anything :LOL:
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Achievement unlocked "You bullied Icarus Media" :cool:

To be fair I did take the feedback on board with the overly French 'attempt' to convey accent and the last version of Futa Grandma 1, namely, 1.1 will feature a no French dialogue mode.
Know that I'll never use it.
It's true that your french is broken, but honestly it's probably how I would speak french myself after years in a none French speaking country and mostly speaking the local language. I understand that it can be hard to understand for someone who don't know French, but for a native like me, it add to the charm.

It will be a pain to write but if it helps to overall make a better game I'm all for it.
I'm not the best to tell if it will make it better or not, but I wish you good luck because, yeah, translating the feeling carried by those bit in French will be hard.

You....said something nice....who are you and what have you done with the real Anne O'nymous?
Shh ! I have a reputation !

But hey seriously thanks, you played it and really went in depth into the personality and motivations of the characters. I appreciate that.
Well, it's the proof I'm old. Someone put efforts into making a game, it would be a shame to not put efforts when playing it. What doesn't mean that I do that for all games, but yeah, when the efforts are visible, I dive in it.