Oh, you must mean Diana. I can't think of anyone else who clearly fits your criteria.But what about their looks? Don't tell me they are not 'inspired' by lol.
I agree about Diana, but...
In short, the game was done gradually. In the beginning, I did 2 chapters (when was it, 2.5 years ago?) to get the feedback from people. To find some pitfalls, and avoid further mistakes, etc..
At the time I didn't have a clear picture of what the game would be like.
I drew inspiration from different sources, I did not hesitate to copy a lot of things and learn from them.
Gradually, with experience, there was less of that.
Anyway, if the game interests you and you play Season 2 or Stories, it will be noticeable.
There are far fewer references to anything (like League names and certain design moments) in my game now than there used to be.
And overall, the game has its own story and world, and I think it has become quite distinctive.