Daz Anybody use filament for animations rendering?


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
dforce its a pain on the ass, until someone implement a loop switch so the first and last frames simulated are the same.
Yes. The only (half-ass working) way I've found around this is to repeat the animation several times and then take one of the middle ones. And even that doesn't necessarily work well.

File an enhancement request with Daz. If enough of us ask for it, maybe they'll implement.


Nov 20, 2019
Which postwork you used to get this cartoony output. Just used filters on image sequence in photo editors or directly on video.
my shotcut project: ( free soft)



the project in the zip file.
Directly in the video, but its possible also with image seq. Very fast.
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Reactions: NG Creative


Nov 20, 2019
my python tool:

need python
need ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe in the same dir of the tk-mirror.py
or in sys path


only ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe in the bin dir of the archive.

never use DELETE ALL IMG, i f you work with the original rendered images

as always, the use of this program is at your complete responsibility.


from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog

import os, shutil, sys , fnmatch
import subprocess
import re

root = Tk()
root.title('Tk Mirror images and make VP9 webm video from sequence')

def cancella(a):
    global imgdir
    global prgdir
    global workdir
    if a == "all":
        MsgBox = messagebox.askquestion ('WARNING','Are you sure you want to clear all images files (render too)?',icon = 'warning')
        # cancella tutta la images/*.jpg
        if MsgBox == 'yes':
            exe = "del " + imgpre.get() + "*.jpg"
            p = subprocess.run (exe, shell=True)
            exe = "del " + imgpre.get() + "*.png"
            p = subprocess.run (exe, shell=True)
            p = subprocess.run ("del _tmp*", shell=True)
    if a == "tmp":
        p = subprocess.run ("del _tmp*", shell=True)

def natural_sort(l):
    convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
    alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
    return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)

def esegui():

    global imgdir
    global prgdir
    global out_put
    po = fps_out.get()
    pc = crf.get()
    pf = method.get()
    mir = mirror.get()
    ints = startf.get()
    pref=  imgpre.get()
    pts_val = ptsval.get()
    dnz_set = dnz.get()
    suff = suffix.get()
    out_put = video_o.get()
    repeat_= imrepeat.get()
    repfirst_ = repfirst.get()
    replast_ = replast.get()
    #convert speed in setpts
    pts_val = float(pts_val)
    pts_val = (1 / pts_val)
    pts_val = str(pts_val)[0:6]

    if suff == "0":
        tipo = ".jpg"
    if suff == "1":
        tipo = ".png"
    img_or = []
    print (prgdir)
    #check out
    ok = True
    if os.path.isfile(out_put +".webm"):
        ok = sovrascrivi(ok)
    if ok == False:
        print ("---------------------")
        print ("aborted")
        print ("---------------------")

    # pulisci prima le _tmp*.
    a = os.getcwd()
    print (a)

    # for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
        # for filename in files:
            # print(filename)
            # img_or.append(filename)

    # nuovo con pattern e ordine naturale
    img_raw = []
    pattern = pref + "*" + tipo
    listOfFiles = os.listdir('.')
    for entry in listOfFiles:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, pattern):
                img_raw.append (entry)
    img_or = natural_sort(img_raw)
    print ("lista orig:");
    print (img_or)

    quanti = len(img_or)
    aggiunti = 0
    print ()
    print (quanti)
    print ()
    work = dir_work.get()
    #giro normali
    if mir != "2":
        #global copia
        copia = 0
        for i in range (0,(quanti)):
            #print ("a" , copia, i)
            newname = work + "/_tmp{:03d}".format(copia) + tipo
            print (newname)
            shutil.copy2(img_or[i], newname)
            copia = copia +1
            #print (copia)
            if repeat_ == "1" and i == 0:
                c = int(repfirst_)
                print ("repeat first:", c)
                for i2 in range (1,(c+1)):
                    newname = work + "/_tmp{:03d}".format(copia) + tipo
                    print (newname)
                    shutil.copy2(img_or[i], newname)
                    copia = copia+1
                aggiunti = quanti + c
                print ("add", aggiunti)
            if repeat_ == "1" and i == (quanti-1):
                c = int(replast_)
                print ("repeat last:", c)
                for i2 in range (1,(c+1)):
                    newname = work + "/_tmp{:03d}".format(copia) + tipo
                    print (newname)
                    shutil.copy2(img_or[i], newname)
                    copia = copia+1
                    #print ("-", copia)
                aggiunti = aggiunti + c
                print ("add", aggiunti)
            #print(img_or[i] + " -> " + newname);
        print ("Default")

    if mir == "1":
        # reverse
        if aggiunti == 0:
            nn = quanti
            nn = aggiunti
        for i in range ((quanti -2),0,-1):
            newname = work + "/_tmp" + "{:03d}".format(nn) + tipo
            #print (newname)
            shutil.copy2(img_or[i], newname)
            print(img_or[i] + " -> " + newname);
            nn += 1
        print ("Mirrorer")
    if mir == "2":
        # reverse
        nn = 0
        for i in range ((quanti-1),-1,-1):   
            newname = work + "/_tmp" + "{:03d}".format(nn) + tipo
            shutil.copy2(img_or[i], newname)
            print(img_or[i] + " -> " + newname);
            nn += 1
        print ("Reversed only")


    #>>> "The sum of 1 + 2 is {:03d}".format(1+2)
    #'The sum of 1 + 2 is 003'
    # image

    a = os.getcwd()
    print (a)

    outpuf = "\"" + out_put + ".webm" + "\""
    inputf = "\"" + dir_work.get() + "/_tmp%03d" + tipo + "\""
    exe = "ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner  -y -i " + inputf +  " -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf "
    exe = exe + pc + " "
    exe = exe + "-vf "
    if dnz_set == "1":
        exe = exe + "hqdn3d,"
    exepts = "setpts=" + pts_val + "*PTS,"
    if pf == "1":
        exe2 = exepts + "framerate=fps=" + po + ":scene=30:interp_start=" + ints + " "
        exe2 = exepts + "fps=fps=" + po + " "
    exe = exe + exe2 + "-quality good  -rc_lookahead 16  -speed 3  "
    exe = exe + "-vprofile 0 -qmax 51 -qmin 4 -slices 4 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 "
    exe = exe + "-auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25  -row-mt 1  -g 120 -bf 2  -pix_fmt yuv420p "
    exe = exe + "-r " + po + " " + outpuf
    p = subprocess.run (exe, shell=True)

    exe = "ffplay -hide_banner " + outpuf + " -loop 0"
    p = subprocess.run (exe, shell=True)

    print ("Done")

def sovrascrivi(x):
    global out_put
    MsgBox = messagebox.askquestion ('WARNING', 'file  ' + out_put + '.webm exist, overwrite?',icon = 'warning')
    if MsgBox == 'yes':   
        return (x)
    if MsgBox == 'no':
        x = False
        return (x)

def chg_img_dir():
    global imgdir
    folder_selected = filedialog.askdirectory()
    imgdir = folder_selected
def opendir():
    global prgdir


fps_out = StringVar(root, value='25')
crf = StringVar(root, value='21')
method = StringVar(root, value='1')
startf = StringVar(root, value='180')
mirror = StringVar(root, value='1')
imgpre = StringVar(root, value="z")
ptsval = StringVar(root, value="1.00")
dnz = StringVar(root, value="0")
suffix =StringVar(root, value="0" )
video_o = StringVar(root, value="out" )
imrepeat = StringVar(root, value="0" )
repfirst = StringVar(root, value="1" )
replast  = StringVar(root, value="1" )

prgdir = os.getcwd()

# cartelle basiche

if not os.path.isdir('images'):
imgdir = os.getcwd()

if not os.path.isdir('images/work'):
workdir = os.getcwd()

dir_img = StringVar(root, value = imgdir)
dir_work = StringVar(root, value = workdir)

frametop = Frame(root)

l8 = Button ( frametop , text= "Images dir:      ", command = chg_img_dir, padx= 2 )
l8.grid(row = 0, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1, columnspan=1 )
l8b = Label( frametop, textvariable = dir_img, padx = 2 , fg = "#873926")
l8b.grid(row = 0, column = 3 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1, columnspan=4 )

l9 = Label( frametop, text= 'Images base prefix:', padx = 2)
l9.grid(row = 1, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e9 = Entry(frametop, textvariable = imgpre, width=8)
e9.grid(row = 1, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2)
r9a = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "JPG", variable = suffix, value = "0")
r9a.grid(row = 1, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
r9b = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "PNG", variable = suffix, value = "1")
r9b.grid(row = 1, column = 6 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )

l10 = Label( frametop, text= 'Speed X: ', padx = 2)
l10.grid(row = 2, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e10 = Entry(frametop, textvariable = ptsval, width=8)
e10.grid(row = 2, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2)
l10c = Label( frametop, text= '(with setpts)', padx = 2)
l10c.grid(row = 2, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2, columnspan = 2)

l4 = Label( frametop, text= 'Frame vf mode:', padx = 2)
l4.grid(row = 3, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
r4 = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "fps", variable = method, value = "0")
r4.grid(row = 3, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
r5 = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "framerate", variable = method, value = "1")
r5.grid(row = 3, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )

l5 = Label( frametop, text= 'Framerate interp start (0-255):', padx = 2)
l5.grid(row = 4, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e5 = Entry(frametop, textvariable = startf, width=5)
e5.grid(row = 4, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2 )

l2 = Label( frametop, text= 'FPS out:', padx = 2)
l2.grid(row = 5, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e2 = Entry(frametop, textvariable=fps_out, width=5)
e2.grid(row = 5, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2 )

l6 = Label( frametop, text= 'Mirror images:', padx = 2)
l6.grid(row = 6, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1, columnspan=1 )
r6 = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "ON", variable = mirror, value = "1")
r6.grid(row = 6, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
r7 = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "OFF", variable = mirror, value = "0")
r7.grid(row = 6, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
r8 = Radiobutton(frametop, text = "Reverse only", variable = mirror, value = "2")
r8.grid(row = 6, column = 6 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )

lr1 = Label( frametop, text= 'Repeat first-last images:', padx = 2)
lr1.grid(row = 7, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1, columnspan=1 )
rr7 = Checkbutton( frametop, text = "", variable = imrepeat, \
                 onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, \
                 width = 1)
rr7.grid(row = 7, column = 3 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
rfe = Entry(frametop, textvariable=repfirst, width=5)
rfe.grid(row = 7, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
rfl = Entry(frametop, textvariable=replast, width=5)
rfl.grid(row = 7, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )

l3 = Label( frametop, text= 'CRF: (4-45)', padx = 2)
l3.grid(row = 8, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e3 = Entry(frametop, textvariable=crf, width=5)
e3.grid(row = 8, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2 )

l11 = Label( frametop, text= 'Filters:', padx = 2)
l11.grid(row = 9, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 , columnspan =3)
cb11 = Checkbutton( frametop, text = "HQDN3D", variable = dnz, \
                 onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, \
                 width = 6)
cb11.grid(row = 9, column = 4 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )

l12 = Label( frametop, text= 'Out:   ' + prgdir, padx = 2)
l12.grid(row = 10, column = 1 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
e12 = Entry(frametop, textvariable=video_o, width=19) #w=10
e12.grid(row = 10, column = 5 , sticky = W, pady = 2 )
l12b = Label( frametop, text= '.webm', padx = 2)
l12b.grid(row = 10, column = 6 , sticky = W, pady = 2, rowspan = 1 )
b12b = Button ( frametop , text= "explore", command = opendir, bg = "#f7f5bc" )
b12b.grid(row = 10, column = 7 , sticky = W, pady = 0, rowspan = 1)

frametop.grid_rowconfigure(9, minsize=20)

#frametop.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor= CENTER )

# sotto -----------------------------------------------------

framebot = Frame(root)

framebot.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize=20)
framebot.grid_columnconfigure(5, minsize=20)
framebot.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize=20)

b1 = Button ( framebot , text= "START", command = esegui , padx= 50, pady=15, bg = 'black' , fg = 'white' )
b1.grid(row = 0, column = 0  ,rowspan = 2
, columnspan= 2)

b2 = Button ( framebot , text= "DELETE ALL IMG", command = lambda: cancella("all") , padx= 10, pady=10, bg = "#a81826" , fg = 'yellow' )
b2.grid(row = 0, column = 4  ,rowspan = 1)

b3 = Button ( framebot , text= "DELETE TMP IMG", command = lambda: cancella("tmp") , padx= 0, pady=10)
b3.grid(row = 0, column = 6  ,rowspan = 1)

framebot.pack(side = BOTTOM)

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Reactions: NG Creative


Nov 20, 2019
filament dont support displacement maps,
but you can apply on blender, and then save a obj for a morph:



for the hairs in this case, apply the displace modifier then save the obj.

In daz, set the morph created for the hairs:

3.jpg 4.jpg
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Reactions: NG Creative

NG Creative

Jul 28, 2021
filament dont support displacement maps,
but you can apply on blender, and then save a obj for a morph:

View attachment 1628144

View attachment 1628145

for the hairs in this case, apply the displace modifier then save the obj.

In daz, set the morph created for the hairs:

View attachment 1628146 View attachment 1628147
Great man!!
Really appreciate you sharing tips.:giggle:

Keep sharing this tips.

Also sorry about seeing your posts so late. Not intentionally but it happaned.
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