Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    For the most part this is a very good game. Lots of good scenes, a pretty decently sized roster and a decent story behind it. Pretty good game to consider for those looking for a game with large amounts of content to dive into.

    There are some points to consider about this game, though, that would be of interest to those considering the game:

    - Game has some open-world point-and-click features which aren't really necessary as most of the game is pretty streamlined, so there's some parts of the game where you'll be given multiple options despite there being only 1 location where and event is taking place. Example of this would be the college. Around 10 locations but events only happening in 1 at this point in the story. If you know beforehand that's all good, but if you don't you'll be spending time clicking through each location to not miss something.

    - 3 different routes with some scenes being specific to certain routes in Act 1.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't really know why I haven't reviewed this game yet, but I will now. This first section will be focused on Part One, and I'll get to part two, if my thoughts change, later. As of right now, I'm still in the middle of part one. According to the forum, this game is now FOUR YEARS old. And my god, does its age show. Barely default DAZ models, a RenPy UI that looks as if every individual aspect of it was made by another person that had no contact with the rest of the team, the dialogue box can fit ONE LINE of dialogue so characters lines are broken up to fit on screen. Just about everything about this is a mess. On top of that all the CG's are poorly lit, posed as if they're playing with barbie dolls, barely taped together, and at best look like they're all just layers in a photoshop project. And the developer left in parts that say "This is still in development do you want to change stats?" If you can't be bothered to edit stuff like that in a project, what are you even doing? But for whatever reason this is comically bad so i kinda enjoy it.

    You play as MC, the chosen one with immense magical power that fights off invaders as a child and loses his memories. There's 8 stats on screen at all times unless you click the ugly eye icon, and you will never be immersed after you start to see the UI. Anyway, Ayna, the archmage of hogwarts finds MC and takes him to learn about magic. He spends years there learning 5 POINTS worth of magic. And I wanna say that you get a bunch of other points just walking around the first pointless free-roam section. You also miss any sort of interactions with any of the characters you're supposed to interact with. The driving factor is "do you want to save the world?" or "do you want to rule the world?" I guess. But because the MC is treated as an autistic amnesiac, and you the player don't know anyone for more than a few lines of dialogue, nothing feels "worth" saving. And one could make the argument that that's "by design," but you know FULL WELL it's because the writer didn't do their one job and write and decent interactions. Instead it's a very simple "chosen by god" story the real twist is the writer gave everything and everyone names that are impossible to pronounce because they sound like something that might be in a dungeons and dragons book. Even the name of the game itself "Ataegina" my best guess is it's pronounced "At-ta-jee-nah" but what do I know?

    Before I digress further, MC graduates hogwarts and is immediately given two quests and both times he's knocked unconscious and someone else solved his problem, but MC is the chosen hero? Every time the MC is in danger or has to do something, the same thing happens. It cuts to black, MC has a dream about something, and the issue is suddenly resolved off screen by someone else or just nothing at all. And every time he comes in contact with a love interest, they don't like him for anything other than "his aura" or "the power emanating from him" You know, things you the reader will literally never know or feel? And as it stands the MC himself doesn't even feel it until the end of part one. And there's not enough room in the textbox for a narrator to describe it, the closest you get is MC starts to feel dizzy because there's a space rock too close to him. Eventually MC gets caught in a battle between the elves and slayers, and after fending them off, a character that you have had exactly TWO interactions with, runs to him crying and giggling that he's alright. And MC thinks "I've never seen this side of her before" YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ANY SIDE OF HER BEFORE. And because there's no indication on whether or not the scene you are currently watching is happening right now, is a flashback, or just an illusion, you never know whats actually going on. And because none of the characters age and the locations stay the same, the flashbacks look the same as current events, adding to the confusion.

    By the end of part 1 MC has passed out and been concussed enough times to kill somebody. And next to none of the sex has anything to do with the story because MC only flirt/interacts with three of the characters, the rest are just like "Yes you're a man in my vicinity, lets do the sex." After getting to Part Two, the UI is slightly better looking. The "relationship status" screen though is actually worse and has a TON of unused space. And then MC goes and talks to all the other wizards and they essentially say "Let's consolidate your skills and make them cheaper to cast" (even though we all know you just skip the battles because the battle system is sluggish at best) And the only other improvement, I guess, is the renders are lit better and don't look like photoshop layers anymore. But the story is still stale and in part two the story isn't advanced yet, as of 7.5. I'm 90% certain this will never be finished or, once it is, the dev will start "remastering" it instead of starting a new project.

    If you like campy, "My first DAZ sex scenes" and cluttered UI, go nuts. This just isn't interesting after a certain point and while I think it needs a "remaster" it needs so much work it'd be a different game. I had a bit to say because I remember liking it, but once again, it's showing its age.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: V0.7.2
    Edit: added a conclusion

    A nice vanilla harem fantasy adventure
    Ataegina is basically just what you expect from it:
    A power fantasy about a guy set in a run-of-the-mill fantasy world who starts out as a nobody and grows into an incredible powerfull mage , picking up a host of nubile women along the way.

    I actually had to giggle when this game was called 'Skyrim + porn' in another review.
    Catchy, but completely untrue. Ataegina is a DAZ slideshow, static images where you click through making branching choices, just like any other Ren'Py game. Also, the story has nothing in common with Bethesda's big seller (more on that later)
    Although a Ren'Py game it is not a purely VN, the gameplay has some sandbox elements (not that often though). There are also combat scenes, which are pretty basic and very easy to win. You can even skip them completely if you don't feel like it (you win automatically in that case)

    Skyrim + Porn Diablo meets Harry Potter
    That's i; there is a magic school, Demons, Devils, Orcs, Evil Emperialist Humans, Elves. Sword Swinging, Fireball Tossing, Eternal Good vs. Evil struggle etc. etc.
    (No, you will not find a pseudo Viking civilization or an extensive civil war scenario here, there are dragons though....)

    Like mentioned in other reviews the game starts of strong but escalates in a string of x-scenes later in episode 2.
    Some small side quests can be started but are completely forgotten and never mentioned again further down the line which is odd.
    You can choose to play an Evil or a Good path but on the evil path you miss out on a lot of sex scenes.
    All in all, nothing new or exciting but nothing particularly bad either.

    The LI's are a bit of a mixed bag, most are really hot, like Isabella, Mida, Katherine or Lust (!!),
    Others not so much (the dark elf mage or the farmers daughter, ewwww)
    In episode 1 there were some (very badly) animated scenes, in episode 2 they are missing complety.
    Too bad, I think proper animations can add so much to the game.

    Apart from the character models the backgrounds and clothing are Okish but not that good. It feels like everyone dressed up in their halloween costumes and just pretends to live in a fantasy world.

    All in all, the visuals are servicable, sometimes great, sometimes a bit meh.

    Now ,this is often an underestimated area for these kind of games but Ataegina really shines here. It has a very tasteful and fitting soundtrack which really helps with the atmosphere.

    The Naughty parts:
    The game features several metric tons of (static) sex scenes with a plethora of women to choose.
    These are pretty tastefully done and not too short or long.
    So, a lot of harem content but everything stays very vanilla, maybe because I mostly played the ' Good' path.

    Ataegina is a nice piece of light entertainment. The main story is interesting enough but nothing special.
    The gameplay is mostly a branching dialogue style VN intertwined with some sandbox moments. Turn based combat is very basic and not very challenging but gives some variety.
    Sex scenes are quite pretty but not animated, LI's look mostly hot but environment not so much.
    The music is very well done, scoring some bonus points for my overall rating.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Nico Odin

    It has a very good and interesting story.
    The battle "mini-game" and music are also good.
    The character design is between good and mid, but the story behind each character is still good.
    The animations in act 1 are not good, so it's good that he cut them in act 2.

    Overall 4/5 stars
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A hot take but this game would probably be better in any other engine and not being a vn. The combat is not good, really basic and no thought required. Spam damage until you need to heal. Story seems rather good but not good enough to make up for the games short comings including aforementioned combat, poor animation quality, middling at best renders, and being a vn more than an rpg.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what to rate this game. I think it's very different to anything on this site in all the right ways, heavily story driven with erotic scenes thrown in, allowing you to follow your own path to a degree, progression at a steady rate, engaging characters and dynamics and a real sense that the world continues around you. This would of made it one of my favourite games on the site but then (in my opinion) the game just stopped evolving and became another go here, fuck her, go there fuck her, everyone is in love with you game. The story feels like it has abruptly halted, the characters are more and more one dimensional and the "game" elements have become either tedious or just dissapeared. At this point I would say it was a game that turned into a VN and lost a lot of the magic (pun intended) it initially had.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall I love this game. I knew I should've waited to DL until it was done because now I have to wait for the story to be complete and try to remember what happened and I hate that. It has it's blemishes that need correction but it grew on me so much I decided to subscribe which I don't do often due to my fixed income. The dialogue in the beginning was pretty meh, but got better as the story progressed. There are still some grammar and spelling errors as well as unnecessary dialogue at times. The use of "Oh God" during sex scenes is immersion breaking and comical considering their religion is based on Ataegina their goddess. There does not appear to be a male deity existing in the game world. Some of the renders for the characters are bizarre such as the Farmer's daughter who looks like a mutant with her face, and the cat folk IMO could be rendered with better art because they look very strange. I love the music tracks especially Celtic Garden. The game comes at you at a very rapid pace. The MC is always tired because he hardly ever gets a break to rest and relax and that translates to you the player. More freeroam time would be appreciated to follow up on quests that are presented. Early on in Act I you are given a quest to help a carpenter in the village find his tools, but you are never given the chance to complete that quest before you are told that he disappeared. The same is true of other quests. It like they are presented then forgotten about in lieu of lewd content or a new fire that MC needs to put out. The best example is the Silver Dragon quest where she asks MC to find her stolen egg. The MC speaks with the Archmage to find out more about dragons, meets the Archmage's Dragon friend, discover that completing this egg quest would net MC a Dragon friend for life and then nothing. The quest is forgotten. The game is feeling like as it progresses the story is driven more by Patreon subscriber polls than the developer's vision and desire to tell a story. This is why at present I would give it 4/5 stars if I were to rate it. It's still one of the best games on here though.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to give this five stars. Really enjoyed it and hope to see bigger updates(im hooked).
    Now here's something i found on the internet so i can reach 200 character count.

    Nearly everyone values a human life over the life of an fish, but few people value a single human life over the life of every fish. Meaning everyone has a certain number of fish that they would prefer to be alive over Steve from work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an Elder Scrolls knock-off + Porn. What's not to love?

    Sure, the models are a bit dated, and quite a lot of porn logic... but I love it just the same.

    Three main paths (Good, Evil, Neutral) + enough choices on single only or multiple love interests to... well... keep my interest.

    Finally, what made me write a review? I cheat with URM all the time. The Dev took the time to write a response to cheaters. Call it great, good, or guilty pleasure... for me... it's a biased 5 star. As I said: ELDER SCROLLS + PORN!

    EDIT = Stupid me can't find a way to attach a file to the review. Only a URM. File attached in main discussion...
    Link to Image
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders 4/5 (It could be upgrated with some angles and diffent camara positions)
    Music 4/5
    Sounds 2.5/5 (Needs work)
    Story 4.5/5
    Charaters development 4/5
    Charaters design 4/5
    Sex scenes 4/5
    All in all a very good game, one of the best around!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: A location choosing visual novel, with occasional battle sequences. The fights are turn based, and I was able to find a good technique to make them easy.

    Writing: One of the best out there.

    Art: Nice looking models, with cool effects and backgrounds.

    Audio: Background music, with sound effects.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect example of a well made game. Great gameplay system, funny, well written and generally fun to play. Also very hot lewd scenes. The graphics held it back a little but it's not jarring. Really liking all the content available. thumbs up!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good fantasy game

    The fight mechanic is just pointless, I just skip them all

    You can play a good guy or bad guy so you have a karma system in a way, but it doesnt really come to play much. You can do some things if you are bad and some if you are good but yeah its quite irrelevant. Personally I always play evil guy because its more fun

    You can bang a bunch of ladies but there isnt really any romance. You have a story about you being this powerful guy and the women are secondary and you just have sex with them every once in a while.

    But yeah the aspects of striving for being powerful vs good are interesting, you have some good looking chicks and monster girls that you bang for sure recommended. But im not sure if you will go all the way to evil bad mofo or if the dev will kinda just pussy out and you are a good guy but you do bad things every once in a while. Remains to be seen but its good so far
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site, here's why:


    - immersive and actually interesting storyline
    - HUGE amounts of content
    - consequential choices
    - fantasy themed RPG
    - multiple kinks
    - logical story progression with good build-up for character interactions


    - slightly dated graphics (but only slightly, still better than most other games on here)
    - was hoping for more content variations for different girls and their interactions so they don't feel too isolated from each other in later chapters

    Just try it!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you for this amazing game. Best game I've ever played on this site. Absolutely incredible.

    And I really like the idea of the protagonist being a mage and improving his skills as the story progresses.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.67

    This is a fairly generic fantasy, with the usual cast of elves, orcs, etc. It has some limited sandbox episodes early on, but these eventually disappear and it turns into more of a VN, with few decisions to make except in the magical combat scenes. The magic system isn’t very well balanced, as one can beat any opponent with just two of the many spells, but it is fun to play with some of the options.

    The story isn’t bad, and there is enough content to provide many hours of entertainment. It lacks animated scenes, but I’m sure the hours of work saved on animation has allowed the story to progress much further than it otherwise would, which is probably a good trade-off.

    I killed a few evenings with it, and don’t regret it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I have enjoyed this game, it is not quite on par with Love of Magic, but it is close. I do love RPG games so I am happy to have another I can enjoy.

    Sex scenes are plentiful, and I like the models so from me, this game gets high marks. It is original and you can tell a lot of work has gone into it.

    Keep up the great work Dev. I will sub to help pay for more game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Ataegina [v0.6.5] [Kthulian]

    Wow! what an amazing ancient civilization type story which makes more interesting. So far quite interesting looking forward for the continuation
    Fairly good quality image rendering and scenarios
    Fairly good dressing style for the females
    Bug free
    Lack of animation for sexual scenes is one of the drawback
    Awaiting for next/update
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris

    V.0.6.2 The game characters are uninteresting. The females are all cliche. The lesbian, the domina, and all of course with max skimpy clothes.
    Although the game likes to pretend otherwise, choices are basically nonexistent and the few that exist don't matter much.

    The worst part is of course the sandbox. Do you like clicking? Being stuck? Tedious annoying searching? No, well shit, because this game is all that. Graphics and girls are mediocre. Play something else. Time waste!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like fantasy game give this one a try. Game is sandbox style but not that much grinding. Render quality are normal at the start but it Slightly increased in the part two. Girls models are usual daz models you have seen in many other games. But story is good but not great. Gameplay is not boring and not that much grind simply like point and click. Well if you like fantasy themed AVN give this one a try. It's worth playing.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates