the lowest virtue guy still went raw, when he shouldnt:
did you happen to see when this interaction happened? the main hole in this mods function is that when you yourself are in an H scene, all the other npcs are still going about their normal business, including H between npcs. and any H that happens during that time between npcs will be under your current PC condom state because the condom state is a global setting (it cant be separated between npcs and pcs). If the PC setting is to force condom off, then any npcnpc H that happens while you are in an H scene will also have their condom forced off :/
and whether or not you use auto, or just manually toggle the mode, youll end up with the same issue
unfortunately its just that the game devs used a very basic global setting for condoms, and the state cant even be changed during an hscene either, it can only be changed outside of H scenes (the global setting can be changed, but the existence of the condom, and use of condom in those scenes cant be changed once the scene has begun)
AAU devs on the other hand might have the ability to rip apart that section of code and give us access to it in triggers, but I dont even think the AAU devs are themselves active any more, so we are probably stuck with these issues permanently
the most reliable setup currently is to use the automode in this mod, and have the defaults be Forced On for automode, and Normal/partner chooses for PC mode, since then npcnpc interaction while you are in H scene will at minimum still attempt to follow some rules.
from what i can tell with the way the condom use is decided its an average between a few variables, the average of the two cards virtues, as well as a weight value depending on the pregnancy risk that day. so as i see it, on days when a high virtue girl is safe or normal, she will always have some chance of letting a low virtue guy convince her to skip the condom. also either partner having a No Condom kink will further increase the chance of skipping condom
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ life
since you can now simplify the module
if you ever set the automode global to zero, then the entire automode function will be disabled and never called, the option wont even show up when you are pressing W to toggle condom modes. so i made sure if you dont want to use the automode you can turn it off and not bloat the cpu processes
also, Buck Le Fuq is goated name
oh and also the sex orientation of a card primarily only effects the amount of points they get from a love interaction (and its not reduced to zero. its maybe reduce 70% at max i think), and it also heavily effects the "ask out" conversation (increases Love points required to accept). So actual H interaction requests are only really governed by the Love stat minus the hate stat, so if someone spends enough time building up love points very slowly with just the right set of interactions, anyone can eventually be convinced to H, even the highest virtue most opposite orientation pair, even with the Asexual trait on (which does barely anything actually) can agree to H with enough love points built up.
only modules/triggers can actually circumvent that basic game logic. so if you want someone to truly be high virtue then module based personality changes are the best shot. the only other trait which has a pretty big impact is the Singleminded trait, since if you combine that with a high virtue, they will only allow their lovers to do the high end love interactions (hug etc), and they will be near impossible to date unless you are also single. (but in fact it is still possible when you already have another lover).
with the vanilla settings, the hardest matchup would be a lowest virtue person with no lewd or romantic traits, vs a highest virtue person with single minded, asexual, and opposite orientation. and even that you can still conquer with enough effort. the personality type will also further play a very big role. there could be a combo with that virtue/trait setup and a specific set of clashing personalities, but i havent found it :/ if you put enough time in, you can raise anyones love stat at least a few points per day, and eventually they will hit a value where you can date them (everything else is easier after that)
hmm any personality that only gets love points from Hug/Kiss/Touch would be the hardest