Why do any of that? Just edit it in the console of the browser directly. Much easier.
Also, as a temporary (very very unorthodox) fix until the school system is implemented, if you want to inherit skills, modify index.html (in the downloaded version) to add an if statement for skills following traits during child generation.
Please note that I have tested this on my local copy and it works, but it's not perfect. For example, in theory the code shouldn't allow duplicates, but it definitely allows duplicates. I'm guessing that is because it was never meant to work that way. No guarantees offered or suggested. Use this at your own risk for testing/playing around.
The beauty of these html based games is it is very easy to modify (and break) the code if you want to muck around and see what happens. Just keep a safe copy of your index.html to revert to in case your edits truly bork it up.
Also, as a temporary (very very unorthodox) fix until the school system is implemented, if you want to inherit skills, modify index.html (in the downloaded version) to add an if statement for skills following traits during child generation.
# Original trait inheritance code ~ line 9600:
<<if !_child.gender>>
<<set _child.traits = _mother.traits ?? []>>
<<set _additionalTrait = setup.getRandomTraits(1, _child.traits)>>
<<if _additionalTrait>>
<<set _child.traits = _child.traits.concat(_additionalTrait)>>
# Take that traits block and modify it for skills.
<<set _child.skills = _mother.skills ?? []>>
<<set _additionalSkill = setup.getRandomSkills(1, _child.skills)>>
<<if _additionalSkill>>
<<set _child.skills = _child.skills.concat(_additionalSkill)>>
#The final modified section with the block for traits, followed by the block for skills.
<<if !_child.gender>>
<<set _child.traits = _mother.traits ?? []>>
<<set _additionalTrait = setup.getRandomTraits(1, _child.traits)>>
<<if _additionalTrait>>
<<set _child.traits = _child.traits.concat(_additionalTrait)>>
<<set _child.skills = _mother.skills ?? []>>
<<set _additionalSkill = setup.getRandomSkills(1, _child.skills)>>
<<if _additionalSkill>>
<<set _child.skills = _child.skills.concat(_additionalSkill)>>
Please note that I have tested this on my local copy and it works, but it's not perfect. For example, in theory the code shouldn't allow duplicates, but it definitely allows duplicates. I'm guessing that is because it was never meant to work that way. No guarantees offered or suggested. Use this at your own risk for testing/playing around.
The beauty of these html based games is it is very easy to modify (and break) the code if you want to muck around and see what happens. Just keep a safe copy of your index.html to revert to in case your edits truly bork it up.