
Nov 11, 2020
Well, im shit at modules, so make sure its turned on permanently in the module you upload. Otherwise i wont even know what to do to make it work.
i tried to make it happen but im having trouble with getting it to work right. ill keep messin with it tomorrow to see if i can fix it. the problem is trying to make sure not to let the toggle happen while you havent actually started H or to reset it if you get interrupted on your way to H. its really too bad the AAU guys didnt expose the actual condom settings but it may just be the way its coded in the original game :(

for now try testing if the condom setting even effects npcs at all, because honestly it might have no effect on npc-to-npc interactions anyway (leave forced condom on and see if the npcs manage to skip using them still) better to know now if this is all a waste of time lol


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
it may just be the way its coded in the original game :(
Yeah... its called a bug.

for now try testing if the condom setting even effects npcs at all, because honestly it might have no effect on npc-to-npc interactions anyway (leave forced condom on and see if the npcs manage to skip using them still) better to know now if this is all a waste of time lol
Not on my PC right now, but will do a quick test tomorrow. Hey, i dont even want this module to work for me as much as i want this bug to be fixed. This isnt my first complaint over this. Ive noticed this bug millions of years ago and tried to replicate it, but couldnt. Normal, high and highest virtue guys play by the rules, but low and lowest dont. Forcing a condom on or off will affect everyone (will still give it a test tomorrow, just to be sure), but if you leave that option off/inactive - the bug manifests.


May 7, 2017
Hey quick question for anyone using corruption module does it give notification that requirements are being met, because I don't see notifications like other mods.


New Member
Nov 22, 2019
Anyone willing to give me their game files with everything included? I'm quite a derp when it comes to files. By that I mean the latest mods/skins/cards/everything or close to it.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
for now try testing if the condom setting even effects npcs at all, because honestly it might have no effect on npc-to-npc interactions anyway (leave forced condom on and see if the npcs manage to skip using them still) better to know now if this is all a waste of time lol
AA2-1.png AA2-2.png AA2-3.png

As you can see, they do use condoms when the option to force condom use is active. The bug appears when this option is inactive (which is how ive played up until recently).

Im not doing this test ever again. The stupid black guy kept destroying the highest chicks love count with his constant requests to have sex in the open and in view of everyone, and on friday ive had to crank up her love count towards this bottomfeeder so that ANYTHING would happen. Do i sound angry? Well, thats because i am.

Hope that gives you motivation to work on that module. Make it global, so that once put on my PC, it will affect everyone.
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Nov 11, 2020
Make it global, so that once put on my PC, it will affect everyone.
ok try this attached new version. it only has to be on your main char. i made it so you can toggle on "AutoMode" by pressing W key, (and it will save automode on if you save your class while automode is on)
What automode does is when you are normally walking around itll be in "Autostate" which i set default to force require condoms, but you can change it in the globals if you want to
Then when PC agrees to H / starts H the setting will switch to the "PCautostate" which i set default to be the normal mode (not forced / just let partner decide), and you can also change this in the globals as well.

the module description when you are in the aa2edit explains the settings specifics.

i tested it for a bit and it seems like it works to me, the only time im not sure if its working right is if you are in H in public and someone interupts and wants you to chose between them. I tried to put in a line to compensate for that but im struggling to get the interupts to happen so i can test it thoroughly, but in all other normal situations this seems to be working

there is one caveat, which is that since its a global setting, technically, while you are in H, if npcs also H, they will be under your settings. so this isnt a perfect fix, but it should at least significantly reduce the npc no condom outcomes

let me know how it goes
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
the only time im not sure if its working right is if you are in H in public and someone interupts and wants you to chose between them
You dont have to worry about this bit. If a competition happens, the next H will never have a condom on (think: not enough time to put one on).

Will let you know how it went in a couple of days.
  • Yay, update!
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Aug 4, 2019
After pressing "Launch the game" in the AA2Play.exe launcher it stops responding and doesn't open the game, no window or anything. Do I have to download something else? Or patch it someway?
What is your operating system (which is wise to specify), have you installing the applications of the "extra" folder?


Nov 11, 2020
In honor of Tots new preggers outfits pack release today (found here: )

Here is an updated version of Pregnancy v2 module with new features

------ ive added an additional style option ( 'pregnant2' ) so you can have a "early bump / hiding the bump" phase if you want it. 'pregnant1' remains the style for full on preggers look, making this backwards compatible with setups you already have. and the option is configurable in globals if you want more or fewer styles systems. Enjoy

ALSO !!! The tots pack doesnt make your naked char preg, so you have to set up redirects, I posted HOW to do it here:
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
let me know how it goes


BudgetPro Welp, looks like your module failed - it was set to use NPC choice for condom use, and the lowest virtue guy still went raw, when he shouldnt:

Not all is lost, though, since you can now simplify the module, and get rid of the bloat thats governed by the cheat in the game anyway, while keeping the option for players condom control, as this part of it worked.
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Nov 11, 2020
the lowest virtue guy still went raw, when he shouldnt:
did you happen to see when this interaction happened? the main hole in this mods function is that when you yourself are in an H scene, all the other npcs are still going about their normal business, including H between npcs. and any H that happens during that time between npcs will be under your current PC condom state because the condom state is a global setting (it cant be separated between npcs and pcs). If the PC setting is to force condom off, then any npcnpc H that happens while you are in an H scene will also have their condom forced off :/

and whether or not you use auto, or just manually toggle the mode, youll end up with the same issue

unfortunately its just that the game devs used a very basic global setting for condoms, and the state cant even be changed during an hscene either, it can only be changed outside of H scenes (the global setting can be changed, but the existence of the condom, and use of condom in those scenes cant be changed once the scene has begun)

AAU devs on the other hand might have the ability to rip apart that section of code and give us access to it in triggers, but I dont even think the AAU devs are themselves active any more, so we are probably stuck with these issues permanently :(

the most reliable setup currently is to use the automode in this mod, and have the defaults be Forced On for automode, and Normal/partner chooses for PC mode, since then npcnpc interaction while you are in H scene will at minimum still attempt to follow some rules.

from what i can tell with the way the condom use is decided its an average between a few variables, the average of the two cards virtues, as well as a weight value depending on the pregnancy risk that day. so as i see it, on days when a high virtue girl is safe or normal, she will always have some chance of letting a low virtue guy convince her to skip the condom. also either partner having a No Condom kink will further increase the chance of skipping condom

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ life o_O

since you can now simplify the module
if you ever set the automode global to zero, then the entire automode function will be disabled and never called, the option wont even show up when you are pressing W to toggle condom modes. so i made sure if you dont want to use the automode you can turn it off and not bloat the cpu processes :)

also, Buck Le Fuq is goated name

oh and also the sex orientation of a card primarily only effects the amount of points they get from a love interaction (and its not reduced to zero. its maybe reduce 70% at max i think), and it also heavily effects the "ask out" conversation (increases Love points required to accept). So actual H interaction requests are only really governed by the Love stat minus the hate stat, so if someone spends enough time building up love points very slowly with just the right set of interactions, anyone can eventually be convinced to H, even the highest virtue most opposite orientation pair, even with the Asexual trait on (which does barely anything actually) can agree to H with enough love points built up.

only modules/triggers can actually circumvent that basic game logic. so if you want someone to truly be high virtue then module based personality changes are the best shot. the only other trait which has a pretty big impact is the Singleminded trait, since if you combine that with a high virtue, they will only allow their lovers to do the high end love interactions (hug etc), and they will be near impossible to date unless you are also single. (but in fact it is still possible when you already have another lover).

with the vanilla settings, the hardest matchup would be a lowest virtue person with no lewd or romantic traits, vs a highest virtue person with single minded, asexual, and opposite orientation. and even that you can still conquer with enough effort. the personality type will also further play a very big role. there could be a combo with that virtue/trait setup and a specific set of clashing personalities, but i havent found it :/ if you put enough time in, you can raise anyones love stat at least a few points per day, and eventually they will hit a value where you can date them (everything else is easier after that)

hmm any personality that only gets love points from Hug/Kiss/Touch would be the hardest
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Nov 11, 2020
Hey quick question for anyone using corruption module does it give notification that requirements are being met, because I don't see notifications like other mods.
the corruption module which goes on the NPCs only gives a notification once when corruption is complete. the mods function design: every interaction increases a storage float by a very small amount. and once that reaches 100.0 the corruption is considered complete and the virtue drops. the amount change is different depending on the different actions, so the amount of time it takes to corrupt someone varies greatly. sometimes it takes a week of repeating actions every period


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
did you happen to see when this interaction happened?
Unfortunately, no. Lowest virtue card will ONLY push to have sex in the open, or sometimes try to lead the other card to a more secluded spot and then ask to have sex. They never use private rooms, so i needed to give them some space... if you get what i mean. As for whether ive had sex at the same time - i dont think so.

also, Buck Le Fuq is goated name
Thank you! I tried, heheh.

All i can say is - the module fulfills my previous requirement (meaning - i can disable condom use for myself), but doesnt fix the bug in the game. Oh, well. It is what it is, i guess. Thanks for trying.


Nov 11, 2020
OK anyone who is using the Pregers outfits from Tot, they dont automatically make your chars naked state preg, to do that I made these three redirects:

can make 1 redirect for just this cards weight (height is irelevant)

or make 3 redirects so all weights/heights can be changed on card freely

from (left side)

A00_00_O_body.sviex ----- normal weight chars
A00_00_O_body_ho.sviex ----thin chars
A00_00_O_body_de.sviex -----fat chars

to (right side)
archive: jg2p04_00_2000_pregnancy.pp

A00_01_O_bodyp.sviex -----(normal weight chars
A00_01_O_bodyp_ho.sviex ------(thin
A00_01_O_bodyp_de.sviex ------(fat

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I Sour

New Member
Dec 1, 2019
Anyone can get this to work on Linux with Lutris, please tell me how to get past the ppx issue if possible or how you get the game to start (Game not started with ppx, give unhandled exception; start with pp2: white screen+music and nothing else, no matter what I try). I already install everything into my prefix, btw
found the fix, run windowsdesktop-runtime-3.1.9-win-64 found in extra folder
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Oct 4, 2017
anyone knows where is the exact values should i change if i want the cuck target is likely to accept the invitation on cuck module??


Nov 11, 2020
anyone knows where is the exact values should i change if i want the cuck target is likely to accept the invitation on cuck module??
it looks to me like,
if you want your Lover to more easily accept the offer, then i think you want to reduce the 1200 down significantly where you find baseCuckChance=

and if you want to improve the chances of the bull accepting, you want to reduce the 1200 where you find BullCuckChance=

also keep in mind that just below that section in the same trigger is an If check which makes your partner refuse under the conditions: Has Trait: Loyal, has Virtue 4, or has trait: singleminded

remove or modify that section if you want, otherwise it will always be a hard no from your lovers with those traits/virtue
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