Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well made and structured VN. I really like the renders however, you should havve made the models a bit unique. These models have been used a lot and since you are still at the begining stage, remaking them would be a great idea in my opinion if you can obviously.

    The fight scenes are great however a great idea would be to make the effects of the spell and attack show adding small amount of blood / burn and such. also like the confusion power should be able to make the opponent's eyes look confused.

    The story is quite great but on the dark path, you hardly give any width to enjoy powers. You have stated mind control but MC is hardly able to use them on NPCs.

    I know that it's the begining but I really like how this VN is turnign out to be. So far Great job.

    P.S. Please take all my comments as positive feedback and not negative criticism. Looking forward to the next update.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    An interesting and well written story, the multiple endings choices are quite interessant, finally a game with different paths. The art is nice, the universe is classical but the story make it interesting. A really good game! Keep going!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking positive, this one. Cliched story with decent world building. Looks like there are 3 major paths - good, neutral, and evil. I've played 2 and the content was very different. It's like playing the story from different perspectives. Hope the author releases content for all branches in parallel and not favor completion of one over the other.
    The side characters feel shallow and only a very few (like J'zargo) stand out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.3.1 beta.
    As I said in the forum. I like that it’s a high fantasy/magical world setting and that’s it’s story driven. Personally, any visual novel that's not set in a high school/college or in a single house (with a 13 year old looking scrawny MC) with the slice-of-life theme is welcomed by me.
    For a fantasy visual novel game, I’m glad and grateful there’s no grinding for stats and money, no unnecessary free-roaming/sandbox, no repetitive scenes. Which for some reason other developers of fantasy visual novel games feel the need to have those in just because it’s a fantasy-setting and/or shoehorn those things later on midway into a narrative-driven visual novel (upsetting players and taking time away from developing the actual story).

    The story is about a boy separated from his adoptive family after a town’s raid by Slayers and suffering from amnesia is saved by mages and becomes a mage student. 10 years later, he’s of the one promising mages with untapped abilities, is spent out on adventures by the higher ups. Follow as the boy/MC learns more about his past and true identity while in the of the war raging world of Slayers, humans, mythical creatures, and demons. With the boy choices being guided by the players (into Good, Neutral, Evil routes).

    At first I was skeptical when Kthulian added the 3 routes Good, Neutral, Evil into the game. With the thoughts of excessive branching plots with route-exclusive characters, resulting in save-scumming replaying each route to see different characters in slightly scenes (like those games where you have multiple 100+ saves for specific girls to get their respective good endings). Instead of being one long linear story narrative with just different reaction from characters based on the player's previous choice (like “Star Wars: The Old Republic” or “Mass Effect” trilogy). So far, each route based on the alignment of the MC where he spends more time with certain characters, has given something different information to learn about what’s happening in the world. It’s still in the early stage with few of the many characters to tell what will definitely happen.

    I have faith in Kthulian of what he creates, as Ataegina has endless possibilities (what I like about high fantasy stories) going on in the story and has an Interesting strong MC and other Interesting characters engaging with him. And he ultimately adds a true harem route with all the girls for everybody :whistle:. And take advantage of the fantasy and supernatural elements for the spicy scenes and action scenes.

    A gallery to view previous scenes would be nice instead of using saves.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Oof, that's a good one. [v.0.3.1]

    I really like your game so far. This game has a lot of great ideas but you feel (besides its a beta and the story is not finished; what i wished it were btw) that its a work in progress.

    The writing is great. The setting is placed somewhere between skyrim and its mage guild, fable and harry potters hogwarts. The characters are all very interesting. I like growing numbers as some kind of progress so your skill system is great as well.

    In my opinion there are things to work on. And Im pretty sure these things will happen.
    The freeroam feels kinda weird, because there isnt really much to find. you are not clicking through the stages to find something you "can" find and enjoy, you click through the stages and look for something you "must" find to go on. You can do that better. I liked for example the village a lot. It gave you htree interesting discussions: one of them pretty weird (ugh, old lady), one for immersing the place and one gives a hint what to do next. Freeroaming in the school, the most exiting place in the game, felt a bit boring to do.
    The fighting is a great and unique idea. The first few aggressive encounters felt weird, because every (working) spell went basically to the same result. when you introduced the fighting system it felt more rewarding to actually learnt magic schools to a certain level, but these fights were not challenging at all. Balancing can be a pain and i dont think a VN wants to create challenging fights. maybe you can think about telling more of a story. I want to create an example: I fight a vampire and im good at Illusion, so i spam confusion on him. In the current situation i win the fight unharmed, because the poor fella couldnt even hit me back. But what happened to him exactly, that i won the fight? did i break his mind? did he slit his throat? You got yourself a big burden on this one with your 8(?) magic schools when you either want to a) balance the game or b) make a story of each fight. I would like one of those, but im just a random guy on the internet.

    Im not the guy that sits with his panties down while he plays, but i think the "romantic scenes" could use improvements. Longer the sexual dialog. it feels like the scenes are over with 4 clicks.

    Dont get me wrong when the positive part was the shortest in my review. Im loving the game and every who reads this and hasnt played yet should. Im looking forward to the next update. :)

    edit: added version number
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The Connoisseur rating for Ataegina [v0.3.1 beta]

    "Remarkable!" - The Connoisseur

    The story amazing, it manages to grab you in the beginning, then you are the one who is grabbing for more story, one of the best plots I've seen so far.

    Writing is good, It's understandable and simple the way the game tells a story is really captivating, very good writer!

    Ingame turn based combats?? What? I can't say I've seen something like this on Ren'py before, I've seen some attempts but nothing quite like this, I like it!

    Graphics are good, the girls are very pretty and most of the game shows good to very good renders, I just found some quality differences in the initial parts of the game.

    The overall game is nearly perfect, and the only reason it won't get a perfect 5 is because of some images that lack quality in the beginning of the game, maybe the Dev is changing them? I rate this with 4.7 stars
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of my favorite games on this site at the moment! Top notch renders and character models plus an engaging story that does not require any grinding at all. Also it's one of the few games that offers choices that actually impact your game experience rather than merely change a few lines of conversation.
    The game is updated very regularly and the dev is extremely active and approachable so that's another plus.
    So give the game a go, you'll not regret it for a second ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    EXCELENT game ! (Review Version 0.3.1. beta)

    not only because it is one of the rare games with a fantasy setup, it's also worth to play at least 3 times.
    One side the "good path" trying to help everyone and stick to morals...
    Second the "bad path" dont care about others, being seductive, corrupt
    others and use dark magic.
    But most liked path so far seems to be the 3rd "neutral" one
    All paths give you a complete different feeling of the game.
    Rendering is not "over the top", but a well done balance for download size and "eye content".
    The characters are well done.
    Overall after playing i just wanted to continue NOW and i can't wait for more content.
    I like where this story is going to.
    The battle system (YES, there are battles in game) is easy to understand, but if you dont have learned the right spells it may also get tricky later on.
    For those who just want to enjoy the story and dont want to take care about what to skill, or just want to quick-change allignment, there are also some points ingame where you simply can cheat your skills, or change your attitude (Allingment).

    Finally i dont want to talk too much about ingame content, i just strictly recommend to try your own, because i am 100% sure that this game once finished (i HOPE it will be finished) will belong to the top games overall. At least based on now it seems more than promising

    What important i forgot to say is that there are of course different tastes out there, but pointing on the 1 star ratings over here i just can LAUGH. You still know that 1 star is the lowest ranking possible? and even they write "PROs" and "GOOD" and so on, they give 1 star? REALLY? 1 star means there is nothing more worse - and there are MUCH more worse out there. Dont care if you give 3 stars or such things, but 1 star is just a BAD JOKE (sorry)
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    onurb Cads

    The others reviews are misleading as fuck, there is NO WAY this is a 5 stars game, this obvious from the first scene which is terrible.

    The fantasy setting is refreshing but the writing is are not on par with the game ambition, the dialogs in special are weak and uninspired. The "Meanwhile Scenes" are pretty awful and if cut could improve the experience too.

    As for the graphics, it is somewhat inconsistent, the models can look good but most the time find themselves in awkward poses or at odds with the background.

    The porn is not good either, the interaction of the models sucks, as you can see from the first lesbian scene and worst kiss render i have ever seen.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    You think you are going to play an adult game.
    You are mistaken, you will enter a fantasy world that becomes more complex thanks to the hard work of its creator.
    The latter likes his game and it shows.
    Some will say "It looks like Skyrim, it's the same ...", NO!
    It is a new universe where the author has given himself body and soul to give a story to each of his kingdoms, his people, and their beliefs and beliefs.
    And for all that I encourage you to discover this game and especially to support the person who gives it life.

    Good continuation to you, Kthulian
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    -(Before playing the game) Wait, an adult game is trying to build a fantasy world and actually succeeding at it? Hahahaha, I guess Martin and Rowling would be out of business soon, and Sapkowski's already on his way out... :LOL: Someone also warn Bioware and ...

    - (After playing the game) Okay, I'm an idiot. :oops:

    This game tries to do something I've never seen an adult game try before. It tries to actually build a game world with its own history, geography, and anthropology - that feels already lived in and having events going on behind the scene, beyond the main storyline. The characters don't feel like mere plot devices, but rather with their own back story and their own agenda. If that's not enough, I believe this game has really planned out a good storyline as well - seeing as every detail in the story seems deliberate and well thought out. It's still in the primary stage of development and I think what I'm seeing is just prelude to something of a grander scale. My respect and best of luck to the dev - I hope he manages to take this game to a whole new level.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    chicken head

    good game and new ideas of magic theme adult game renders are excellent good story line and above all its free all characters are good looking ones the game developer has some good thinking keep it up overall very good all should try to play it let give atry u will see thank u kthulian for this game
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Ataegina Version 0.2.6N

    This is one of best games I have ever played!! I mean all games, adult or not!!

    The story is amazing, the world is something else, the characters are unique, not just the appearance but predominantly the personality, they look and act so differently it's hard to believe they are all written by the same person.
    I could go on and on about this game but you need to try it yourself it's FREE!!
    The weakest point of this game are the graphics but it's just because everything else is perfect.

    I rate this with deserved 5 stars.

    PS: Thanks Dev for mentioning F95zone ingame, I would never find this place otherwise.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The reason why i am rating Ataegina so soon is because it deserves and i want to see it grow more and more, i really like the fantasy genre in general, books,games,movies, i like it because usually this genre is the one who provides the best stories, and its really hard to create a good fantasy VN, Kthulian is creating a really good one, Ataegina seems to take inspiration in Elder Scrolls,The Witcher,Baldurs gate and more, so far most of the sex scenes contributed for the plot in some way, the combat system and the spells really reminds me of D&D, the soundtrack is really catchy, the ladies are very pretty and the stories are amazing, and since now you can go in 3 different paths, Evil, Good and Neutral you can add diversity to the mix as well, so if you like a good story with some beautiful ladies you better try this one fast and you can thank me later for the tip.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    u z i


    as of now, the game looks to be really promising. the highlight of Ataegina would have to be the story. it's interesting and has quite a bit of lore. the pacing is just right. a lot of unique characters. the gameplay is also nice, gives you a feel of free-roam while being a VN. as for the mc, you get to shape his personality(good/evil/neutral). there are choices to make, some affecting the mc's alignment(good/evil) and other stats, the rest are for different scenes. the only criticism for this game would be the graphics. first of all, no animations(not really a big deal for me, but worth pointing out). the scenes are also not really well made(visually). while the models are beautiful, the expressions and poses, especially the sex scenes are somewhat lacking. also, the characters/models are not part of the environment(can't really explain better than this, you will see once you play). well all things considered, this(visuals) is a very minor let-down for me, 'cause the story and characters are well made to the point that this can be ignored. can't wait for future updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential to me. It's a very good start with a very fleshed out world and interesting characters and it appears the MC will actually have some real choice in how to shape their story a little. I really wish they had a Patreon for more direct support as this one would actually deserve it if the quality remains the same going forward.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Extraordinary, deserving at least "7 stars".

    I do not many reviews (too lazy for that text-minimum). But this game needs one absolutely. I'm so excited.

    Dev did most things alright to perfect. And where the game lacks, he is very communicative and willing to listen to the users. Small but very active community btw.

    I guess he has hit some nerve with me. At nights, in my dreams, I am in this game, in this world. So what could be better as an experience than this.

    Btw. Dev is not at Patreon for some reasons, but there is a possibility to send some support money via "Buymeacoffee". It is with paypal, so very easy fortunately. Very recommendable, he deserves it.

    There is one review with 1 star, which is screwing up the average (of course, everyone is free to share his opinion). But still I like to comment this:

    The text of the review is fine and accurate. Great, great, great… (3x).
    So why only one star (terrible; worst rating possible). ? Minimal choices? I do not agree.

    1 star is imo, if one is quite sure, that the game is so bad that almost no one in the world would be able to enjoy something in it.

    Anyway, I love that so many ppl give best rating. Looking forward…
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    Ataegina is an interesting and ambitious game. It's a sword and sorcery fantasy game where you are raised in a school for mages. Your choices in the game determine your moral alignment, your skill with various schools of magic, and your relationship with the other characters in the game.

    There has recently been a major split in the main path of the game based on your alignment. These three paths (Good, Neutral, and Evil) are either going to make the game great, or make it collapse under its own weight. I'm going to be tentatively optimistic and hope for the best here.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    this is my first time playing this and i have to say as far as potential goes this is definitely a 10/10. The world is incredibly fleshed out if you like to get into that part and if you dont you do give the option to skip and the magic, alignment, and love systems i ca tell have all been very well thought out to make a very comfortable base to mess around with. that and since you include multiple schools of magic you have a whole slew of potential fetishes you can put in, pretty sure you already thought of mind control since you put that into the illusion description ;). overall like i said i am incredibly impressed and i will definitely be keeping y eye on this game and quite possibly be donating once i get a little extra income. once again while not finished yet i definitely recommend at least giving this game a shot.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Great renders
    Great story
    English is decent, understandable

    This isn't really game, there's minimal choices so it's more of a book rather than anything
    There are no animations so far

    If you're looking for more of a comic with minimal choices this is great, but if you're looking for more of a video game video game, you might want to take a pass on this one