Bear in mind that 1 persons preferences will color the way they phrase everything to match what they like. When a person says "Most people on this site prefer..." what they really mean is they would prefer if you made it in a style matching them.
Not really, the majority here in this Forum don't like Sharing content with other dudes and it sounds here that there will be indeed Sharing since the Girls will be not only with the MC in their Universe (like Danny, Dash and so on), but also with a MC that can jump in every Universe the Game will have. So it would be indeed more than one Dude to get Lucky and that's a Major Turn Off for Most.
Again, the Developer can do what he wants, when He wants Sharing content then it is what it is. He shouldn't just hear of the things one Dude Like me said, he should see what Others say also. Of course there still will be enough Players who like this type of content, but the Majority prefer Vanilla Games without Sharing, Swinging, Netorare and such stuff so it is questionable if he can get enough Support.
Again, good luck for the Developer. Hope he don't need to abandoned the Game. But I think that it would be hard with freaking Heinz Doof of all People to get Lucky with lot's of girls.