Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gonna be honest.. I'm giving this game a courtesy rating. This game has been on the backburner since I played through an earlier release. And then I saw it had been updated a few times. But it just didn't leave enough of an impression on me.
    I don't really have anything negative to even say. On the other hand, I don't have anything to praise it for either. I remember liking the idea of choosing a magic focus and certain decisions helping certain focuses. And I'm curious how that's developed along with the battle system. But... I couldn't get invested in the story or the characters. So I'm taking it off the burner completely since I already juggle through about 30 games.
    I'd still absolutely recommend this one to anyone interested. There's good mechanics, a decent story with intrigue, and good models and scenes. Its just not clicking for this particular gamer. Best of luck on this one Dev.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't rated a game before , but this game needs at least some recognization.

    Act 1 :
    MC is just a small kid trying to improve and be stronger .
    he discovered some powers and became a decent mage.
    you can choose either being good or bad or you can use cake mod to try both.

    Act 2:
    MC is growing up to be the strongest wizard, yoour actions ( beig good or bad will have a huge impact on the game now) .
    try to have a lot of saves that you can experience all the outcomes.
    i do this on my own , group of pages for being a good person , and same for being an evil one.

    Since i have seen most of people that rate negative are mostly focused on combat and the battle system,
    it's complete avoidable by a simple button called "skip battle"

    i would recommend playing this game and living to be the most powerful wizard with whatever your decesion is.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is on version 0.9.0.

    Ah, Ataegina, once so promising. I recall playing your very first versions, joining the Discord server, actively providing feedback, being genuinely excited for where it was going to go...what a tragic tale.

    I have played a lot of adult games. I still play a lot of adult games, though the level of quality content available is never high enough to satisfy my rate of consumption. Yet, with all those games played, the number of games I have become personally invested in could be counted on a single hand.

    Ataegina was one of those games.

    Simply put, what fell apart was the writing. Near the end of Act 1, you come to realize nothing makes any sense. The world and its lore is not constructed in a meaningful and coherent fashion, the plot simply whisks the player along to whatever it may choose - in some cases quite literally, as you are suddenly teleported to your new location. It only becomes increasingly apparent as you continue, and remains a persistent issue throughout, if anything devolving further with Act 2. There is just enough consistency to get an idea of who is who, but never enough to understand anything.

    Were it not for the overall construction of the plot, I wouldn't really have many issues with the game. There's a wide cast of characters, most unique and interesting enough in their own right. Some others have taken issue with the renders, and I do believe there's an argument to be made there with the scenery, but the characters themselves are largely serviceable or even look good.

    It's just the nonsensical plot of convenience that ruins it all for me, a complete shame, I feel, when I recall my old investment.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Mike Hunt TG

    I love this game - the cool fantasy setting, the beautiful girls, the magic combat system! I am looking forward to the next update. Thanks for your great work! I would whine about the updates being so short except for the fact that shorter updates mean they happen more rapidly.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Quality of renders are subpar.

    Story is all over the place, like someone read a fantasy book and wanted to create his/her world without knowing how to do it properly.

    Gameplay is annoying especially the battles and navigation. Good and bad choices are mid at best, without ability to be a 'grey' character since it feels like you have to commit to one side.

    Big chunk of the cast are one dimensional.

    Sex scenes are lacking, you won't get much satiscation out of them.

    Had a lot of hope for this one in act 1, not so much now.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    overrated boredom.

    for act 1, it was like reading RR martin book it goes on and on... at the end of act, i didnt care anything about it.

    for act 2, so we have 2 hot main females that was the my motivation to keep going yet at the end also disappointed about them.

    1 star for weird gameplay mech and thats all.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Really low quality fantasy story, the writer has never read a book in his life, doesn't know how to write at all. The characters are flat and the plot is oh so lame.

    Very dated visuals and annoying ui.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


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    In a world filled with magic and riddled with war, you find yourself playing an important role. A life of spellcraft, politics and intrigue awaits you. Will you use your powers to unify the land and its people? Or shall you use them for your own personal gain and amusement, no matter the cost?

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Graphics: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Script: ⭐⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐⭐⭐

    Ataegina, Act 1: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Ataegina, Act 2: ⭐⭐⭐

    Ataegina, as I commented in the original review, was one of the first works I started with here. I'm equally glad and saddened that the adventure is over.

    Although I have had my disagreements with how most of Act 2 has been handled, personally I'm glad to see that a project with so much time and dedication is finally finished.

    Ataegina ends with 15 endings (if I haven't counted wrong) and variables in some of them. For content we can't exactly complain.
    There is love and corruption for everyone.

    Best of luck on your next project, Kthulian.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't understand why this game is popular. The girls have no personality. The plot is scatterbrained and incomprehensible, at least for the first few hours. The combat is boring as hell - the skip button is its only redeeming feature -, the girls are a lot less attractive outside of the select screenshots. You have no choice but to be a voyeur on a bunch of other people's sex scenes, many of which are gross. The MC has a girlfriend at the start, so everything you do with anyone else is cheating. There's a ton of creepy shit, including a bunch of characters about to get sexually assaulted before the scene cuts out. Redeeming features? I can't think of one.
    Often, when I don't like something, I can say "I just don't think this game is for me." And leave the reviews to the people its catered for. But here, I'm not sure whom it's for, or indeed how it's for anyone.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Finally came back to this game and I have to say it's very dissapointing. With the lack of any animations except for 2 extremely short ones in Act I, which you really can't call them that, is pretty bad. This game falls in with a lot of other games that I've played that lack any animations. The punctuation and grammar need a major overhaul. Maybe in another 2 to 3 years with a major overhaul this game might actually be worth downloading again. In its current state I can't justify giving it a higher rating than 2 stars. Plus the lack of any direction in storylines with quite a few of the npc's/LI's in the game.
    Basic reactions and poses make it pretty boring and no way unique to 90% of the games that I've played over the last 3 to 4 years.

    It's a real shame the dev copies a lot of other devs forcing the players to play multiple paths just to see all of the content.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There's something about this game which is very likeable. It's not that the renders are spectacular (although I do like Bredita's hips for some reason), it's not that the story is masterfully written, it's more that the game is just fun. You get the feeling this is something made by someone who just likes doing it, the story is simple and pulpy but fun, and updates are very regular. I didn't think this would grow on me as much as it has, but it turns out those things count for a lot, and I always look forward to updates. It's just good fun.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, I gave this one an honest shot and decided to chime in my 2 cents. Played until about the midway point of Act 2. Most of the time a shitty story gets saved with hot and sexy H-Scenes....One with great build up, animation and hot action. Other times, shitty scenes are saved with a brilliant story, wonderful writing, characters and even good gameplay.........

    This really has neither. The story is ok, I like the fantasy setting and the characters are personable and easy to get into to.....BUT I ended up skipping through the story as it seemed to slough on after a while. The sex scenes (While many) are just really poor....most are one or two frames, you might get lucky enough to get up to 5 or 6 on some, no animation except for 2 that I seen in Act 1. There's just no passion whatsoever put into the scene. I understand if the Dev can't or doesn't know how to do animation but these scenes are really flat.

    Overall, I doubt I'll come back to this one as there are plenty of other stories out there that are better and also put a lot of effort into their "sexy time"
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A must-have for fantasy game lover with a warlock mc who rapidly grows his magical powers. 3 different paths depending on how you wanna play good. neutral or bad. Different variety of Lis ranging from human, devil, demon, elf, ork who are all attractive. Is a harem game so no need to choose one.

    Has a combat system with magic spells which is skippable for people who want to avoid it.

    Sandbox is annoying but mostly present at the start then its pretty much a visual novel.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: 0.8.3)

    I think Ataegina started off really well (part 1). The premise was unique. The writing was acceptable. The renders were good enough at the time when it released. My major gripe with the game is that it just stays at the same level with barely any improvement despite it's 5 years in development.

    I liked the three different paths (good, neutral and evil alignment) and the different girls available in each path during the part 1 of the game. By the time part 2 rolls around even if MC is in the good path, he is likely to get the LIs from the evil/corrupted path too. I wasn't a big fan of this decision.

    However, the foundation of the game is solid. I'm somewhat invested in the characters like Kat and Rio. In the end it's difficult for me to drop the game despite not liking it as much as I did in the past.

    Overall - 6.5/10.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    So I'm gonna do a good old pros and cons, because it feels easier to express my opinion about the game this way.

    + somewhat interesting fantasy story
    + many different and attractive LIs. I especially liked their body proportions, no oversized boobs on 4 out of 5 girls.
    + despite the quantity of LIs and this being a harem game, they aren't just brainless women whose main characteristics is to worship the MC
    + a lot of content. Anything else would be a big disappointment after 4 years, still a plus though, especially for new players.

    - sex scenes are pretty bad. I actually started to skip them at some point. They are not only pretty bland to beginn with, they are also all very similar.
    - especially during Act 1 the renders are often very dark. In general the lighting is pretty bad
    - alignments seem to make nearly no difference. I played an evil MC and never felt like I was playing an evil mage. I didn't expect to play a murdering psychopath and get a completely different story, but there was just nothing. Especially Act II seems to be very streamlined.
    - too many LIs. I know, I also mentioned this as a pro, but the screentime of each LI is severely limited.

    - useless free roam sequences. They are mainly just annoying and not very time-consuming, that's why I didn't put them in the cons, but the game would be better without them.
    - no animations (doesn't bother me personally, but seems to be important to some)
    - fighting minigame (it's not very good, but can be skipped)
    - render quality. Overall it's not terrible, but also far from good. Some pictures are outright ugly because of badly chosen backgrounds. Even the better backgrounds are not good though and often very distracting. In general, the generic backgrounds are a big weakpoint.
    - This is one of those games where you never see the MC's face. Personally I hate it, because imo it does way more harm than good, for example it seriously limits the possibilities during sex scenes when you can never show the face, you can also show no emotions etc., but this seems to be a subjective thing so I put it in the neutral category.

    Summary: I kind of liked the game and don't regret the hours I spent playing it, but I honestly can't decide if I should recommend it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    + Plot
    + Characters
    + Fantasy theme
    + Some quests
    + Frequent updates

    - Scenes (without animation)
    - Bugs

    In generally I liked. I hope the developer will improve the quality of scenes and add animations. 4/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The only game I've ever played (and I've played a lot) where the sex scenes annoys me cuz of how focused I am cuz of how phenomenal the story and the rest of the game is! And also one of the 0.01% of games that makes me feel guilty af for not being able to pay. Hopefully I'd very soon.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I was first really interested because I normally like fantasy game, but I was very dissapointed.

    I was bored the entire time and just started skipping most of it, the biggest reason is probably all the "meanwhile" scenes, which is really bad I don´t care what other characters do I want to see the main character, there were also way too many Ntr scenes which I just don´t enjoy.

    There are a lot of elements of a sandboy game but it isn´t one so they just felt time wasting, there are a lot of choices which is okay, you can also chose to play as a very good or very evil guy, but it doesn´t really matter I played as evil as possible and the story doesn´t really react to it in big ways. There is also a turn based combat system which is not really exciting but it worked and there isn´t too many battles so it´s okay.

    Sex scenes:
    Very bad and boring, dialogue is not really kinky or anything special just bland, there is also no animations for the most part.

    They just are nothing too, the main character had to be saved so many times that I really didn´t like him, all the other characters just feel lifeless and I can´t really remember any of them, there are also way too many and none are flashed out in anyway, the girlfriend of the main character for example, I can´t say anything more about her than it, when she shows up it´s always the same talk about nothing important have sex and that was it.

    Character Models:
    They are okay I didn´t really find anyone very hot or cute, and if I just see the model they could very well be from other games. There are also a lot of fantasy creatures but none are really creative, nothing will surprise you.

    I wouln´t recomend to play it
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 rating as of v0.7.6

    This is a fantasy harem game. The story is entertaining, there is good variety in the LI character models, and the dialogue can at times be charming (Kat/Ayna/MC interactions in particular).

    What prevents it from getting 5/5 for me? Three reasons:

    1) Unskippable sex scenes not involving MC. I did not need to see Suntako and Lilliath, the devil twins, Bredita and her subjugated paramores, etc.

    2) The 'Meanwhile' narrative structure is jarring at times, wrenching the player between locations to provide third-party omniscient perspectives of what the antagonists are up to. I feel strongly that the narrative could be greatly improved if these behind-the-scenes moments were revealed to the player through the eyes of the MC at appropriate narrative moments, rather than contemporaneously as the plot moves forward.

    3) MC's penis and ejaculate volume was nerfed sometime in middle of Act 1. Presumably some players complained that it was 'too unrealistic' and so the dev made both smaller. Sorry, but this is an ego-trip fantasy. 'Too big / too much' shouldn't be in the realm of possibility here. Perhaps an alteration spell will restore MC's anatomical prowess? One can only hope ...

    Best of luck to Kthulian in bringing this to a strong finish! Kudos overall on an entertaining game.

    PS - I am glad this didn't turn out to be a meta-game where Lust wins if the player gives in to lewd desires with any of MC's decisions, though that might be pretty funny that the only good ending requires a pure Love playthrough with a single LI only.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    John Bon Clay

    Good game, not a fan of dev and his attitude, makes me wanna give this 2 stars but I'm rating the game not the dev so, yes even if he releases it for free I don't approve bullying or unnecessary attitude.
    3 stars. good score i would call it, I like the game but to me I just click like a mad man on locations on this sandbox mode, but i can't call it sandbox either when all is scripted for us to do it anyway, but we have to click the locations even if they have no purpose. As I may have missed where I was going, commonly, and somehow I always manage to click the right location last, always!
    How to explain easier? You have locations, with no reason at all, actually it can be removed and should be, but you gotta click the right location or you can't go forward, this brings down a star. It's tedious as hell!

    Else good game, good story, I mean nothing noteworthy that way but good. Good renders, good characters, good writing, good yada yada.

    5 stars would need some of my kinks and fetishes. I got kinda tricked in to this game with the femdom stuff and cosplay.

    Also this review is based on first part of game, as it didn't have any outstanding femdom, like none. I quitted it.

    So if femdom isn't your thing, you can see this as a 4 star review, maybe.