The patch does work but it does need better installation instructions

Here is what worked for me:
1. Use Unren to extract the rpa files in the game folder.
2. Delete the rpa files after extraction.
3. Copy over the patch contents into the game folder
4. Go into Area69-0.42-pc\game\images\npcs\icons and create a copy of julia, sara, emma and walter icon files.
5. Rename the copies to mother, granny sara, aunt emma and uncle walter. (you may be able to just rename the originals but I like to be cautious)
This will work for any renpy errors that show up that have to do with the icons!
P.S There may be more needing to be renamed since I just had to add walter...
P.S.S How many times does the mother get done by a vampire as from reading before it seemed like just once but now in the bar I have witnessed her getting molested again?!? Don't want to start the whole NTR discussion again but I do hope that you can at least put a stop to such things when you have enough power...

Other than that I love all the different body types and realistic looking characters