Hey everyone, I messed up my timing and had to leave right after posting and wasn't online. I didn't quote everyone but I'll attempt to answer everything.
(Note: the game is more focused on submissive gameplay at the moment.)
Good luck managing both paths.
Looking forward to it, thanks for the sub path. The only little itty bitty tiny beef I have - but simply ignore it - is that I can't fathom why every html game MUST also contain sissification. Is some virus in the HTML/CSS code similar to toxoplasmosis which when you try to make a game takes over and orders: make sissificationnnnn, maaaake sissssification
Ok just joking, but its still interesting. I look forward to the femdom elements! Good Luck!
There is an Alpha path with a small bit of content in the current version and it's decent, also I think somewhere in the game the Author said they are working on more Alpha path content in the next update so I'm hoping they actually are cause from what I've seen so far this person is a decent writer and it would be a shame to just waste that on just one sissification path like a good chunk of html games.
Regarding the beta/alpha sub/dom paths I intended to make this a less linear game with more options to the character creation. There's a big trend of HTML games being all centered around sissification, I'm guilty unfortunately of liking those themes very much. The alpha path is more experimental, apart from learning how to write in general as I'm not native English I'm also still in the process of familiarizing myself with dom smut in general. I'm writing bits to that every now and then but for now I think it's going to be behind the beta path in terms of content.
I'd love to work together with someone who feels comfortable in that genre to build that route though, so if anyone is interested hit me up!
look like the same "secretary" game on this site, force female buy cloth, chasity and visit therapist cyber punk setting only different is art
Yeah Secretary is a big inspiration, I think it's the first game I ever played in the HTML category. Apart from being a lot worse at programming I think another difference will be in terms of linearity, I'd like to make something a bit more free but it's not showing much yet.
for the dick size I would recommend adding more girth because I chose a 9 inch dick and started out a 5 inch girth which is kinda to decently skinny for a dick that size then I got up to 12 inches and only 5.9 girth and at those sizes you would just look like a long ass noodle.
Dev is somewhat lazy with their coding logic. When given missions such as lengthening hair and wearing a butt plug, they don't bother to check whether the mission has just been given. So mc is still in Scarlett's office, just been told to wear a plug, yet she's already telling them to pull em down and bend over and then tsk tsking that they are dragging their feet for not having one yet. Ok, so maybe she's a dom, and we're stuck as a sub because dev may never add dom mc content, but this bs is a bit overboard.
Will be fixing these.
Isn't blackmail banned on patreon? You might want to consider alternatives to Patreon. I've seen a few games get stripped of blackmail because of patreon.
This was a dilemma for me but I included a way out for the player, so they could say no hopefully that and the entire interaction being rather soft will appease the Patreon gods.
I decided to check to see if the date is accurate. It is not. May 14th, 2118 will be a Saturday, not a Tuesday.
I could've sworn I checked the date by hand.
I did a rewrite once so that might be the reason.
EDIT NEW CONTENT: Also on a direct note to the dev... several bugs in the 2.4.0 version on the beta path, including one that was supposedly fixed in the changelog.
1) When picking up quests / homework, Scarlet sometimes will append two meetings in one so she gives you the homework then immediately acts like you didn't do the homework.
2) Quest #5 appears to be stuck never possible to start up. Aka quest 4 will not complete. Timmy path, refuse, wore at home. All future check ins Scarlet simply tells the player to keep gaining levels... then nothing new ever. Despite supposed to be over a dozen quests available.
3) When doing the masterbation option for xp it seems some of the options are bugged. The tamest option permanently gives 18 xp each time and never burns out, meanwhile other options such as female solo masturbation or bbc never give any xp at all.
4) I feel like the gym showers content is breaking some parameters. When being a reluctant beta, the clean or decline choice automatically claims that the player willingly submits to male touches to breast and ass despite no content of thaat happening anywhere else in the game.
One game suggestion as a whole... most of your UI is nice, but it is a bit clunky sometimes trying to figure out what should be done next. I am not saying you need to hand lead the player about, but it definitely should be slightly more intuitive or helpful than it currently is.
o) Multiple times new emails arrived with no warning to the player, and they arrive rare enough and are annoying enough to search for that it is a waste of time to click through dozens of times just to find on the rare days that there is finally a new email again. This needs to be fixed by some kind of "You've Got Mail!" prompt or an option to auto check new mail or something.
o) The plug quest tells to buy a plug, but unlike the cage there is no shop selling it. Scarlet does say to consult family or friends, but at home (unless you stole the sister's panties maybe?) there is no option to consult with family. (You do get a new email about shopping with Timmy, but see pre-mentioned lack of new email alerts!)
Also one beta path suggestion, it feels incredibly clunky right now to have to do daily masterbation for points which takes off the cage but then have to manually open the inventory window and put it back on the next day. Perhaps add an option to automatically wear the cage every morning before going to the Arcade. That along with the quest UI and daily actions automation are the three best quality of life changes I would suggest / request.
Yes, it is banned. However they don't physically check every single bit of content on their services. The games you mentioned all got censor checked due to the game name. "Arcade" has no connotations to it that will cause a passive check by their system to flag for an active check. This is why games with names like "Perverted Education" and "Earn Your Freedom" get hit with censoring while games like "The Company" and "Arcade18" should go years without a check unless prudes actively report it with enough numbers that it gets a priority check.
That all being said, having a backup plan to avoid a last minute censure enforcement by patreon is probably a smart call.
Not entirely sure about that actually from what I saw when play testing this tonight... if you look at the sex skills it includes penis, hand, mouth, tits, ass, and even pussy. Meaning it may very well be possible that a full change is future planned.
1) I found two quests that are affected by this, I'm fixing those next version.
2) If by quest 4 you mean the chastity one, this one should redirect from the usual inspections in case the player's wearing the cage or has the item in their inventory. I'm stumped as to what the error could be here I tested it and couldn't figure out the source after looking at the code.
3) This is actually not a bug, the few porn scenes that give xp shouldn't have, that one I did mess up. There's an upgrade in the computer that unlocks the xp-system outside the Arcade, this was introduced after the some of the porn scenes were added and I didn't go back to update them, will fix this too.
4) Yep, there are 4-5 scenes in the game which skip ahead. I'm slowly reaching the point in the beta questline where the player should get there but some (like Rent-a-friend) were written before that I and thought it's better to include regardless. Once the main questline progresses a bit these should make more sense, until then it requires a bit of suspension of disbelief.
o1) Thanks for the suggestion, I think I'll be adding a notification in the sidebar for new emails which should help with these.
o2) I'd usually recommend buying the hint upgrade for these situations but I have to agree here, because now that I'm checking I didn't even add a hint for that and it's not like the player would have 200$ to pay for it even if I had. I'll change the mission text in the sidebar to hint at Timmy's name to make this more straightforward.
o3) Daily actions automation: That's a fairly simple update I think I can make that. I added to my todo list.
I do plan adding female main character options. The first version included an entire intro for a female character but I had to cut it because I realized that I would never ever finish the intro questline if I had to write +2 routes (beta/alpha) for a fem player. Right it's a slow transformation for betas, later it should be a full genderswitch available to both classes with the help of chems.
Mizperix Can I ask when you will finish dominant alpha route and submissive beta route?
Mizperix Can I ask When you will add more content of Alex?
Mizperix Can I ask how can I increase more daring ?
Mizperix Can I ask is there a content of blue bracelet replaced by pink bracelet after the alpa mc get strapon fucked by the scarlett many times?
Mizperix Can I ask when you will add mc also start as alpha bitchy female and submissive slutty female?
1. I'd say the beta route is about 80% finished maybe. Once the player reaches third base the quest line can be considered complete, but I'll probably add more in regardless. It will probably take 2-3 updates to get there. For the alpha route it's still in its infancy, depending how much I branch out it could be at 10% or 30% right now, so that will take more time.
2. I don't have a particular order, usually every other update I write a scene for her, maybe next update or the one after that.
3. Player can become more daring by completing the main questline. For betas this is following through Scarlett's requests, for alphas it's a bit more complicated but generally each time you complete a mission listed in the sidebar your character should advance. Some options that will say "You're not daring enough for that." could also be there because they are currently unreachable for the player or because it's unfinished (this is just a few scenes, but some of Alex's options actually fall into this category).
4. If you mean alpha's getting pegged by Scarlett, then no. Generally both classes can do actions that are not meant for them, subs can act as doms and alpha's can enjoy something up the butt without retribution. The only difference is what they get xp for, eg. alpha's won't be rewarded for submissive actions.
5. Starting as a female would require a new intro entirely and rewriting a lot of scenes. I'd only make that once I finish the current two main paths.
wann und wo taucht die blode Rosa auf ? Woche für Woche vergeht aber die blode Kuh taucht nicht auf.
I don't speak German but here's a rough answer with the help of a translator: Wenn Sie ein Beta sind, müssen Sie Keuschheit und feminine Kleidung tragen, Make-up auftragen und rasiert sein. Treffen Sie sich dann mit Timmy, damit er Sie Rose vorstellt. Wenn Sie ein Alpha sind, treffen Sie sich an einem Freitag mit Timmy, um Ihnen Rose vorzustellen.