Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Thank you for this amazing game. Best game I've ever played on this site. Absolutely incredible.

    And I really like the idea of the protagonist being a mage and improving his skills as the story progresses.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.67

    This is a fairly generic fantasy, with the usual cast of elves, orcs, etc. It has some limited sandbox episodes early on, but these eventually disappear and it turns into more of a VN, with few decisions to make except in the magical combat scenes. The magic system isn’t very well balanced, as one can beat any opponent with just two of the many spells, but it is fun to play with some of the options.

    The story isn’t bad, and there is enough content to provide many hours of entertainment. It lacks animated scenes, but I’m sure the hours of work saved on animation has allowed the story to progress much further than it otherwise would, which is probably a good trade-off.

    I killed a few evenings with it, and don’t regret it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have enjoyed this game, it is not quite on par with Love of Magic, but it is close. I do love RPG games so I am happy to have another I can enjoy.

    Sex scenes are plentiful, and I like the models so from me, this game gets high marks. It is original and you can tell a lot of work has gone into it.

    Keep up the great work Dev. I will sub to help pay for more game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Ataegina [v0.6.5] [Kthulian]

    Wow! what an amazing ancient civilization type story which makes more interesting. So far quite interesting looking forward for the continuation
    Fairly good quality image rendering and scenarios
    Fairly good dressing style for the females
    Bug free
    Lack of animation for sexual scenes is one of the drawback
    Awaiting for next/update
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris

    V.0.6.2 The game characters are uninteresting. The females are all cliche. The lesbian, the domina, and all of course with max skimpy clothes.
    Although the game likes to pretend otherwise, choices are basically nonexistent and the few that exist don't matter much.

    The worst part is of course the sandbox. Do you like clicking? Being stuck? Tedious annoying searching? No, well shit, because this game is all that. Graphics and girls are mediocre. Play something else. Time waste!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like fantasy game give this one a try. Game is sandbox style but not that much grinding. Render quality are normal at the start but it Slightly increased in the part two. Girls models are usual daz models you have seen in many other games. But story is good but not great. Gameplay is not boring and not that much grind simply like point and click. Well if you like fantasy themed AVN give this one a try. It's worth playing.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, wish there was more mind control content though. It makes the evil path seem kinda lacking without it. Illusion is even explicitly described as having mind altering spells in the beginning but never gets them
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4627601

    Fantasy is probably my favourite genre of the games on here.
    I was a bit sceptical of how good this would be because there are very few decent ones on here. Anyway, it turns out my fears were unfounded!

    This is a great adventure...

    It has a sandbox fantasy world created from scratch with interesting locations and npcs. The devs have also supplied some background lore on the different kingdoms and races which is nice.

    The story plot seens standard fantasy fare but is certainly captivating enough and more importantly, makes you feel your character is evolving to a degree. There are 3 branching paths in the storyline for good/neutral/evil players with differing encounters, dialogue and locations.

    The battle system is great fun! I love hurling fireballs and summoning creatures \o/

    you have to keep an eye on your hp and mana to win, but I never had any real problems in fights.

    The renders are very nice and fit the fantasy atmosphere perfectly.
    sexy Sorceresses, intimidating Devils snd Demons, mythical monsters and dank dungeons...all crisp and sharp in quality. The Archmage is gorgeous but my fave is the dark Sorceresss Breda....just because goth makeup....we goths stick together! tee hee.

    Overall a great quality game with dedicated devs and consistent updates.
    I totally recommend it ♡
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the top games I've played. Great writing & gameplay - even battles are fun with good spell variety. Most of the characters are well defined and mostly relateable, even the "evil" ones. This isn't a black & white story, and has great dimension. 2 thumbs up!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Excellent magic based visual novel that is fun and refreshing.

    • Good to excellent renders
    • Good to excellent character models
    • Hot and sexy females (overall, a few aren't)
    • Characters have realistic body proportions (rare)
    • A relatable MC (not a loser, asshole, or perfect 'white knight' which is so typical in other games)
    • Excellent story
    • Good to excellent writing
    • Good character development
    • Good humor
    • Good magic system
    • Good combat system
    • Unique and interesting characters
    • Good lewd/sex content
    • Excellent mix of story and lewd content
    • Some choices matter
    • Lots of content

    • Early content is rough and less inspiring. It is obvious that this project was a learning experience for the developer. The content isn't that great at the beginning of the game but gets better and better as the game progresses.
    • Little to no animation. The dev experimented with some animations in early content but then abandoned it altogether (at least with the sex scenes).
    • Not a fan of dream/imaginary/illusion sex. I want the real thing and can wait for it. I will admit that these events are done better than most other games on this site (still wish authors wouldn't do this).
    • All enemies have the same vulnerabilities to spell effects. I mentioned this to the author two years ago and nothing has changed. Once the player gets accustomed to the magic system, it is easy to exploit. Some spells such as shock and frost spells can stun or freeze enemies for a turn so they can't attack. It is rather easy to lockup a powerful enemy so they don't get to do much in the fight. This makes the combat in the game less challenging since it is so easy to exploit. There are only like 6 spells I will use and rotate through because they are so effective.
    • The game needs a strength and weakness system for enemies. There is sort of one for undead but that is about it. Enemies need to be more unique in terms of strengths and weaknesses! This is a missed opportunity.
    • I wish there was more freedom with choosing love interests in the game. Your alignment locks you in to certain choices as well as the story.
    • Some story plots are introduced and then largely forgotten. The teleporting elite is one example. A powerful entity wanted to take him as a vessel and then he starts working with Bredita. No one questions him about it later on. Another one is Cerea's magic shop. If you don't purchase her spells before the city gets destroyed you are out of luck. Supposedly, she moves it to your tower and you are supposed to be able to purchase the spells again but it never happens. So if you do the church event before purchasing her spells you miss an opportunity (it is very easy to do this).
    • The MC graduates from magic school but can't do basic spells. How did he graduate???
    • The MC spends as much time unconscious in Act I as he does awake (no joke). It becomes comical after a while and not always in a good way.
    • Lack of choices in Act II
    • Pacing problems in Act II. The game pace was about perfect in Act I. Shortly after you start Act II, the story rushes from event to event with almost no freedom in between.
    • Sandbox mode gets a bit annoying sometimes, trying to figure out what room you need to click on to progress the story. Highlighting rooms where content is available would be much better than having to constantly click on rooms with the same generic message, "nothing to see here."

    I love well done magic themed games and this one hits the mark! It is an excellent game overall and everything works as a whole.

    The characters in the game are all unique with distinguishing personalities. This is one reason the game is so compelling.

    The beginning of the game is a bit disappointing as it is a learning curve for the developer but is gets much better as the game progresses. Just don't judge the game by the first hour or two of content - it is rough.

    Aside from the very beginning of the game and the lack of animations, the game is a near masterpiece!

    I highly recommend the game and encourage others to give it a try!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Positives -
    • Good renders with nice models (except for Karelia... wtf)
    • TONS of sex
    • Overall story is good even if it does get a bit lost sometimes
    • Combat improves as the updates go continue
    Negatives -
    • The MC seems to somehow get dumber the more he learns.
      • He goes from being a kid to a competent hero to a coward who hides behind the people he is saving. It is really weird.
    • The writing is a bit all over the place and seems to lose focus.
      • He "graduated" but somehow they forgot to make sure he can even do basic spells....
      • Some of the characters are just forgotten about for long lengths of time. (Princess Enainia for example)
      • The game goes from normal pacing in Act 1 to just jumping from event to event near the end of Act 1 and Act 2.
      • As the pacing increases, you also lose out on any choice as well.
    • No animations
      • I honestly don't care about this, but it seems most people on these forums do.
    Overall I enjoyed the game enough to keep playing and will play future updates. I would actually say most of Act 1 is a 4 star, but the inconsistent pacing kills me.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game that's being held back by cartoonish level of writing, 3/5.

    The world is actually quite interesting to play in, even if it's 98% stolen from skyrim. Just about everything is very superficial. No characters has any layers, what you see is 100% what you get and you can deduce everyone's motives two seconds after you've met them. There are no real surprises here which makes the game predictable.

    It's too bad because the whole setting feels like it has potential.As if it would make a good story but the dev has ADD and can't be bothered to nuance the story or try to make it seamless.

    Art is pretty good (can anyone tell me what happened to MC's penis? Did he bang it in a door or something?), some of the women are quite attractive but that doesn't hold true for everyone.

    A nice timesink, I rarely felt I wasted my time playing this game but it's not gonna scratch that itch or captivate your attention like other games can.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The game pacing was not bad initially but took a nose dive and started throwing things at you too quickly. Other than that characters are well designed and while the UI has issues its pretty decent as well.

    What I would suggest is set the pacing in a more relaxed manner during the first war especially the illusion scene.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    -More mage sex shenanigans would be great. Scenes like the one where the succubus kept changing shape, or the one where Mida or the MC duplicated themselves were really fun. Alteration magic could also be fun for the mc as a way to enhance himself for some really crazy antics.
    -1st game had a cooler page for looking the LI Love points and Corruption points as well as a little bio of each character in it. That'd be nice in the second game as well.

    -Lots of characters with lots of different vibes.
    -Narrative gives us enough time for characters to develop motivations and reasons for their sexuality. The pacing ends up good and it doesn't feel like characters are just being used as kink dumps.
    -Being a mage is really cool!
    -The breakdown of magic into the different magical schools is very D&D esque and I'm here for it. It is very cool
    -Being a mage really facilitates cool harem orgy/multiple penetration scenes without requiring kinks I dislike like NTR / Swapping / Sharing and that is quite fun. Looking forward to banging the whole harem at once at some point :p

    -Playing through the game's different pathings can feel unrewarding. I liked that there were different scenes and narrative in them - but also I prefer a game that focuses more on one narrative than one that you have play multiple times to see everything. Its a personal preference.
    -Evil pathing; I tried it- but its basically non-content to me. Did not really enjoy it. Some might though.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why this game isn't higher rated, it's fantastic. Act I can be a bit rough at times and feels kinda unpolished, but later in the Act and Act II make up for it. I have a feeling it was just the developer getting a feel for making the game. Overall great game and I love the combat system even if you can feel a bit OP at times!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5 - Decent waste of time
    ~ 6-8 Hours long (Act 1)

    This review is for act 1 only.
    Gameplay consists of making choices and rare combat encounters. Combat is very easy; I never lost a fight. Besides watch/don't watch scene, the effects of most choices are in managing 3 stats: moral alignment, combat skills, and girl love/corruption. Morality is G/N/E and puts you on three different routes for the game. You will switch routes if your alignment changes. Skills don't matter because combat is easy. Girl love/corruption supposedly determines whether you will see the scene, but it doesn't seem like it is applied much.
    As for the porn - descriptions are bad, renders are excellent, animations are poor. No animations in the second half of the game, but render quality does improve. There is a large amount of scenes.

    Story is well below average. There are a bunch of different factions fighting each other and you as the chosen one can join one of three allies (G/N/E) to help defeat the bad guy factions. The writing is like a cartoon: "I will summon my cat to defeat you! But I will summon my wolf which will defeat your cat! Haha, I will summon a panther to defeat both of your summons!" I lost count of the number of times my character was saved from death by sudden Deus Ex Machina (more than 5 at least).
    Around 2 hours in, the story splits into three routes (G/N/E). The overarching story is the same, but every route has its own subplots, girls, and fetishes. Good route focuses on harem, Neutral on a slow burn incest, and Evil on rape or femdom.

    The game has a climax around 5 hours in and that should have been where act 1 ended. Everything after feels like it is part of act 2, and it's like the game abruptly ends in the middle of this second act. Not only does the story drag on past the climax, but the devs start placing less emphasis on the porn and more on the story, which is not the game's strong point. These last two hours feel more like a game with porn rather than a porn game, and this drags my rating down to 3 stars from 4. Devs plan to finish Act 2 around 2023, but if its going to be more of the same I won't play it.

    + Although characters are shallow, they are all unique such that I never confused any of them. Impressive for a game with 10+ girls.

    - MC is pretty much the only male in the game.
    - Lack of choice in the narrative. My character suddenly became friendly with a demon I tried to kill earlier.
    - Devs have a habit of cutting scenes into each other. For example: "Your girl walks into your room. CUT to other characters talking. CUT back to you fucking your girl. CUT back to the other characters still talking."
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played Act1 so far and will go on with Act2 as I think the game is worth that. Many things that I like and is worthy of a 5*. Like the plot, the MC, most of the LIs and the magic. I even like the fights, something I usually don't and which have made me stop playing some games.

    What I don't like is the manouvres I have to do in college when to find what I shall do next. I click and I click but mostly get "locked" or empty room. So boring, give at least a hint which room there is going to happen something. Then it's too much "side action" which I have to see and that's not interesting and don't help me with any plot. Even if I like the fights, I would also like to see more info about possible damage and stuff like that when I choose my attacks. But the biggest drawbacks are the first 2 which is the reason for only 4*.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Calling this game boring is an understatement. you play a harry potter wanna be in a magic school. Boring characters, bland sex scenes, and meaningless plot sums up this game. Supposedly there is an alignment but it is totally meaningless so are your selections
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful VN with rather interesting plot. Very recommend.
    But the "plot" is less fun, generally pure vanilla with the occasional role play/3-way action.
    Well, i don't mind to be honest with you. You still get your harem after all (if you even want it, but who doesn't?)
    Have fun. :giggle: :coffee:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a very exciting plot. Graphics are good. I can say that this is one of my fav. Highly Recommended. All that powers that MC contains is what that makes this game much better. Keep up the good work. Thank You:) .